
Courageous or Compassionate [BNHA]

Izuku Midoriya have always wanted to be a hero and save many people with a smile on his face, but because his lack of confidence Midoriya has always thought he would live without a romantic partner. That until an unexpected gentleman walked into Midoriya's life and showed him a whole new perspective.

Sora_Gemini · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 7: Cheating?

"Izzy, are you cheating on me?" Sora asked in a blunt tone.

"What?! No! Of course not! Why would you even ask?!" Midoriya stuttered as he waved his hands around.

Sora sighed as he crossed his arms. "Well, we haven't hung out as we used to and I feel like you're hiding something from me. I don't mind you having secrets but if I did something to upset you, could you at least tell me?"

"What are you talking about? You didn't upset me." Midoriya said as he avoided eye contact.

"Then why did you put our training on hold for ten months?" Sora said as he shot a glare at Midoriya.

"I... uh... um..." Midoriya muttered as he tried to find the words.

Sora then sighed before he held up his hand towards Midoriya. Midoriya stared up at Sora and shivered when he saw Sora's obvious disappointed expression on his face.

"You know what, fine. If you don't want to train with me, that's perfectly fine. I have important studying I have to do anyway." Sora huffed before he stormed off.

"Sora, please wait! That's not what I met! Didn't mean to make it sound like I didn't want to be with you! Sora wait!" Midoriya cried as he tried to catch up with Sora.

However, even after a year of training his body, Midoriya still wouldn't reach Sora even if he attempted to sprint.

[Takoba Municipal Beach Park]

"Come on, Young Midoriya! Put your back into it!" All Might yelled.

"Sir yes sir! I'll try my best!" Midoriya yelled back as he carried car tires.

After hours of training, Midoriya quickly checked his phone but showed a gloomy expression. All Might walked over to Midoriya before he tapped him on the shoulder. Midoriya jumped as he turned himself around.

"Hey. What's wrong?" All Might said with a serious expression.

"What do mean?" Midoriya stuttered as he tried to smile.

"Don't play dumb with me young man. It is obvious that there has been something on your mind lately." All Might said.

Midoriya drops the smile before he sighed. "It's nothing too serious. It is just my boyfriend hasn't been texting me since I told him that couldn't hang out with him for a while."

"YOU HAVE A BOY--" All Might coughed blood before he composed himself. "I see, so you and your boyfriend are having some relationship problems?"

Midoriya nodded before he sighed. "When I told him that I would be busy for the next ten months, he got upset and even thought that I was cheating on him."

"I see." All Might nodded his head.

"But it's not like I can tell him the truth, can I? I can't just tell him that I'm training under the top pro hero." Midoriya groaned.

"That's true. Look Midoriya, I might not have the best advice on this type of topic, but I do understand that hiding secrets from the ones you care for are difficult." All Might said as he patted Midoriya's shoulder.

Midoriya sighed again as he combed his bushy hair with his fingers. "I don't know what to do. I don't want him to think that I don't care about him. He has been so supportive of me becoming a hero, I don't want to lose him."

All Might laughed as he changed into his big form. "STOP YOUR SULKING!"

"Huh?!" Midoriya gasped.

"LISTEN HERE, YOUNG MAN! IF YOU WANT TO SHOW YOUR BOYFRIEND THAT YOU CARE THEN YOU HAVE TO PROVE IT!" All Might yelled before he turned back to his small form.

"Either that or you have to wait and allow time to take its course." All Might cough.

"What do mean?" Midoriya questioned.

"How long have you been with your boyfriend?" All Might cough again.

"A year and a half," Midoriya said.

All Might then patted Midoriya on the shoulder. "If that's the case, then there's no need to worry too much. Couples getting into fights is completely normal, if you care for each other so much then I'm sure you'll be able to talk it out."

"Are you sure?" Midoriya said with a concerned expression.

"I can't answer that question. Whatever problem you have with your boyfriend is something you'll have to deal with on your own. I can't help and guide you through this, since it's a problem between you and your boyfriend." All Might said.

That and I have less to zero experience when it comes to relationships. All Might mentally say to himself as he felt cold drip down his neck.

[Musutafu City]

All Might walked into a convenience store and walked out before he was tackled by something big and furry.

"Ah!" All Might cried as he was licked by a grey sheepdog.

"Tucker! Get off of him!" yelled a voice.

The sheepdog was soon pulled off of All Might. All Might got up and gather his things.

"I'm so sorry! Tucker gets overly excited when he ever sees certain people."

"It's alright--" All Might said before he froze.

"Is there something wrong?" said a person with pink and blue hair.

All Might stood silent. The person who stood in front of him wore an All Might hoodie, black pants, and red sneakers. His hair was tied up into two buns. All Might never meet this person, but he knew who he was.

He's Midoriya's boyfriend! All Might screamed inside his head.

"Uh... sir? Are you sure you are okay?" Sora said as he held Tucker's collar tightly.

"Yes, it's just you look familiar to someone I know." All Might chuckled nervously.

"Oh! Really?" Sora tilted his head.

"By any chance, are you Sora Winter?" Why did he ask a stupid question he already knew the answer to? What was his intention when he asked?

"Yes? How do you know my name?" Sora narrowed his eyes as he expressed suspicion.

SH*T! What now? All Might be panicked as he tried to figure out what to say.

"Young Midoriya mentions you a couple of times during class."

"You're his teacher?" Sora's eyes widen a bit.

"Yes." All Might said with an awkward smile.

There was no turning back now.

"I'm his after school teacher. A few months ago, Young Midoriya told me he wanted to study more because he wanted to enrol on U.A." All Might say with an awkward voice.

"Oh. Is that so?" Sora frowned as he glanced to the side.

All Might sighed before he picked up his things. "Care to take a walk with me?"

Sora nodded as he let go of Tucker and walked next to All Might. They walked in silence for a while before Sora spoke.

"How's his study going?" Sora said in a mellow tone.

"He tries his best. Every time we take breaks he would go on his phone to check you texted him." All Might let out a soft chuckle.

"Is that so?" Sora frowned.

"He would talk about you most of the time." All Might commented.

"I see," Sora said as his face grimed.

"Did he do something bad towards you?" All Might questioned.

Sora flinched as he snapped his head towards All Might. "No! He would never do that."

"I know, I didn't expect Young Midoriya to do that, to begin with."

"Then why did you even ask me?"

"Because Midoriya told me that you two were in between an argument, am I correct? And I could tell it bothers Midoriya greatly."

"It does?"

"He constantly asks me for advice, even though I've told him many times that I have no experience within relationships." All Might sighed.

"I don't know why he doesn't talk to me about it." Sora huffed.

"He is probably afraid that you might get angrier at him." All Might commented.

"Why would he think that?"

"Have you two ever been in an argument before?"


"Have you ever got mad at Midoriya before?"


"Then doesn't it make more sense that he would stay quiet, because he doesn't know what to say to you whenever you're angry."

Sora froze. All Might was right. Sora has barely gotten angry, no less at his boyfriend. How would he know?

"I have to go," Sora said before he dashed down the street with Tucker.

All Might chuckled. "Good luck."