
Courageous or Compassionate [BNHA]

Izuku Midoriya have always wanted to be a hero and save many people with a smile on his face, but because his lack of confidence Midoriya has always thought he would live without a romantic partner. That until an unexpected gentleman walked into Midoriya's life and showed him a whole new perspective.

Sora_Gemini · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 9: Morning Kiss

Izuku groaned as he felt a stinging pain in his head. He attempted to move but was held down by some sort of weight on his back. On his back? Does that mean he was lying on his front? Why was he sleeping on his front? Izuku tried to move again, but he was still down by these mysterious weights. However, Izuku did notice his bed was somehow softer than usual. Why was it so soft? Could it be that his mother replaced his mattress with a new one?

Izuku moved his arms slightly before his hands gripped something soft yet firm. When Izuku squeezed it, a strange sound travelled into his ear. Izuku's eyes open slightly as he focuses his gaze. Within his gaze, Izuku saw his hand underneath what seemed to be a black leather jacket. Who was this jacket? Izuku recognized it but he knew it wasn't his. Couldn't be his mother, she would never be seen in a leather jacket.

Izuku lifted his wrist to see underneath the jacket, he saw his hand on something white and rounded shape. Was it a pillow? Maybe. Izuku squeezed the presumed pillow before he heard the strange sound again. Izuku then snapped his head forward as he saw Sora's sleeping face.

Izuku gulped heavily as he held his breath. The longer he stared, the longer Izuku's face grew red. It was only when his eyes lay on Sora's lips, that Izuku remembered what happened yesterday. Izuku walked to his apartment. Then Sora texted him after months. Sora then flew into the apartment building with a bouquet. After that Sora started crying and was apologizing. And because Izuku felt responsible for Sora's tears. So Izuku pulled Sora close and... and...

Kissed him!

Izuku buried his face in Sora's chest before he sighed. Though Izuku admittedly knew it was embarrassing, he won't deny that his first kiss with Sora was quite satisfying. Not only that, Izuku is finally able to touch Sora's chest. As perverted as it sounds, Izuku always held himself when it came to Sora's chest. As he didn't want Sora to think he was looking at Sora as a woman.

Izuku cupped his hands on the corners of Sora's chest and gave them a gentle squeeze. Sora's emotion turned from peaceful into slightly bothered. Izuku has seen a few new expressions recently, Sora's crying expression, Sora's shocked expression, and Sora's sleepy expression.

Izuku gave another gentle squeeze before he hid his face in the crook of Sora's neck and breath in his scent. Sora's scent was a distinctly neutral, watery freshness. It was the scent of winter, it's sort of ironic.

"Having fun with my chest there, you little pervert?" Izuku's body tense when a single voice filled the silent room.

Izuku turned his gaze as he had eye contact with a pair of soft plum eyes. Izuku gulped as he examed Sora's facial features. Based on Sora's tone of voice, he wasn't completely angry about Izuku's actions. But the chance of Sora being annoyed was still a high possibility. However, before Izuku could apologize, Sora held tightly to Izuku's waist and Sora flipped himself around. With Sora towering over Izuku, while Izuku was underneath Sora.

Sora grinned with a fiendish smile while Izuku trembled slightly.

"Izzy-chan~ Do you recall what you did yesterday?" Sora cooed.

"I... uh... um..." Izuku murmured as he was too overwhelmed to think.

Sora placed a finger between Izuku's collar bone before he slid it down his chest. "Now, now~ Don't play dumb with me Izzy. I might not look like it but I can be rather... impatience~"

Izuku gulped, as he stared at Sora's new expression. Half lidded eyes, a wide grinned smile, a deep rich voice that rang in Izuku's ear. If Izuku only liked Sora before, he was currently in love.

"Kiss..." Izuku muttered as his mind becomes clouded.

Sora hummed. "Hmm? What was that? I can't quite hear you."

Sora was then taken off guard when Izuku stretched out his arms and spoke in a pitiful voice.

"I want a kiss. Can I please kiss you again? Please?" Izuku said.

Sora grinned before he chuckled. "If you say it like that, how can I possibly say no?"

Sora leaned closer to Izuku before they pressed their lips together. The kiss was sweet and gentle until it became passionate and desperate. When they parted ways out of lack of air. Sora huffed while Izuku whined. Izuku wrapped his arms around Sora's neck and pulled him down again.

"More... I want more." Izuku whined.

"You're so needy, but I like it." Sora chuckled before he kissed Izuku again.

"Boys, are you two awake yet?" their bodies stiffen before they quickly sat up on the couch.

Sora covered Izuku's body with the blanket while Izuku grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. Inko walked into the living room with sleepy eyes. She saw Izuku watching TV with the blanket over him, meanwhile, Sora was relaxing on the couch next to Izuku with his eyes glued to his phone.

Sora's gaze turned to Inko before he smiled. "Good Morning."

"Good Morning." Inko yawned.

"Sora... did you have a good sleep?" Inko questioned as she walked to the kitchen area.

"I slept fine, thank you," Sora answered. "What about you Izzy~" Sora cooed as he leaned close to Izuku.

"I slept fine!" Izuku stuttered.

Inko stared at Izuku with a concerned expression. "Are you sure you're okay, Izuku? You don't sound too well."

"He might have caught a little cold from being outside too long. It is that time of year." Sora smiled as he put his hand on Izuku's shoulder and pulled him closer.

"Oh, dear! I'll go make something then." Inko said before she started to cook.

"That's very kind of you, don't you think Izzy~" Sora cooed as he sneaked a kiss when Inko wasn't looking.

Izuku nodded as he leaned onto Sora's chest. "You're so pretty," Izuku whispered.

Sora softly chuckled. "You're too cute."