
Courageous or Compassionate [BNHA]

Izuku Midoriya have always wanted to be a hero and save many people with a smile on his face, but because his lack of confidence Midoriya has always thought he would live without a romantic partner. That until an unexpected gentleman walked into Midoriya's life and showed him a whole new perspective.

Sora_Gemini · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 6: Rumors

"Did you hear? I heard Midoriya has a girlfriend."

"What? No way. There's no chance a Quirkless loser like him can get a girlfriend."

"No, I heard about it from Saki and Hana themselves. He does have a girlfriend."

"You got to be kidding me? I bet she's ugly."

"No. Saki and Hana said Midoriya's girlfriend had a very attractive face and has the body of a god."

"Are you serious? Why did a Quirkless nobody like Midoriya get a hot girlfriend? It seems a bit unfair!"

"Jealous much?"

"Shut up!"

Where did this rumour come from? It wasn't like Midoriya didn't expect a rumour to spread, but why is the rumour about Midoriya having a girlfriend? Sora wasn't a girl, he wasn't even dressed as a girl that day. It didn't make any type of sense. Or maybe it was because of Sora's voice on that day.

"Oi! Deku!" Midoriya raised his eyes from his desk as he stared at a certain spiky-haired blondie.

"Is it true? Do you have a girlfriend? Or is it something made up?" Kacchan grinned as he form small expulsions from his palms.

"I don't have a girlfriend," Midoriya said.

"Ha! Knew it!" Kacchan huffed.

"I have a boyfriend," Midoriya said bluntly.

Kacchan and the rest of the students in the class froze, there was a long moment of silence. Everyone stared at Midoriya as if they were waiting for him to say it was a joke. But Midoriya didn't say anything as he stared at Kacchan with a deadpan expression. Midoriya was serious. After a moment of silence passed, and everyone in the class laughed.

"You're kidding me! Midoriya is gay?! No wonder you can't get a girlfriend!" laughed a student.

"What a loser!"

"This is hilarious! Midoriya is gay!"

"What was your point in telling that to the entire class? Are you stupid? Do you think your better or something?" Kacchan cackled.

Midoriya laughed loudly as he brought everyone's attention. When everyone went silent, Midoriya calmed himself.

Kacchan clicked his tongue. " What hell are you laughing about nerd?"

"Nothing," Midoriya said with a smile.

Before Kacchan could attack Midoriya, the teacher walked in and told everyone to settle down. Kacchan clicked his tongue again as he told Midoriya to meet him after school. When Midoriya did, Kacchan pinned him against the wall.

"What hell was that just before?! Why were laughing about back there?!" Kacchan barked.

"If I tell you, you'll want to hit me," Midoriya muttered.

"Deku! You better tell me now or turn you into dust!" Kacchan barked again.

"Because all that stuff about me being gay is true, and me having a boyfriend is also true. I was happy when people said all of that. Because even if I am gay, I'm still happy and there's nothing you can say or do to change that." Midoriya said with a trembling smile.

Kacchan's clenched his knuckles as expulsions pop out of his hand. When did Deku get so cocky? What did that boyfriend of his do, to make Deku so confident? Deku is just a Quirkless nobody! He'll never be better than me even if he has a boyfriend!

Afterwards, Midoriya sat on the subway train with Sora sitting next to him. Midoriya sat there with his eyes glued to his phone while he brushed his hand over Sora's hand.

Sora looked at Midoriya for a moment before he yawned he stretched his arm over Midoriya's shoulder and pulled Midoriya closer. Midoriya didn't seem to notice Sora's action but subconsciously lends closer to Sora. Sora felt a shiver down his spine, as he saw Midoriya's face against his chest.

So cute! I feel my heart going to explode out of my chest! I hope he doesn't notice my heartbeat racing. Sora thought as he widely grinned at his smaller boyfriend.

Midoriya's hair scratches his nose before he sneezed. Midoriya felt a slight vibration on his side before he heard the click of a camera. Midoriya snapped his head upwards and saw Sora turn away from him.

"Did you take a picture of me?" Midoriya muttered as he felt his face become a bit warmer.

Sora slowly turned himself around while he covered his nose as blood dripped through his fingers. "Sorry?"

"Sora! Your nose is bleeding! Are you okay?" Midoriya stuttered as he reached into his pocket and pulled out an All Might handkerchief.

"I'm fine, thank you," Sora said calmly as he accepted Midoriya's handkerchief.

He even has an All Might handkerchief! How cute can you be?! Sora mentally punched himself as he wiped his bloodied nose.

"Are you sure you're fine? Do we need to stop at a doctor?" Midoriya said with a worried expression.

He looks so adorable with that expression on his face! Damn it! Calm down Sora! You're getting way too worked up! Sora screamed to himself as he tried to keep calm.

"I'm fine, this is perfectly normal. This always happens whenever I get over-excited." Sora said with a calm smile.

"This is normal?!" Midoriya's eyes widen as he chewed his fingernails.

"Don't worry, I'm not in any pain. And bleeding will stop as soon I've calmed down." Sora smiled.

So please stop being so cute, or I'll die from blood loss. Sora thought as he continued to smile.

After Midoriya and Sora left the subway train station, they walked down the street toward Midoriya's apartment.

"Has the bleeding stop yet?" Midoriya asked.

"Yep! I'll wash your handkerchief and return it tomorrow," Sora said as he fold the handkerchief and put it in his pocket.

"Are you sure you're fine?" Midoriya said.

Before Sora could respond, the ground shook and a huge expulsion was heard from a distance. Midoriya and Sora stared towards the expulsion as they saw a crowd of smoke.

"A villain..." Midoriya muttered.

"Let's go check it out!" Sora said as he ran while he held Midoriya's hand.

Midoriya and Sora pushed into a crowd of people while they tried to see the fight.

"Never fear citizens! Hope has arrived! Because I am here!" All Might yelled as he easily defeated a hand full group of villains.

"So cool!" Midoriya was awed as he tried to see over the crowd of people.

Midoriya gasped as Sora lifted him onto his shoulders.

"Can you see him?" Sora said.

Midoriya nodded as he pulled out his notebook and wrote in it. Villains kept on surrounding All Might, but he easily blew them away with his fist. The fight was incredible to watch, from beginning to end.

After the fight was over, Midoriya and Sora continued their walk back to the apartment. Both Midoriya and Sora mumbling something underneath their breath.

"What he did was incredible when swung his fist, but also leaves a few openings from his chest and rib. But because of his speed, there wouldn't be villains fast enough to hit the opening unless they have a speed quirk." Midoriya mumbled.

"To have bicep that overly large he'll have a lift at least twenty-five to thirty tons for at around five years or twenty-eight to thirty-three tons for ten years. For his legs, he'll have run well over three hundred and fifty meters for at least twenty years." Sora mumbled.

It was only when Midoriya and Sora arrived at the apartment building is they realized they were mumbling the entire time.

Sora laughed. "How embarrassing! Even though I tell you all the time to not mumble, I can see I need to take my advice."

"I never knew you have the same habit as me." Midoriya chuckled.

Sora turned himself again away from Midoriya, as he covered his bleeding nose.

Too cute!