
Courageous or Compassionate [BNHA]

Izuku Midoriya have always wanted to be a hero and save many people with a smile on his face, but because his lack of confidence Midoriya has always thought he would live without a romantic partner. That until an unexpected gentleman walked into Midoriya's life and showed him a whole new perspective.

Sora_Gemini · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 5: Training

"Come on Izzy-chan! I believe in you!" Sora cheered.

"How much further?" Midoriya huffed out of exhaustion.

"Can't tell you, you won't try as hard if you do." Sora chuckled.

Two months have passed since Midoriya told his mother he was dating Sora. Two days after the Inko incident, Sora suggested he and Midoriya do some self-body training. Which Midoriya completely agreed with. After all, with his currently little weak body, Midoriya would be crushed by a villain within seconds. Midoriya will also make his mother proud of him. All of that and Midoriya will get to spend with Sora more offend since they haven't dated since his birthday.

But now Midoriya is doing the training, he found a whole new reason to do it. Though it wouldn't be considered the most heroic reason...

"Wanna go take a break?" Sora asked.

"No! I'm fine," Midoriya said in a dreary voice.

Sora chuckled as he gave Midoriya a water bottle. "It's okay to relax for a bit. Heroes need time outs too, you know?"

"Okay," Midoriya said as he sat down on the edge of the running track.

Sora stood next to him while Sora did some stretches. Midoriya stared at Sora while he spilled some of the water from the bottle. Sora met Midoriya's gaze before he laughed.

"Izzy, watch yourself. The water is going to soak your pants." Sora said as he straighten Midoriya's hand so it won't spill.

"Okay," Midoriya muttered as he continued to stare at Sora.

"Hmm? What's wrong? Why do you keep staring at me like that?" Sora asked.

"You're so pretty..." Midoriya blurted without thinking.

It only took Midoriya less than a second to realize what he just said. "Wait! I didn't! Well, I did mean it... But I didn't mean to say it--"

Midoriya paused as he heard Sora laugh. "Do you think I'm pretty? That might've been the cutest thing you have ever said to me, Izzy!"

Midoriya didn't say anything, he only hid his overly flustered face. He was glad he said Sora was "pretty" and not anything else. Because if he was honest, through the entire two months. Midoriya's mind has been distracted by a single thought, and that thought wasn't so innocent.

Upon the first day of training, Midoriya and Sora decided to go to the gym. That day Sora wore grey sweat pants, an unzipped grey jacket crop top and no shirt. This means Midoriya had a good glimpse of Sora's large chest and toned abs.

Next week later, Midoriya and Sora went out on a run in the park. On that day Sora wore a blue baggy jacket and some sports shorts. And Midoriya got an eyeful of Sora's strong thigh and long legs.

Two weeks after that, Midoriya and Sora went to the pools. While they walked to the pools, Sora wore some regular black pants and a white singlet. Which revealed Midoriya, Sora's muscular shoulders and beefy biceps.

Midoriya hated himself every second he continued to stare at Sora's body. Whenever he tries to turn away, his eyes managed to end up staring at Sora again. Midoriya couldn't help himself, it was as if he was addicted to some weird type of drug. The more he looked, the more he wanted to stare. Midoriya even asked Sora if they can stop training for a while to help Midoriya control himself. But when he did, Sora's response was...

"Do you not want to spend time with me anymore?" that's what Sora said. And Midoriya's heart couldn't handle the thought of making Sora sad. So Midoriya trudged on, like a soldier in the middle of a war.

"Okay! Wanna stop at a convenience store after our run?" Sora grinned as he started to jog.

"Sure." Midoriya huffed as he tried to run in front of Sora.

"What do you think you're doing? Are you trying to one-up me? Well, you have to be better than that." Sora laughed as he easily passed Midoriya.

"No. I just wanted to run past you, so that I wouldn't have to look at you." Midoriya blurted.

"Hmm? Why? I thought you said I was pretty?" Sora frowned.

"You are pretty! But you're too pretty, it's too hard for me to focus!" Midoriya yelled as he ran past Sora.

Sora burst out in laughter. "I'm "too" pretty?! You make it sound like I'm a supermodel."

"You're not wrong. You are like a supermodel." Midoriya blurted before he covered his mouth.

"Oh stop it! Izzy, you're far too much!" Sora chuckled as he gently smacked Midoriya's shoulder.

But I'm not the only one who thinks that, there are plenty of people who stare at you all the time. It's sort of ironic that you don't even notice. Midoriya sighed as his thoughts flew by.

An hour later, Midoriya and Sora jogged their way to the convenience store. When they got there, Midoriya decided to wait outside while Sora went inside to buy the things he wanted. Midoriya stood near the convenience store's door while he scrolled through his phone.

"Hey! Well, what do we have here?"

"It's Quirkless Deku."

"In tracksuit? You not trying to get fit, are you?"

Midoriya lifted his gaze and saw three students who also went to Aldera Junior High. Midoriya rolled his eyes and groaned to himself, at least Kacchan isn't with them.

"Oi! Don't try to ignore us!" yelled one of the students.

Midoriya didn't react, which surprised him. Usually, in these situations, he cowardly trembles in fear while he begged forgiveness. However, now all their threats seem to be harmless to him. Why was that? Did Midoriya gain a new form of confidence? No. It wasn't that he was confident. It was like he didn't care whether or not they were there. As if their existence didn't matter to him, for some reason. Midoriya felt numb...

"Excuse for my intrusion, but what do you think you're doing to my boyfriend." the three students turned around as they saw Sora's intimating appearance.

Today Sora wore a unzip tracksuit with a crop top underneath. So the three students got a good look at Sora's abs. Sora's height also made him far more imposing, because unlike most guys his age Sora was much taller. But Midoriya was surprised he heard Sora's change of voice. Instead of Sora's normal deep masculine voice, it was a light feminine voice.

"What?" one of the students muttered.

Sora clicked his tongue. "I asked you. What are you doing to MY BOYFRIEND?!"

Sora raised his volume, but the feminine voice stayed the same. The student shivered as Sora glared down at them. Midoriya had his eyes wide, he never thought Sora could get angry. Sora is usually a calm and cheery person, so seeing him pissed off was more than surprising.

"Deku... is your boyfriend?" trembled one of the students.

"Who the hell said you can call him by Deku? Are you his friend?" Sora growled.

"No." the students said in a wavy breath.

"Then keep your mouth shut. The only one allowed to call Izuku by any nickname is me, got that?" Sora growled again.

"Yes." they all nodded their head.

"Get out of my sight." Sora huffed.

The students ran away, leaving Midoriya and Sora alone.

"Are you alright? They didn't do anything to you, did they?" Sora said in his normally deep voice while he held Midoriya's shoulders.

"I'm fine. You came around before they could've done anything." Midoriya said.

Sora sighed as he let go of Midoriya. "That's a relief."

"By the way, Sora..." Midoriya muttered.

"You want to know why my voice changed like that?" Sora chuckled.

Midoriya nodded while Sora sighed. "Even though my body has changed, my voice can still switch from masculine into feminine sometimes. It mostly switches when I get angry, that's the main reason why I rarely let myself get angry. Because whenever I get angry, no one takes me seriously."

Sora's shoulders drooped and he turned his gaze away from Midoriya. Sora soon flinched as his eyes shot down towards Midoriya. Sora smiled as he saw his boyfriend shyly hold his hand.

"I don't care if your voice switches or even if you decide to be a girl. I don't care because, at the end of it, I only care about you staying the way you are. A person who encourages me and supports me. But most of all... a person who I can proudly call my lover." Midoriya said as his face grew red.

A red blush covered Sora's cheeks before he laugh.

"Hey! Don't laugh! I was serious!" Midoriya stuttered before Sora cupped his cheeks and gave him butterfly kisses all over his face.

After Sora pulled away, Midoriya was a mumbling mess. Sora then pinched his nose as he chuckled. "You are too cute Izzy. At this rate, I might eat you whole."
