
Courageous or Compassionate [BNHA]

Izuku Midoriya have always wanted to be a hero and save many people with a smile on his face, but because his lack of confidence Midoriya has always thought he would live without a romantic partner. That until an unexpected gentleman walked into Midoriya's life and showed him a whole new perspective.

Sora_Gemini · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 4: First Impressions

"Ow~" Inko groaned slightly as she lifted her head.

"Mum! Are you alright? How are you feeling? Do I need to call a doctor?" Midoriya stuttered with an overly worried expression.

"No Izuku! I'm fine!" Inko said before she scanned her surroundings.

She found herself on the couch in the living room, inside her apartment. She then turned to her son who was kneeling next to her.

"Izuku. Do you know what happened? I can't seem to remember anything." Inko asked.

But before Midoriya could answer, there was a knock at the door. When Inko tried to get up, Midoriya already ran to the door and opened it. When he did, there stood the tall pink-headed stranger. The stranger had some wraps of bandages around his head, while he also held bags in his hand.

What was his name again? Inko thought as she held her head. She knew she had forgotten something, but she couldn't quite remember. It was only then that Inko saw the stranger walk up to her before he gently bowed his head.

"I'm sorry for my invading, but when you fainted earlier I felt extremely guilty. So I took you inside, even though I wasn't invited into your home. I deeply apologize." the stranger said in a pitiful voice.

"Oh no! Don't apologize! It's okay!" Inko said with frantic hand gestures. "I understand but... may I ask who are you? And why are you still here?" Inko said with a concerned voice.

I don't know why, but I feel like I should keep my guard up around him. Inko thought as she waited for the stranger to answer.

"Oh! That's right, Izzy still hasn't told you who I am yet." the stranger blurted.

Izzy? Does he mean Izuku? He is Izuku's friend?

Inko flinched as he stretched his hand out and smiled softly. "My name is Sora, Sora Winter. It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Midoriya."

Oh! What is this? He seems nice, and handsome too. But I still can't shake off my wary feeling toward him.

"Um... nice to meet you too." Inko stuttered as she shook Sora's hand.

"Now that is out of the way. How are you feeling? Is your head alright?" Sora said.

"I'm fine, but you look like the one who got injured," Inko said as she gestured to Sora's bandaged head.

"Hmm? Oh! This? This is nothing, don't worry about it." Sora said as he pulled out different types of head medicines from the bags he brought in.

Hmm? What's that he's holding? Is that medicine?

"What is this?" Inko said.

"You fainted and landed on your head. But your pulse was normal and your breathing was just fine. So I thought it would be better to first give you some painkillers and other medicines for your head, and see if the pain would go away. But if that didn't work I would have called a doctor or taken you to a hospital if necessary." Sora explained while he checked through the labels of the medicines.

Pules? Breathing? Is this boy some type of doctor? No! Of course not. From what I can see, he looks like he's around Izuku's age, if not older.

Wait... did he say he would have taken me to the hospital? When that thought struck through Inko's brain, she slightly panicked.

"WAIT WHAT?! There's no need to do that! You didn't need to trouble yourself!"

"And done!" Sora said.

Inko yelped before she realized she had bandages wrapped around her head. And then the sore pain she had before, was gone.

Maybe he is a doctor. Inko thought to herself again.

"Izzy! Did you get the pillows yet?" Sora called.

"I got them. Where do you want me to put them?" Midoriya walked into the room with All Might pillows in his arms.

"On the couch. And place them on the sides, so your mum has a place to land her head." Sora instructed.

Midoriya then placed the pillows on the corners of the couch. Sora and Midoriya walked on the other side of the coffee table, in front of the TV and away from Inko. Inko stared at them confused, as she noticed their scared expressions. Was it something she said? Why would they keep their distance from her? And why would they place a pillow on the couch with her?

"Mum... there's something very important I wanted to tell you, but you have to promise not to freak out!" Midoriya stuttered while Sora stood behind him.

"I'm okay? What's going on Izuku? You usually don't act like this." Inko said as she tilted her head.

"Mum..." Midoriya muttered as he lowered his head.

Sora then placed his hand on Midoriya's shoulder and whispered. "Just breathe."

Midoriya nodded his head as he took a deep breath. "Mum. This guy, Sora is well..."

"Yes?" Inko said as she waited for her son to finish.

"He is... he is my boyfriend!" Midoriya yelled while he had his eyes tightly shut.

When Midoriya opened his eyes, he saw his mother struggling to keep herself conscious.

"MUM?!" Midoriya screamed.

Inko then sat straight and keep her eyes wide open, as she tried her best to stay awake.

"Are you okay? You should rest your head." Sora suggested.

"No! I'm okay," Inko yelled as she relaxed her body against the couch.

"I'm perfectly fine. I was only a little surprised, that's all." Inko said calmly.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Midoriya said.

"The word "little" is a bit of an understatement," Sora said.

"Winter. Was that your name?" Inko said.

Sora's body stiffen as he stood straight. "Yes, ma'am."

"Tell me, do you know that Izuku is Quirkless?" Inko asked.

Sora nodded. "Yes, ma'am. I knew before we properly met."

"I see..." Inko muttered.

"One more question."

"Ask away."

"Do think Izuku can become a hero?" Inko muttered.

"Of course do," Sora said instantly, which took Inko off guard.

Inko lowered her head a moment before she said. "I've never been a good mother, I did something horrible to Izuku. After the doctor said he wouldn't able to develop a quirk, I just gave up on him. The world seemed like it turned on him and yet I didn't do anything to help him at all, and I can't truly forgive myself for all it, but..."

Inko lifted her face as hot flowing tears pour down her cheeks. "I am still willing to change and become the supporting mother, that my son deserves! And if you believe that Izuku can become a hero, then I will too!"

"Mum..." Midoriya muttered as slight tears threaten to pour.

Sora pushed Midoriya's shoulder, while Midoriya hugged his mother.

"I'm so sorry Izuku, I promise I'll be more supportive from now on." Inko sobbed into Midoriya's shoulder.

"Thanks, Mum..." Midoriya whispered as he held his mother tightly.

Sora only stood from afar in silence, as a single tear came out of his eye.

"How sweet..."