
Courageous or Compassionate [BNHA]

Izuku Midoriya have always wanted to be a hero and save many people with a smile on his face, but because his lack of confidence Midoriya has always thought he would live without a romantic partner. That until an unexpected gentleman walked into Midoriya's life and showed him a whole new perspective.

Sora_Gemini · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 3: Mother Inko

Ever since Midoriya met Sora at Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall. The two of them have been "dating", however, neither of them told anyone about their relationship. For Midoriya, he was just too shy to ever mention he has a boyfriend to anyone, even to his mother. For Sora, he was afraid his dad might go berserk and become overly stressed than he already is, Sora didn't want to cause too much trouble for his dad.

"Hey, Izzy-chan~," Sora said with a droopy face.

Sora laid his chin on Midoriya's shoulder and pressed his chest against Midoriya's back.

"Yes!" Midoriya yelped as he quickly straighten his back.

"I was thinking," Sora said as he slid his arms around his boyfriend's small waist.

"What is it?" Midoriya's body slightly stiffens.

"Is it okay if we tell your mum about us?" Sora said before he rubbed his face against Midoriya's cheek.

Midoriya froze for a bit but calmly said. "Where's this coming from?"

"I just feel like we should tell at least someone. I also feel unconfrontable telling people that we're just friends." Sora huffed.

Midoriya gulped. "I don't know..."

"If you still feel too uncomfortable then I won't push you, I just wanted to ask just in case." Sora let go of Midoriya and stepped away.

Midoriya turned himself towards Sora and witness his deeply disappointed expression. Midoriya felt his chest tighten again, as he reached out for Sora. Sora stepped back further and started to fade away.

"SORA! WAIT--" Midoriya yelled but Sora already vanished.

No... No! No! No! Sora don't go! Don't leave me alone! Sora come back! Please! SORA!!!

"Izzy! Wake up!" Sora's voice yelled in Midoriya's ear.

Midoriya's eyes snapped open as he straighten himself. Midoriya scanned his surroundings to find himself on the subway train. Midoriya turned to his side to see Sora's amused expression, he sighed with relief.

"Come on! This is our stop! We almost missed it because of you, sleepyhead." Sora chuckled as he pinched Midoriya's nose.

"Ow! Sorry! Sorry!" Midoriya groaned.

Both Midoriya and Sora hopped out of the train and left the station. While they walked their way to Midoriya's apartment, Midoriya took a deep breath and spoke in a nervous voice.

"Hey, Sora..."

"Yeah? What's up?" Sora said.

Midoriya gulped as he tried to not turn away from Sora's gaze. "Do you..."

"Yes?" Sora smiled with curious eyes.

"Do you want to tell my mum about us?" Midoriya said as he stumbled over some of his words.

Sora froze before he tilted his head. "What?"

"I mean if you don't want to then I don't mind that either but I was only thinking that you would..." Midoriya mumbled before he got pinched on the nose.

"Ow!" Midoriya yelped.

"Do you mean it?" Sora questioned.

Midoriya stared at Sora while he examine Sora's concerned expression. Midoriya took another deep breath as he said the calmest way he could.

"Yes, if you don't mind it."

"Hella!" Sora cheered and jumped in excitement.

Sora then held Midoriya's hand and threw him onto Sora's back. Sora then turned himself around before he pulled out a feather.

"Hey wait! What are you doing?!" Midoriya panicked as remembered the last time Sora pulled out a feather.

Sora slid the feather underneath his nose and huffed. "How on!"


Within a flash, Sora and Midoriya flew off the ground.

Meanwhile, a woman was walking with a bag of groceries to her apartment.

"Oh, dear. Izuku is coming home soon, I better start dinner," she said as walked to her apartment door.

But before Inko reached the door, she halt as she heard a strange sound.

"What's that?" Inko turned her head and saw two boys flying towards her.


"HOLD ON! I GOT THIS!" Sora yelled as he spin himself.

Sora's body spun around before he slammed against the balcony and landed on the floor, in front of Inko. She stood there in silence, as she tried to process understanding the situation. There lay two boys on the floor, one is her son and the other is a pink, blue-haired stranger.

"Ow~" the stranger groaned.

Inko jumped slightly from surprise, as she tried to think of what to say.

The stranger sat up with Midoriya standing next to him. Both of them had their backs faced against Inko. Midoriya rubbed the back of his head before he turned to the stranger and squeal in panic.

"Sora! You're head, it's bleeding! Are you alright?!" Midoriya stuttered as he tended to Sora.

His name is Sora? Is he Izuku's friend? Why did they fly into the apartment building like that? Did they get into some type of trouble or something? Is My Izuku hanging around with a delinquent?!

Inko's thoughts scattered as she tried to put the words she wanted to say, but stopped when she heard Sora laugh.

"Why are you laughing?! I'm serious! It looks like it hurt!" Midoriya muttered as his bottom lip trembled.

Sora continued to laugh. "I'm sorry! I'll admit that I was far too reckless with my actions. I should have thought my plan all the way through."

"That may be true, but..." Midoriya said before Sora held up his hand.

"However, I don't regret any of it." Sora chuckled with a cheeky grin.

"How can you say that after getting yourself hurt?" Midoriya said.

And after you risk both your and Izuku's lives from that stunt, Inko thought as she nervously covers her mouth.

"Because," Sora held Midoriya's hand and smiled gently.

"You didn't get hurt, if you did then I would've regretted everything." Sora chuckled as he kiss the back of Midoriya's hand.

Midoriya's face grew red as he stuttered. "But what about you? You got hurt from trying to protect me."

"So what? You would've done a similar thing for me, you know why I know that?" Sora said as he interwinds his fingers with Midoriya's.

"No..." Midoriya said sheepishly before squeezing Sora's hand lightly.

"Because you possess a hero's heart, and I believe that's more important than having a quirk," Sora said as he rested his face on Midoriya's soft hair.

Sora glanced behind him and his body stiffen. Midoriya noticed Sora's sudden awkwardness and said.

"What's wrong?" Midoriya followed Sora's gaze and yelped. "MUM?!"

Inko was standing there, groceries all over the floor, she still have her hands covering her mouth, and her face was in a deep shade of red.

"Mum! I can explain--" but before Midoriya could finish, Inko faints.
