
Courageous or Compassionate [BNHA]

Izuku Midoriya have always wanted to be a hero and save many people with a smile on his face, but because his lack of confidence Midoriya has always thought he would live without a romantic partner. That until an unexpected gentleman walked into Midoriya's life and showed him a whole new perspective.

Sora_Gemini · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 2: We meet again

[20XX / 7 / 15 / Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall]

Midoriya walked through the mall with a slight frown on his face. Though it was his birthday, he couldn't shake off the feeling he had back at school from the other day. Midoriya found a letter inside his shoe locker, it had heart stickers on it. It was obvious to anyone it was a love letter, but Midoriya didn't take too much to it.

It had to be a prank, why wouldn't it be?

Why would anyone want to date a quirkless loser like him?

Midoriya sighed as he placed it back in his locker, and never read it. The next day, Midoriya was confronted by a guy student. The guy wrote a fake love letter to Midoriya for a prank that the guy and some other student were preparing. But because Midoriya didn't read the letter, he didn't show up at the place where was going to be pranked. The guy was mocked for not making a not convincing enough love letter.

Midoriya did feel pity but was not fully guilty. It wasn't his fault that the guy wanted to fool him and it didn't work. Midoriya walked away without saying a word. Even though he knew it was fake, a part of him wanted to believe that there was someone who truly liked him.

While his mind was still clouded, Midoriya didn't notice that he directly bumped into someone. Midoriya jumped in surprise before he immediately apologized.

"I'm sorry!" Midoriya stuttered.

"It's okay..." spoke a deep husky voice.

Midoriya didn't know why, but when he heard the person's voice his head snapped upwards. Midoriya's eyes widen as he saw a tall guy who had hair watermelon pink before it faded into a royal blue.

"Sora?" Midoriya muttered before he immediately covered his mouth.

"You remember me?" Sora said with a rich voice.

So it is Sora? But how? Midoriya thought.

"Is it really you? But I thought you were a gi--" Midoriya shut himself up before he finish his sentence.

Sora chuckled. "I was a girl, but not anymore."

"Was it a quirk?" Midoriya knew he shouldn't have asked, but he couldn't stop himself fast enough.

Sora chuckled again as he shook his head. "It was, but it wasn't by any accident or something, I chose to be this way."

"Oh! I see." Midoriya hid his face as he felt his ears burn.

It has been around eight or nine years since Midoriya last saw Sora, and it was shown. Even though they were the same age, Sora is far taller than Midoriya was. Midoriya soon came to realise what Sora was wearing. As Midoriya's eyes slide down while an intense heat grew across his face.

Sora wore an All Might jacket over his plain white t-shirt that made his chest pop out. He wore a black skirt that stopped above his knees, and a blue All Might stocking that reached up to his upper thighs. Sora had low black heels boots with white doodles drawn on them.

Even though Sora said he was a man now, he still wore women's clothing.

Midoriya's eyes shot upwards back to Sora's face. Sora's face has become more square-shaped, and his plum eyes have become more striking. His rich honey skin has turned into a soft chestnut tone, while a strand of Sora's long hair hooks onto his slightly plumped lips.

Midoriya realized where he was staring and turned himself away from Sora. Midoriya covered his face with his hands as he felt disgusted with himself. Was this what he was into? Was that why he couldn't get a girlfriend? Why did he have to find out from Sora of all people? He felt disgusted, he shouldn't be feeling this way towards someone only met once after a few years.

"Hey!" Sora's voice soon brought Midoriya back to reality.

"Are you okay?" Sora said with a concerned expression.

You're disgusting, Midoriya mentally told himself. When Midoriya tried to walk away he was quickly pulled backwards. Midoriya felt his back bump into something, he looked up to have eye contact with Sora's eyes.

"Come with me," Sora demanded without room for argument.

Sora held Midoriya's hand and started to drag him across the mall. "Wait! Where are you taking me?" Midoriya stuttered as he stumbled over his feet.

"The arcade." Sora bluntly said as he stomped into the mall's arcade with Midoriya.

After they enter, both Sora and Midoriya spend an hour inside the arcade. They played games, lost games and won prizes. Soon Midoriya forgot about the disgusting feeling he had and managed to learn more about Sora. Afterwards, they took a break from the arcade and chat at a nearby cafe.

"So wait! Your dad divorced your mum, and you weren't even allowed to go to the apartment because of it?" Midoriya said with wide eyes.

"Yep! Pretty much!" Sora nervously chuckled while he scratched the back of his head.

"No wonder you ran away. If my mum saw you, you've got caught by your mum." Midoriya sighed.

"Yeah, I'm still sorry for running away like that. I wanted to apologize before but I couldn't risk myself getting caught."

"It's alright, I understand. You were in a difficult spot, I'm glad you didn't risk it."

"Yeah, but if I did I would have given you a proper goodbye."

"It's okay! By the way, can I ask you something?" Midoriya said with a nervous expression.

"Fire away." Sora chuckled.

"You said before that you and your dad moved to America, right? So why did you move back?"

Sora chuckled again. "There were a few reasons. One, there was some messed up drama with relatives that I and my dad didn't want to deal with. Two, my dad found a really good job back here in Japan. And lastly three, there's a school I wanted to enrol into."

"A school? Which school is that?" Midoriya asked with curiosity.

"Ketsubutsu Academy. What about you?"

"Huh?" Midoriya choked a bit from the question.

"What school will you be going to? Let me guess, U.A?" Sora said with a smile.

"HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT?!" Midoriya shrieked.

Sora chuckled as he tugged his All Might jacket. "Because you're an All Might fan, right? So it only makes common sense that you want to go to the school he graduated from."

"Well, I'm a... I mean... you're not wrong. I always wanted to be a hero just like him and..." Midoriya started mumbling over his words.

Midoriya soon felt fingers covering his chin as he was forced to look forward at a grinning smile.

"I love it when you talk about heroes. You always have that glow in your eye whenever you do." Sora said with a husky voice.

Midoriya could feel his face burning once again.

"But," Sora let go of Midoriya's chin before he pinched his nose.


"It's kinda a turn off if you start mumbling underneath your breath." Sora snickered.

"Sorry..." Midoriya apologized.

Sora let go of Midoriya's nose and sighed for a bit. Midoriya rubbed his red nose before he noticed Sora was staring at him. Midoriya thought he should say something but decided against it. Midoriya turned his gaze away before he was taken off guard by Sora's unexpecting question.

"Hey Izuku, are you dating anyone at the moment?" Sora said nonchalantly.

"What?!" Midoriya stuttered.

How can you ask that like it's nothing? Midoriya thought as he was there speechless.

"So... are you?" Sora asked again.

Don't you think you're taking this too lightly?

"I'm... I... No! I'm not dating anyone." Midoriya said with a flustered expression.

"Good, just wonderful~," Sora said with an amused voice while he grin widely.

Midoriya didn't know why, but the way Sora said that made Midoriya's chest feel tight. He didn't know what he was expecting when answered Sora's question, but he wasn't expecting Sora to have a happy reaction. Midoriya soon gain a wary feeling, but it was a feeling that was welcomed.

"If that's the case, do you wanna go out with me?" Sora said with a proud grin.


"That was a fast response~" Sora cooed.

That was because Midoriya said that without thinking. He didn't know why he didn't take it back either. Was Midoriya really into Sora? Or was he caught up within the moment? Or maybe he was simply desperate to find someone truly interested in him?

Either way, Izuku Midoriya managed to get himself a romantic partner before high school. The day was long, but it seemed to fly by when he was around Sora. Though he didn't need to, Sora insisted on walking with Midoriya back home. Eventually, Sora and Midoriya arrived at their destination.

"Well... I'll see you around?" Midoriya waved awkwardly.

"Yes, we will. But first..." Sora said as he tugged Midoriya's shirt and kissed him on the cheek.

After Sora separated his lips from Midoriya's cheek, he whispered in a deep voice. "Happy Birthday Izzy-chan~"

Sora let go of Midoriya's shirt and walked away with a cheeky grin on his face. Leaving Midoriya as a glowing tomato. Midoriya watches Sora's figure fades out of view as he cupped his cheek.

Midoriya then muttered. "Happy Birthday to me..."