
Courage to Love

Lianne, a socially awkward girl due to her Asperger's, had never been in love before. She just found 'love' to be something overrated and troublesome. Boys were too troublesome. She just liked living a normal, low-key life. Away from the scheming of people and to just live the way she wanted. By herself. However, what would she do when she meets someone who decides that he wants - very much - to have her in his life? Though he is everything she wanted in a guy, he was also one that had everything she did NOT want in a guy: scheming, troublesome family and flocks of women wanting to bed him. Exactly the type of life she hates and has always been avoiding. What should she do? Did she have the courage to love him anyway? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kai, the typical rich and playful CEO couldn't help but be fascinated by the woman he came across by chance at the airport. There was just something about her that caught his eye and he fell in love at first sight. Kai was used to women flinging themselves at him due to his power and money, even though he was often mocked for his looks. It wasn't because he was ugly. On the contrary. He was beautiful, far more than most women. He had always been surrounded by scheming people and he had never thought of finding anyone in his life. He held people at bay, he schemed against them to protect himself and he used them to get what he wanted. Love? An alien concept. So when he fell, he fell hard. But what is he to do when the one person he does want, doesn't want anything to do with him? He can tell she has feelings for him but she just didn't want to get entangled with him. Could he convince her to give him a chance, to show her how he can love and dote on her? To let her open her heart and take the chance. Did he have what it takes to give her the courage to love? NOTE: There is a 2nd ML and a 2nd FL as well. Most seem to like them more than the MCs. hahaha!! [Discord] https://discord.gg/ZWnDEcG [Kofi] https://ko-fi.com/psyberrose ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi everyone. First, DISCLAIMER: I don't own Book Cover. I took the image off Pinterest. All rights go to the proper artist of this image. If you're the owner and do not want me to use it, just dm me in discord (PsyberRose#3292) and I'll take it down. This is my second novel and a spin-off from my first novel. You don't have to read the first to follow this, but it's more fun if you do. heh. New Life: A Second Chance To my old readers, welcome. I hope this novel will be as enjoyable as the first. To my new readers, welcome. Author only writes and publishes in Webnovel. Please support me there. Thank you. [Discord] https://discord.gg/ZWnDEcG [Kofi] https://ko-fi.com/psyberrose

PsyberRose · Urban
Not enough ratings
284 Chs


Kai sighed deeply as he heard the shower being turned on and he quickly walked over to the living room. With the slightly wet towel he had used earlier in his hand, he vigorously rubbed his hair to dry it.

He had seen the hairdryer in the bathroom earlier, but since he had wanted to trick Lianne into opening the bathroom door, he didn't use it.

His lips curled up to a smile when he saw her flushed face staring at him.

However, he now kinda regretted it a bit because the plan backfired.

He was now feeling rather hot.

When he had first seen her, standing there - with the towel wrapped around her waist...he almost ran over to her. Worse, he was well aware that she wasn't wearing any bra under her shirt as that was the first place his eyes landed on.

Seeing that soft swell under the white shirt and the slightly dark circles right at the peak had made him gulp but he somehow managed to look like he didn't notice anything unusual.

His little brother, however, certainly was not happy to have been woken up again.

Thus, Kai had walked over closer to her so that she would not notice the tent that was forming. Luckily, she had been embarrassed at seeing him trying to seduce her, that she was looking everywhere else but there.

Kai stared angrily at his excited brother, "Down boy. Not tonight."

He had never been the type to be easily enticed nor seduced, so all the tricks that were sent his way to tempt him had failed miserably. He may act frivolous but he certainly did not think with the organs inbetween his legs.

Since Lianne, however, nothing seemed to be the same. She didn't even have to do anything and he was already so hot and bothered. All of his self-control and lack of interest didn't apply to her at all.

It's true what they say then.

Though a guy didn't have to be in love with the girl to have sex with her, being in love with the girl gave it a whole new dimension.

He felt like he was a walking pile of hormones, constantly having to cool himself down.

He sighed deeply again and was glad that his little brother decided to go back to sleep. Now all he needed to do, was survive the night.

✿ Author only posts on w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l. ✿

After what seemed like hours (though it was only 15 minutes), Lianne joined him in the living room. She found him sitting cross-legged on the sofa bed, a pillow on his lap as he was looking at his phone.

He lifted his head and smiled as she walked out and her heart went flip-flop over that. She was carrying a bolster that was shaped like a pink caterpillar and placed it on the sofa bed. He saw that with a raised eyebrow but didn't say anything.

She came close and touched his hair, saying, "It's still a little bit wet at the back. You should dry it before going to bed."

She went to the bathroom to take the hairdryer and asked him as she did so, "Why didn't you dry your hair properly?"

She saw him shrug as she came back to the living room and she pinched his nose, "Don't do that next time. It's not good to sleep with your hair wet. You can fall sick."

Going to the coffee table, she lifted a panel and revealed a power point socket there. It was one of the customized tables, whereby the wires were all under the flooring. She plugged in the hairdryer and started drying Kai's hair.

He grinned, feeling pampered as she ran her fingers into his lush hair as she dried it. It felt like she was massaging his head while the gentle, warm blast felt good.

Once Lianne was sure that his hair was dry fully, she kept the hairdryer and told him sternly, taking his phone, "Now, sleep."

She placed his phone on the coffee table after closing the panel and got onto the bed nervously (though she didn't show it).

"You. Stay that side," Lianne said as she placed the bolster between them, "And I stay this side."

Kai pursed his lips, "Can't I hug you to sleep?"

Lianne shook her head, "No. Too dangerous."

He put his hands in front of him, clasping them together with his fingers pointing upwards as he gave her the saddest looking face she had ever seen, "Please? I promise. I won't do anything more than just hug. Er, maybe a kiss or two but that's it."


"Pretty please?" Kai asked again, looking even more pitiful (if that was even possible).

His lips went out in a little pout, his eyes sad and droopy as he leaned closer, putting that heavenly face in front of her.

She caved.

Gah, she was so weak.

"Fine," Lianne said, "But if you do more than what you promised …"

He put up his fingers in a scout's salute and said, "Scout's Honour."

Lianne scoffed, "You were never a scout."

Kai grinned.

She took the bolster and placed it on the other side and nervously lay down. Clapping her hands, the lights in the living room went off and the living room was softly bathed in the lights from outside that came in through the windows It was not bright enough to make the room lighted up, but just enough so that it was not pitch black.

Kai immediately reached over and hugged Lianne, placing his face right at the crook of the neck, while taking a deep breath.

He was right.

She smelled so sweet.

Right after the shower, the creamy milky smell was just lingering on her skin but it was more than that. Coupled with her own unique scent, the combination made his head spin.

"Thank you," he said softly, as he kissed her neck.

He was marveling in the sensation of her softness and he couldn't help but lick that spot. He continued raining kisses along her neck as he went down to her collarbone.

Feeling emboldened by the fact that she wasn't pushing him away, he went on kissing her until he reached the other side of her neck. This time, he licked one part softly before placing his lips over it and sucking hard upon her tender skin.

Lianne gasped, and did push him on the chest but the damage was done.

Or rather, the mark had been made.

"Kai!" Lianne hit him on the chest and he kissed the red spot he had made tenderly.

"Mine," Kai said possessively as he then kissed her jaw, her cheek, and then her lips.

"Stupid fool," Lianne hissed, but found that she couldn't really get mad at him or scold him. Instead, she scolded herself.

She had, after all, let him kiss her so how could she blame him when he then gave her a hickey?

But at that spot?!

It wasn't the weather for wearing turtlenecks!

"Sleep!" she commanded, and she felt him nod as he lay his head on top of her head. She was now nestled in the crook of his shoulder while his arm was underneath her neck.

She thought she would find this position uncomfortable but strangely, it wasn't.

Hearing his steady breathing above her head, and smelling the unique manly smell that was his, Lianne found her eyelids getting heavy. Just as she drifted off to dreamland, her hand went around his waist subconsciously.

Kai, feeling that, smiled in happiness as he, too, drifted off to sleep.

See. Kai was good.

For him, that is.

I wonder if supressing his desires too often will make him impotent. HAHAHA .. *cough*

Thank you for the votes and comments. Always appreciated! Love to all.

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