
Courage to Love

Lianne, a socially awkward girl due to her Asperger's, had never been in love before. She just found 'love' to be something overrated and troublesome. Boys were too troublesome. She just liked living a normal, low-key life. Away from the scheming of people and to just live the way she wanted. By herself. However, what would she do when she meets someone who decides that he wants - very much - to have her in his life? Though he is everything she wanted in a guy, he was also one that had everything she did NOT want in a guy: scheming, troublesome family and flocks of women wanting to bed him. Exactly the type of life she hates and has always been avoiding. What should she do? Did she have the courage to love him anyway? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kai, the typical rich and playful CEO couldn't help but be fascinated by the woman he came across by chance at the airport. There was just something about her that caught his eye and he fell in love at first sight. Kai was used to women flinging themselves at him due to his power and money, even though he was often mocked for his looks. It wasn't because he was ugly. On the contrary. He was beautiful, far more than most women. He had always been surrounded by scheming people and he had never thought of finding anyone in his life. He held people at bay, he schemed against them to protect himself and he used them to get what he wanted. Love? An alien concept. So when he fell, he fell hard. But what is he to do when the one person he does want, doesn't want anything to do with him? He can tell she has feelings for him but she just didn't want to get entangled with him. Could he convince her to give him a chance, to show her how he can love and dote on her? To let her open her heart and take the chance. Did he have what it takes to give her the courage to love? NOTE: There is a 2nd ML and a 2nd FL as well. Most seem to like them more than the MCs. hahaha!! [Discord] https://discord.gg/ZWnDEcG [Kofi] https://ko-fi.com/psyberrose ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi everyone. First, DISCLAIMER: I don't own Book Cover. I took the image off Pinterest. All rights go to the proper artist of this image. If you're the owner and do not want me to use it, just dm me in discord (PsyberRose#3292) and I'll take it down. This is my second novel and a spin-off from my first novel. You don't have to read the first to follow this, but it's more fun if you do. heh. New Life: A Second Chance To my old readers, welcome. I hope this novel will be as enjoyable as the first. To my new readers, welcome. Author only writes and publishes in Webnovel. Please support me there. Thank you. [Discord] https://discord.gg/ZWnDEcG [Kofi] https://ko-fi.com/psyberrose

PsyberRose · Urban
Not enough ratings
284 Chs

Breakfast (R14)

Kai's eyes fluttered open.

Feeling the weight on his arm and shoulder, he smiled as he looked down at his beloved Angel. She was still deeply asleep and he raised his other hand to brush away the hair from her face.

He admired her sleeping face, and felt like he would never tire of watching this face sleep. To wake up to this was a dream come true.

His mother had told him once, that to know whether she was 'the one', one would need to see how one felt when looking at the person first thing in the morning.

He had thought that was ridiculous because, wouldn't she naturally be 'the one' for him to actually be in bed with her to see her the next morning?

Yet, now, he truly understood.

Kai had already felt that Lianne was the one for him, and his heart was already dead-set on her. However, at this point, just seeing her in his arms and sleeping peacefully, she was the most breath-taking woman that just filled his heart completely.

He caressed her cheek softly, feeling absolutely wonderful to be able to wake up next to the person he loved so much.

She looked so beautiful asleep.

She needed no make-up.

She was perfect as she is.

He ran his fingers lightly over her shoulder, down her arm and touched her waist, and she stirred a bit but did not wake.

Maybe, just a little touch would be okay?

The moment the thought entered his mind, his hands had already started moving. It slid underneath her shirt and his palm touched the skin of her waist.

Kai hissed inwardly, unable to believe such soft skin existed.

Her hands had been soft.

Her skin ...

Was it this way throughout?

His hands glided to the back slowly, then back to the waist.

It wasn't the same but still soft.

He ran his hands up and his thumb brushed against the slight swell of her breast by the side.

Kai gulped, frozen.

She. Was. Not. Wearing. A. Bra.

Kai's mind exploded while his morning wood got harder than ever, and it even started to touch a part of her body that should not be touched.

With great monumental effort, Kai moved back a bit. He closed his eyes and took several deep breaths as he moved his hand down. Away from the temptation.

Away from his desire to just cup her breasts and fondle them to his heart's content.

It had been a bad idea.

Bad bad idea.

He licked his suddenly dry lips, his throat feeling parched and he made a move to get up. However, his slight movement to pull himself away had her frown in her sleep and she snuggled closer to him instinctively upon feeling his body heat going away.

The arm around his waist tightened as she plastered herself onto him, her leg even going up on his leg, and he groaned.

Now that he knew she wasn't wearing a bra, the soft mounds of flesh that were pressing against him felt more enticing. Worse, he could feel her soft core rubbing right along his hardened length. His little brother may certainly be enjoying the additional stimulant, but he certainly wasn't.

Not caring about whether his sudden movement would wake her this time, Kai jerked back and pulled his hand away from under her neck. He saw her eyes now start to flutter open and he kissed her forehead, saying, "Bathroom."

She nodded sleepily and moved to turn as he quickly ran to the bathroom, breathing heavily.

Damn, that was close.

✿ Author only posts on w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l. ✿

Lianne had one of the best sleep ever, despite lying down next to a man she had just met. Well, not literally just met but she had only met with him three times? She hugged her bolster and wondered.

Was this going too fast?

Her mind said 'yes' but her heart was saying 'no'.

Everything felt natural and falling into place.

He made her feel safe.

Maybe it was his body warmth, or his unique scent that assailed her senses and calmed her down like some aromatherapy session.

Whatever it was, she couldn't deny that it had been a night of good sleep.

She was still a bit groggy. She was not a morning person and would normally roll about in bed for a while before getting up. Despite that, she was aware that Kai was not beside her anymore.

She heard some sounds in the distance. Clanging? Frying? Her nose wrinkled as she sniffed.


She rubbed her eyes and sat up in bed, turning around and saw that Kai was in the kitchen. He had a skillet on the stove and using a wooden spatula, he was stirring. She sat there, admiring him and just watching him silently as he then plated the scrambled eggs.

Sprinkling some cheese powder on top, he turned to put it on the countertop and noticed Lianne sitting up in bed and looking at him.

He couldn't help but smile at her adorable figure.

She looked a bit 'out of it' with her slightly messy hair but she still looked so breathtakingly beautiful.

So innocent and fresh-looking even though she had not washed her face yet.

"I wasn't sure what you'd like, so I just made something simple," Kai said, "Breakfast will be ready soon, so why don't you wash up first?"

Lianne yawned, and covered her mouth with the back of her hand as she did so.

"Okay," Lianne said, "Let me roll out of bed first."

Kai leaned on the countertop as he watched her slowly put her hands beside her and then slowly put her legs onto the floor. She stretched a bit and then got up, turning to go to her bedroom.

She gave him a smile as she was at the doorway and said, "Thank you."

Kai tilted his head and nodded, smiling widely.


He could get used to this.

Changed the rating from R16 to R14. It is just SO MILD that I think the R16 is still to high. Hahaha ... but who has heard of R14? I dunno. Anyway, I guess R14 is for words used like 'breast' and 'core'. So so so mild but still, needed to put the label there.

A special wish to a special reader (in discord) who will be undergoing surgery tomorrow. May it go smooth and that you have a speedy recovery. <3 (heart heart)

Darn this thing cannot take emoji's anymore.

Thank you for the votes and comments. You always make my day!

Stay safe everyone! <3

[Discord] https://discord.gg/ZWnDEcG

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