
Corrupting Worlds

Avatar: The Last Airbender *** Transported to another world whilst sleeping, Genji found himself on a Fire Nation Ship. Without knowing what is going on or why it happened, Genji could only rely on his knowledge and memories to guide him forward. With no goals in mind, Genji has to grow stronger and find a goal to strive to and become the strongest in the world of Avatar. if he wishes to live in peace and feel safe. However, is the Avatar World truly the only world he will be in? With a system in hand, will he really only remain tied to just a single world and keep himself chained down? *** Disclaimer: Unlike my other stories, this story might not contain any lemon, but just in case I end up writing one, I had left the r18 tag on it.

Sinning_Sovereign · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
107 Chs


Embedded deep in the ground of the spirit world, was a bloody figure. His bones were cracking and the face of the bloody figure was contorting in pain.


Cursed Genji as he forced himself to move despite the pain.

Thanks to the combined defense of his earth armor and the wind layer around his body, Genji was able to withstand the spirit beam without being possibly disintegrated.

His energybending also helped, but not as much as the makeshift armor he was wearing.

Bending the earth around him, Genji felt the Chi pathways within his body grow chaotic.


Groaning in pain, Genji clenched his fists and before he could react, he was grabbed by Vaatu.

"You're strong… for a mortal. Now… perish!"

With energy condensing once more, Genji smirked despite how weak and bloodied he currently was. He didn't even feel scared in the face of certain death.

Instead, he felt his mind empty and an uplifting feeling appearing within every single cell in his body. His eyes gazing deeply into the condensing energy.


A large blast of fire hit Vaatu from behind that made him disperse the energy he had condensed. He turned around and looked at the culprit attacking him once more.

"A helper…"

Vaatu took the attacks head on and just swiped his tendrils at her, but just before his tendrils could hit her, a sharp rock appeared, cutting his tendril.


Seeing that his attack failed, Vaatu took a moment to notice three other people appearing near Azula, Toph, Ty Lee, and Suki.

"How annoying," said Vaatu, quite annoyed.


Just before Vaatu could do anything, a weak beam of energy hit him, stunning him.

He recognized this beam, it was the way he would always attack with his energy. Shock filled him as he turned to look at Genji who had his two hands placed in front of him, a small energy ball between his hands.


Vaatu watched as the beam of energy flew at him. He didn't dodge as he stared at the beam, believing it to be too weak to harm him.

But he was wrong.

Unlike the first blast, Genji managed to quickly improve the spirit beam and condensed it. Although not as powerful as the jet of water he had made, this could still disrupt Vaatu's form.


After being hit by the beam, Vaatu unknowingly let go of Genji, letting him drop to the floor.

"Genji! Are you okay?"

Suki quickly approached Genji, checking him to see if he wasn't hurt too badly. Whilst she checked up on him, the other three girls used their bending abilities to continue barraging Vaatu with attacks.

Under the onslaught of earth and air that blocked his escapes, Azula continued to push Vaatu back. Slowly, he was pushed back into the tree.

However, it was a futile attempt.

Only the avatar with the spirit of Raava could effectively seal an existence like Vaatu.

Something Genji figured out too late and Vaatu discovered much to his joy.

"Foolish humans!"

Ecstatic, Vaatu ignored the attacks temporarily, his size slowly decreasing. Feeling like he had no way out currently, Vaatu quickly thought of a plan that would help him leave the spirit world and plunge the world into Chaos and Darkness for 10,000 years.

'The children! They are my ticket out of here,' thought Vaatu as he remembered how Genji took the children away from him.

Vaatu remembered vividly how Genji carefully kept them out of harm's distance.

With a sinister glow to him, Vaatu condensed a spirit beam and quickly attacked the girls.

Genji's eyes lit up and he quickly dashed to help the girls by amazingly redirecting over half of the spirit beam and using his Earthbending to take the other half.


The rocks exploded and the spirit beam was quickly taken care of, leaving a cloud of dust behind and obscuring everyone's vision.

Feeling uneasy, Genji quickly made use of his spirit sense and felt the area around himself and the women.

His eyebrows scrunched up together in worry as the unease grew yet nothing happened.

Suddenly, Genji's eyes widened as he recalled the children. Turning his attention over to the children, Genji quickly shot out of the dust cloud with the help of both Fire and Airbending.


"VAATU! Leave those children alone!"

Genji's heart began to palpitate rapidly and his unease turned into worry and rage when he felt Vaatu carrying his child. It was only a vague feeling, and seeing all the children Vaatu was carrying in his tendrils, Genji wasn't sure which of the children was his.

With great anger, Genji glared at Vaatu and the energy within his body was growing more chaotic under his erratic emotions. The more his energy flowed chaotically within his Chi pathways, the higher the possibility of Genji's chi pathways becoming crippled.

Genji could already feel the effects.

His energy was flowing rapidly out of his body and he could only move quickly to subdue Vaatu.

"Haha! I'll let these children free if you let me into the mor-"


Before Vaatu could finish making his demands, a powerful and black flash struck him.


Under the attack of black lightning, Vaatu felt that he couldn't recover!

"What did you do?!"

Vaatu felt fear for the first time in his life as his gaze turned over to Genji who had smoke still coming from the tip of his fingers. Black lightning occasionally flickering around his body.

With his studying of the Yin and Yang concepts within the books he had finished reading, Genji had figured out the various uses and variations that the elements could go through under the manipulation of 'Yin' and 'Yang'.

This black lightning was something Genji had made on the spur of the moment. Something he made to counter the nature of the spirits.

Yin Lightning

Black Lightning that could harm spirits, and theoretically ghosts and souls of people. Luckily Genji had a very good grasp of control and didn't hurt any of the children.

Genji ignored Vaatu and secretly signaled the women to grab the children as he prepared to strike Vaatu once more.

"No! Stop whatever you're doing," yelled Vaatu as he prepared to flee.

Already predicting Vaatu wanting to flee, Genji quickly cut off all his escape routes with the black lightning, eventually cornering him.

Blood trickled down the corner of his lips, yet he continued pushing his body past its limits. All his bones were creaking and his Chi pathways were on the verge of destroying themselves.

"Vaatu, today will be the last day you live!"

Genji flexed his arms and generated black lightning around both his hands before shooting one at Vaatu.



Roaring in pain, Vaatu watched in fear as half of his spirit body disappeared into nothing. The children he held on that half fell and were gently caught by Azula and Ty Lee.

Genji narrowed his eyes as he still felt Vaatu carrying his child.

Raising his other hand, Genji struck out his index and middle finger to shoot the lightning at Vaatu.


However, instead of launching the other black Lightning strike, Genji coughed up blood and his face turned pale.


Seeing an opportunity, Vaatu turned to flee and made his way to the spirit portal.

"No! Don't let him escape!"

Genji roared in anger as he summoned the strength in his body. His Chi pathway was now gone and completely shattered, all that was left was his physical strength.

Rushing forward, Genji felt the ground beneath his feet shuffle and instantly knew what to do.

Bending his legs, Genji was launched towards Vaatu the instant his legs outstretched.

Genji fell towards Vaatu and a determined look appeared on Genji's face as he stretched his hands out to Vaatu's tendrils.

'Just… a bit… more…' thought Genji as he stretched his hands out and managed to grab onto two tendrils of Vaatu's.


Grasping tightly onto Vaatu's tendrils, Genji continued to plunge to the ground and before he hit the ground, he felt air controlling his descent before earth held on tightly to his legs.

"Let go human!"

Roared Vaatu as he was suddenly stopped, he was just an inch away from the portal and could already smell freedom!

Yet such a pesky human stopped him.

Turning around, Vaatu could only throw three of the five children he was carrying before using these three tendrils to attack Genji now that they were free.




Genji's weak body was assaulted by Vaatu's tendrils, luckily enough for him, Vaatu was also badly weakened and his attacks hardly damaged Genji.

Looking at the three children that Vaatu threw, Genji was glad that they were caught by Toph, Azula, and Ty Lee who had all caught up.

However, Genji frowned at this sight.

With these three women carrying the children to safety, Genji didn't have much support anymore.

Not only that, but he could still feel that his child was within Vaatu's grasp. His eyes shot over to the two children and Genji's frown deepened, something which didn't escape Vaatu's gaze.

"Ggrrr… let go!!"

Seeing how his attacks hardly hurt Genji, Vaatu turned his attention to the earth holding onto Genji's feet.

Vaatu pulled harder towards the spirit portal and attacked the earth holding Genji's feet.



Under Vaatu's attacks, the earth began to crack under the force of his pulling and attacking.


With all his might, Vaatu pulled and finally mates to push his head into the spirit portal. In an instant, Vaatu felt the energy of the portal wash over his body and he felt like he was slightly recuperating.

Turning to look at Genji, Vaatu demanded, "Let go of me human! If you let me go, I will set these humans free."

Seeing how the human refused to answer, Vaatu grew annoyed and was just about to attack Genji when he began to feel a searing pain on his tendrils.

"You!! How are you doing this?!"

Vaatu roared in fear as pitch black fire appeared on his tendrils.


Genji snorted, "Just… die already."

Although Genji lost his Chi pathways, he didn't necessarily lose the ability to control the energy. After feeling the energy of the spirit portal passing from Vaatu through him, Genji wondered whether he could use this energy.

Gambling, Genji actually managed to create some Fire from the energy and instantly turned this fire into Yin Fire, similar to the Yin Lightning.


Vaatu began to thrash around, trying to put out the fire. In fear, Vaatu forcibly tried stealing some energy from the spirit portal to heal himself faster and to stop the fire.

Gritting his teeth, Genji kept a strong grip on the tendrils, hoping to stop him and kill him here and now.


Vaatu's tendrils were burning and disappearing as the black fire continued to consume him.

Out of the corner of his eyes, Genji saw a child ship from Vaatu's hand and down to the ground. In worry, Genji turned to see before sighing in relief when Suki caught the child.

However, Genji quickly frowned when he realized that Vaatu was still carrying the person who made him feel like they were related.


In great anger and unwillingness to die, Vaatu thrashed around harder and greedily took in the energy of the spirit portal.

As Vaatu sucked the energy of the spirit portal, he seemed to have disrupted the balance of the spirit portal as it began to dim.

Genji's eyes dilated at this scene and felt his senses telling him of the danger.


Suddenly, a loud humming sound erupted from the spiritual portal as it wanted to stop the loss of energy. In a desperate attempt to prevent itself from destruction, the Spirit portal began to pull Vaatu into itself.

"ARGH! NOO! DAMN PORTAL!!!" Vaatu yelled in anger.

The pull was so strong that Genji couldn't hold Vaatu back anymore.



The earth holding him gave in and broke under the immense force of the spirit portal. Genji watched in fear as Vaatu was sucked in along with his child.


Genji yelled in worry for his child.

Suddenly, Genji felt Vaatu wrap himself around him causing his eyes to narrow.

"You want to drag me in with you? I won't let go even if you want me to! Give me my child!"

Genji roared as he held on tightly to Vaatu.

Watching as the spirit portal grew immensely before him, Genji saw the four women running towards him in the corner of his eye.

However, at the same moment, Genji's hands had entered the spirit portal. A prickly feeling instantly assaulted his hands and Genji's eyes widened.

As Genji entered the spirit portal, he felt his body turn into billions of little pieces as he was taken into the spirit portal.

Turning his head to look at the four women, Genji revealed a helpless look. His eyes looked at the women and he gazed at each women before closing his eyes and being completely swallowed.


A single word left Genji's mouth as it reached the ears of the girls.