
Corrupting Worlds

Avatar: The Last Airbender *** Transported to another world whilst sleeping, Genji found himself on a Fire Nation Ship. Without knowing what is going on or why it happened, Genji could only rely on his knowledge and memories to guide him forward. With no goals in mind, Genji has to grow stronger and find a goal to strive to and become the strongest in the world of Avatar. if he wishes to live in peace and feel safe. However, is the Avatar World truly the only world he will be in? With a system in hand, will he really only remain tied to just a single world and keep himself chained down? *** Disclaimer: Unlike my other stories, this story might not contain any lemon, but just in case I end up writing one, I had left the r18 tag on it.

Sinning_Sovereign · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs



High in the sky, a signal flare went off and flew straight into the sky before going off with a bing bang.

Everyone aboard Zuko's ship had seen the flare going off and Zuko was quick to act on it.

Down at the head of the ship, Genji stood beside Zuko with a smile on his face.

'Looks like I'm finally going to see the first three members of the Avatar Gang,' thought Genji as he looked forward to it.

Although Genji hated all of these three characters, their accomplishments were all pretty amazing. Especially Sokka's when he managed to become very proficient in the sword in a short amount of time.

Genji was surprised when he saw this in the show, and despite how many times he wrote it off as an ass-pull move just to show how Sokka was crucial to the Avatar team, Genji was nonetheless impressed.

"I have found the avatar… and his hideout," said Zuko as he brought down the telescope he was using to locate the Avatar.

Nodding at Zuko's response, Genji kept quiet since there wasn't a need for him to say anything.

Despite the fact that Iroh wanted Genji to become Zuko's friend, there was a process to this. Especially when someone like Zuko, who has a short fuse, is the target.

Upsetting him even a little would set him off, especially in these early stages of his anger management.

However, Genji didn't care much about this. Looking at the back of Zuko's shaved head and a ponytail high up, Genji gave the Prince a little warning.

"Prince Zuko," called out Genji.

Zuko stopped in his tracks and turned to look at Genji with a glare as if saying, 'Speak and I might not send you to sleep in the cold.'

Genji ignored the look and said with a smile, "Remember to not underestimate anyone. Whether they are a child or a senile man, they are all capable of accomplishing things you didn't think they could."

Zuko continued to glare at Genji and eventually just humphed before walking away.

Soon, the ship resumed it's course and headed straight towards the Southern Water Tribe.

In the meantime, Genji worked on his Firebending whilst they headed straight to the little village.

Genji only managed to level up his Firebending by only two levels, instantly bringing it up to level 4.


Suddenly, Genji heard the ship crash into the snow and ice.



"Sokka! Move from there!"

Hearing the cries and shouts of the villagers, Genji smiled as he found that they had finally arrived at the Southern Water Tribe village.

'Well well well… If it isn't Sokka,' thought Genji as he looked down at the pony tail man at the forefront of the ship.

Sensing a gaze from the top of the ship, Sokka raised his head and looked straight up at the handsome young man smiling down at him condescendingly.

Sokka frowned and maintained a serious gaze on the young man, numerous thoughts flying through his head.


Steam escaped from the forefront part of the ship and slowly opened to reveal a pathway to exit the inner parts of the ship.

'Let's go greet Sokka real quick! I need to see how I will fight against a level 0 like Sokka who has no skills or techniques…'

Genji, without any fear, jumped on the falling part of the ship and in front of the eyes of everyone, he appeared like a noble warrior slowly descending before everyone.

In an instant, he was standing in front of Sokka who looked at him with a shocked face.

The shocked face didn't last long however.

With a determined gaze, Sokka raised his trusty boomerang and swung his arm to hit Genji. The instant Sokka was about to hit Genji, Genji had parried Sokka's attack and attacked Sokka with his polearm knowledge on fighting despite having no pole weapon.

At this moment, Genji remembered the certain weak spots of the human body that the polearm knowledge had bestowed upon him before acting upon them.




In that instant, Genji lifted his left hand to stop Sokka's hand that was holding his boomerang before kicking away the foot Sokka was about to use to kick him. Without wasting any time, Genji quickly sent a quick punch to Sokka's stomach to knock the air out of him before punching him in the face and sending him tumbling to the side.

It all happened in an instant, frightening the villagers of the Southern Water Tribe. Seeing their 'strongest' go down in an instant.

[Ding! Learned new skill!]

[<Novice Martial Artist> (Lvl. 1)]

Raising an eyebrow at the new skill, Genji smiled happily at how Sokka had contributed to his growth.

'Thank you Sokka,' thought Genji as he glanced over at Sokka gasping for air on the side.

Da! Da! Da!

Turning around, Genji nodded at the young man leading the Fire Nation soldiers onto the Southern Water Tribe village. Zuko, a bit surprised by how Genji appeared on the bottom, nodded back at Genji before turning to look at everyone in the village.

Standing at the back, Genji watched as Zuko walked up to the people of the small village and asked about the Avatar.

"Where is he?" yelled Zuko as he gazed into the fear filled eyes of every villager in front of him,

Somewhere, deep down inside, Zuko felt a bit pained by this look but stormed through it as he thought about getting his respect back.

Seeing as how no one was responding to his question, Zuko assumed they didn't know what he was talking about. Looking around for someone old, Zuko quickly grabbed the nearest old person.

"He's about this age, master of all elements?!"

Now, despite clearing up the question, no one answered the question since they knew nothing about such a person.

Though Zuko didn't know that and assumed everyone must have known about such a figure that would 'flaunt' his status wherever he goes.

Pushing the old lady in his hands back to the group of people, Zuko felt irritated.

With a wave of his fist, Zuko made fire come out of his hands to somewhat scare the village people.



The children and old people all yelled in fright as they saw the fire loom over their heads.

"I know you're hiding him!"

Genji watched as the scene before him happened just like it did in the show.

And sure enough, he comes Sokka trying to sneak attack Zuko but failing because of his stupid yelling.

'Despite being so smart and a great strategist, he's really stupid at times,' thought Genji as he decided to make a move.

Seeing as how Sokka was running up to Zuko while screaming a pitiful warcry, Genji appeared before Sokka silently.

"Boo!" Genji said before punching Zuko on his waist before hitting Sokka's head with his elbow.


Sokka fell on the snow with a bang, unconscious and with a tight grip on his trusted boomerang.

Looking at the boomerang, Genji sighed sadly, 'Lame. I guess I will have to wait for some other time to retrieve that boomerang.'

Genji smiled and turned to look at Zuko with a grin and a thumbs up.

Despite being capable of defending himself from such a pitiful sneak attack from Sokka, Zuko felt a little grateful at Genji's actions.

With a nod, Zuko turned to look at the villagers and frowned. With a raise of his hand, the Fire Nation soldiers moved out to surround the villagers and terrify them even more.

'This… is getting rather boring,' thought Genji as he yawned.

Scanning through the crowd of villagers, Genji noticed a young woman glaring at him whilst occasionally glancing at Sokka worriedly.

'Oh? Is this Katara?' thought Genji as he looked at Katara with a bit of surprise. 'She's pretty cute, maybe I should greet her.'

Waving his hand at her and flashing the most charming smile, Genji said hello to Katara before winking at her.

Katara was stunned by Genji's actions but it did very little to appease her anger at Genji for beating her brother up. She did still blush in the end after seeing Genji's charming smile.

'Looks like-'


'Huh? Why's everything flipping?'

Suddenly, Genji was sent flying in the air before landing roughly on the ground next to Sokka's unconscious body.

'Damn! What the fuck was that?' cursed Genji as he lifted his head with a nonchalant expression on his face despite his anger.

The instant he lifted his head, Genji noticed the dull stare a young bald boy with blue arrows on his body was giving him. The young bald boy was grinning as if he thought what he did to Genji was funny.

Genji watched as the bald boy turned to Katara and greeted her. It was then that Genji noticed Katara trying to stifle her laughter after seeing how the bald boy made a joke of him.

Frowning in his heart, Genji didn't feel humiliation but anger at the bald boy after being made the butt of the joke.

'This damn bald bastard…' thought Genji as he stared right at the bald boy.

Genji didn't even care about Katara at this point.

As a man who knew when to properly strike, Genji calmed himself and pulled a smile on his face. Heating up his own body with firebending, Genji melted and dried the snow that was still on him and his clothes.

Zuko noticed Genji's predicament and turned to glare at the bald boy.

"I heard you were looking for me," said Aang as he looked at Zuko with a somewhat calm look on his face.

Hearing Aang's words, Zuko began to frown and feeling his anger rise as he realized the Avatar he had been searching all his life was but a mere child.

He had trained harshly for countless days and years to fight someone old or at least middle-aged. Yet it turned out that it was only just a child?!

How could Zuko not get mad at this since he was never fully evil. He would never purposely go out of his way to hurt a child, even if it happens to be the Avatar.

Zuko had meditated many times, all to ready and prepare his mind for the result of killing or severely harming the avatar when he had found them. Yet it just turned out to be a young boy.

"You're the Avatar?" asked Zuko, looking for an actual confirmation as he felt like he was being played a prank on. "You're just a child."

Aang furrowed his eyebrows once he heard Zuko call him a child before shooting back, "And you're just a teenager."

Feeling angry at Aang's response, Zuko began attacking Aang with the full power of his Firebending, being careful as to not hurt the villagers.

Aang on the other hand didn't know that as he blocked the fire launched at him with his staff and using airbending to disperse the fire. Yet no matter how skilled the young man was, he failed to realize that using air on fire would make it slightly stronger.



The children and the elderly cried in alarm as they saw the fire looming over them despite Aang 'blocking' the fire.

Hearing the cries of the children, Aang turned to look at all of them with a concerned look before turning back to Zuko and blasting all the fire away.

'You could have done that since the beginning,' thought Genji as he looked at Aang disappointedly.

"If I go with you…" Aang looked at Zuko, watching him stop attacking. "Will you promise to leave everyone alone?"

Genji sighed and turned to look at Zuko who just subtly nodded before signaling to the Fire Nation soldiers to surround Aang and take him back to the ship.

Before leaving, Zuko turned to look at Genji with a serious look on his face, "Feel fine?"

Genji, surprised at Zuko's sudden caring nature, nodded with a smile on his face whilst feeling confused.

Seeing as how Genji was fine, Zuko just responded with an, "I see."

Leaving, Genji turned to look at Katara who had already run to Sokka to check up on his injuries. Katara felt someone's gaze on her and she instantly lifted her head, searching for that someone.

Eventually her gaze landed on Genji and she instantly glared at him.

Genji didn't mind her glare and even thought it made her look a little adorable, 'She's too innocent for such anger to appear on her face.'

Blowing a kiss at her, Genji walked away with a hum and a smirk on his face.