
Corrupting Worlds

Avatar: The Last Airbender *** Transported to another world whilst sleeping, Genji found himself on a Fire Nation Ship. Without knowing what is going on or why it happened, Genji could only rely on his knowledge and memories to guide him forward. With no goals in mind, Genji has to grow stronger and find a goal to strive to and become the strongest in the world of Avatar. if he wishes to live in peace and feel safe. However, is the Avatar World truly the only world he will be in? With a system in hand, will he really only remain tied to just a single world and keep himself chained down? *** Disclaimer: Unlike my other stories, this story might not contain any lemon, but just in case I end up writing one, I had left the r18 tag on it.

Sinning_Sovereign · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Flying Bison

Walking behind Zuko and the rest of the soldiers as they led the Avatar into the ship.

The instant they entered the ship, the ship began to move and instantly set out into the sea to return to the Fire Nation.

Standing on the forefront of the boat, everyone looked over to the Avatar who was standing there calmly and innocently with his hands tied. Zuko was off to the side, holding the Avatar's staff before passing it over to his uncle.

"Hey, you mind taking this to his quarters for me?" said Iroh as he passed the airbender's staff over to Genji who was next to Iroh.

"Huh? Oh, sure," said Genji as he looked at Iroh leave with a strange expression on his face.

After both Iroh and Zuko left, the soldiers went on ahead to take Aang over to a prison cell. Following behind them, Genji waited until he was out of sight before sending the Airbending staff into his system storage.

It was only then that Genji finally took out the helmet from earlier since it was pretty useless.

Genji, who was walking behind everyone, looked at the bald boy with a stern look. With eyebrows furrowed, Genji walked over behind the bald boy. Signaling to the guard behind Aang to keep quiet, Genji stood behind Aang.

Raising his hand to his chest, Genji moved his hand quickly to chop at the neck of the young bald boy.


The instant his chop attack was about to hit the bald boy, Aang had instantly dodged to the side before turning to face Genji. With a serious but angry look in his childish eyes, Aang said, "What are you doing? I'm doing what I was told!"

Genji smirked and responded to the young Avatar, "Yes, but you still present a danger to everyone. You are still an Avatar no matter how young you are and you present a danger to everyone here."

Just as Aang was about to refute by saying that he furrowed his eyebrows before suddenly blowing a huge and powerful gust of wind at Genji and the soldier behind him. With this simple move, Aang also knocked away the guard in front of him before running away.

'Damn… he still managed to get away. Despite how annoying and innocent he is, he's still 'wise' enough to realize that if he didn't leave just then, he would have been truly captured,' thought Genji as he looked at the rapidly disappearing back of Aang's.

"Ugh," groaned Genji as he slowly stood up and went out to the deck of the ship, waiting for the Avatar to return outside.

Whilst walking with a little hum, Genji thought, 'Looks like Zuko didn't listen to me. He underestimated Aang. No matter how young he is, Aang is still the Avatar.'

In just seconds, Genji appeared on the deck of the ship.


With a loud noise, Genji heard the sound of a door being opened violently before noticing a small figure jumping into the air. As if the wind was helping this young man, the air sent him flying higher into the air.

Behind this figure, Zuko was hot on his trail as he jumped over to the young Avatar, disregarding his safety as he jumped off the ledge to get a hold of the avatar.

"Huah…hah…' Aang groaned in fear and frustration as he tried to get Zuko off of him.

Both these figures fell from the sky and landed at the forefront of the deck of the ship. Aang was uninjured but his clothes were burnt a little, most likely from the scuffle he had with Zuko in his quarters.

Zuko, the instant he was about to hit the floor, rolled forward and dispelled most of the falling damage he would have received if he landed incorrectly.

Without stopping his movements, Zuko quickly ran towards the shaken up Avatar.

Aang, a young boy who wished to idealize his peaceful nature, was quickly thrusted into the defensive. Whether it was because he was a Master Airbender or he simply had the talent for evading attacks, Aang was dodging all of Zuko's attacks, although with great difficulty.

"Argh!" growled Zuko as his attacks became more fierce.

Suddenly, from the side, Zuko saw a bright blue light head towards the young Avatar.

'Azula?!' Zuko's pupils dilated as he looked at the bright blue flame fiercely slamming onto the young Avatar's makeshift shield of wind.


The young airbender was launched away by the powerful force of the blue fire. A body flew over to the edge of the boat before hitting the railing of the ship.

"It's two against one Avatar, just give up," said Genji, smiling confidently. 'I wonder what would happen if I got rid of the Avatar right now…'

[Ding! Skill level up!]

[Ding! Skill level up!]

[Ding! Skill level up!]

[Ding! Skill level up!]

[<Novice Firebender>(Lvl. 8)]

'Damn, four levels from just one attack! Just what level is this bald bastard at?!'

Moving closer to Aang, Genji slowly approached Aang and used his system to check Aang's level.

Name: Aang (Avatar)

Age: 12

Level: 3

'Level 3?!' Genji felt his back go cold at the number three floating above Aang's head.

The level made sense to Genji however. Despite Aang's young age, he was the avatar, and whether that affected him or not, he had mastered Airbending at a young age.

Zuko was only a level 3 because although his Firebending wasn't at a mastered level, he had also trained in hand to hand combat. He also trained in some swords.

Aang, on the other hand, had just mastered Airbending, created his own technique, the Air Scooter, and even dodged very well.

'Damn… I was having trouble already with someone who hadn't even mastered the spear, but now I'm going against a master Airbender?' thought Genji as he looked at Aang with a twitching lip.


Hearing a loud groaning sound in the air, Genji began to frown as he turned to look at the flying beast up in the air.

'Appa… that flying bison of a beast is finally here,' thought Genji as he looked at Appa with greed.

"Appa!" yelled out Aang happily as he looked at his Flying Bison flying over to him.

Zuko also looked up and gazed at the flying bison, confused as to what he was looking at. The confusion didn't last long before he glared at Aang and knew that this young airbender was planning to run away already.

"Get him!" Zuko yelled at Genji as he sent a fire fist attack at Aang, forcing him near the edge of the ship.

Genji smiled brightly and cooperated with the most he could. He shot as many blows as he could at Aang and watched as his Firebending skill leveled up in a flash.

Obviously as the level of the skill went up, so did the strength and expertise with the skill. It also slowly started to slow down the skill experience gain.

[Ding! Skill level up!]

[Ding! Skill level up!]


[Ding! Congratulations on <Novice Firebender> leveling up to skill level (20), skill advanced to <Adept Firebender>!]

[Rewarding Host 1 random stat point for advancing branch skill <Novice Firebender> skill to the next rank, <Adept>!]

[+1 Energy]

'Fucking shit, I milked the experience off of this bastard!'

Launching an attack, Genji instantly felt the difference in power from the earlier level 19 attack. The fire blast was like a gunshot in Genji's hand as it instantly exploded over to Aang.

The blue flames burned brighter and they were even twice as hot as before. Genji could just feel the raw power contained within the flames had become more refined, making them more powerful.

'Holy shit!'

Everyone was caught off guard by Genji's sudden increase in firebending strength. Aang was also caught off guard, always half ass'ing his guarding against Genji's attacks. The sudden burst in strength had shocked him.

[Ding! Skill level up!]

[<Adept Firebender>(Lvl. 21)]

'The leveling speed decreased...' thought Genji as he looked at the system prompt in front of his face.

Just as he was about to launch a second attack to level up his skill again, Genji watched in amazement as his most recent attack had blown Aang away.


Soon, differently to the show, Aang was blown off the edge of the ship instead of pushed off. The other difference this time was that his clothes were more burnt after the constant onslaught of attacks from both Zuko and Genji.

It was then that Genji knew that hell would break loose soon, with sharp eyes scanning his surroundings, Genji eventually disappeared into the shadows.

Zuko, looking over the ledge, searched for the Avatar in the water.


The instant Aang, the Avatar, had fallen off the ship, Katara had begun yelling Aang's name. She was afraid that her trip would be for nothing only to witness the young child die before her eyes.

With horror filling her, Katara continued yelling Aang's name, hoping for a miracle to occur.

"Aang! Aang!!"

It was then that a sudden water explosion happened away from the ship.


A water pillar rose from the sea with great vigor and on the very top of said pillar was a young boy with glowing eyes and arrows. The aura surrounding the young boy was fierce and wild.

Zuko watched in fright as Aang tapped into his Avatar state and became even stronger than before. Bending the water, Aang swiftly landed on the deck of the ship safely.

Along with his arrival on the ship, Aang continued to bend the water and used the same pillar from earlier to make a ring of water around himself. In just mere moments, Aang had summoned a large amount of water as a ring around himself before shooting it outward and sending every firebender, and Zuko, off the ship.


Everyone was sent flying from the ship and both Sokka and Katara watched on in amazement as Aang single handedly defeated many firebenders with one movement.

Genji, who was currently hiding a distance away, looked at the bright red number above Aang's head.


'Level 5?! Holy shit, that's a bit higher than I had originally expected,' thought Genji as he looked at Aang with furrowed eyebrows. 'It's like he had suddenly mastered another element! It must have been water… that's the one he controlled after all…'

Looking at Aang grow tired, Genji knew it was time to slowly exit his hiding spot.

Up above in the sky, Appa was slowly lowering himself to the deck of the ship to land next to Aang. Soon, he was touching the floor and both Sokka and Katara jumped off the flying bison.

"Aang!" yelled Katara the instant she saw him lie down on the floor weakly. "Are you alright?"

Aang didn't answer her as he just looked at her and greeted her and Sokka, "Hey Katara… Hey Sokka, thanks for coming."

Hearing Aang's weak voice, Sokka began to frown a little and responded with a smile on his face, "Well, I couldn't let you have all the glory."

Smiling weakly at Sokka, Aang turned to look at Katara with tears welling up in his eyes, "I couldn't find my glider…"

Katara felt her heart ache as she looked at the sad expression on Aang's face. Looking at Aang with a small smile on her face, she said, "Come on, let's leave. I'm sure we can get it back someday."

Aang looked at his surroundings with reluctance, "I… I… okay…"

Looking at her brother, Katara had Sokka guide Aang up on Appa before looking around in order to make sure they won't be attacked soon.

Without any problems, the group of three got on Appa and quickly left.

"Yip yip!" said Katara, quickly guiding Appa into the sky.

Zuko, finally making it to the top of the deck, looked at the disappearing Appa with a scowl on his face. Glancing around, Zuko found his uncle looking at the flying bison puzzled at what it was.

'Where's Genji?' thought Zuko as he scanned the place in an instant and found him nowhere in sight.

"Shoot them down!" Zuko yelled, looking at the flying bison.

Iroh quickly moved and stood next to Zuko before moving in sync.


With fire shooting out of their palms, a torrential and burning red fire shot out from their palms and into the air. The fire shot over to the flying bison rapidly.

Seeing the fire flying over to them, Aang jumped up from Appa's head and quickly blew a torrential blast of air to disperse the fire blast.


In an instant, Aang received a sharp pain in his stomach and could no longer use his airbending breath to disperse the fire.

Aang squinted his eyes in pain and looked at the golden pair of eyes staring right at him.

"Why hello there," said Genji as he looked into Aang's eyes with a wide smile on his own face.

Aang looked on in shock at how Genji had suddenly appeared before his expression morphed into fear as he looked at the approaching fire blast.