
Wrong Again


Turns out Sage was right. The Olive tree did explode because of me.

Heres what happened.

While I was thinking about how stupid Sage was to think the Olive tree exploded just because of it's grudge with Poseidon, Alice had wandered away. To tell the truth, she kind of looked possesed. She just stared blankly at the woods and started walking towards it.

Sage knew something was wrong. She tried to stop Alice, but Alice pushed her away and continued to walk.

I stood up and ran to Alice.

Her eyes were blank. It looked like a huge void. About to suck me in. I stumbled. No. I had to stop Alice from doing possesed stuff.

"Alice. Look. It's me. Coral!" I said shaking her.

Alice ignored me. I tried saying her name a few more times but it didn't help.

"Look Alice. Your name is Alice and you're 16 years old. You are the child of uh-dem-whoever and I'm your best friend. Your birthday is on May 11 and you-OMG I GIVE UP."

Really. This was hopeless. All Alice was doing is ignore me.

Suddenly, Alice felll down. I catched her just in time.


I tried pouring some water from my bottle on her but it didn't work.

I was about to give up when...


A voice that came from behind me made me jump.

I turned around to face a girl who looked around 18 who was wearing clothes made out of leaves. She had a wreath made out of olives on her head. I somehow found her unsettling.

"H-hello, you must be the girl back there right?" The girl said.

"Um...what?" I was confused. What does she mean the girl back there.

The girl smiled shyly: "Sorry, I forgot to introduce my self. I'm called Olive. I'm a olive tree dryad."

Dryad? What was that? 

Just as I was about to ask, Sage appeared.

"Hey Coral, managed to stop Ali-Whose this?"

"Um, she's called Olive and apparently she's a olive tree deriad." 

Olive smiled again: "Dryad."

Sage nodded. She scanned the dried ad or whatever it was called.

"What have you done to Alice" Sage said, finally saying something.

"I-I-I..." The dried ad stuttered.

"You're that Olive tree." Sage said widening her eyes, "Tell me, what is going on?"

Olive nodded, looking relieved.

"I-I was just resting and then this girl-" She pointed to Alice, "-came and said Hello. I was scared at first so I didn't say anything. She kept talking to me, so I decided to say something to her too. She told me she was no harm. I sensed she had the blood of Lady Demeter in her veins so I opened up to her. Then she said she would introduce her friends to me. Then this girl-" This time she pointed at me, "-stepped forward and I got a bit scared because I smelled the blood of Lord Poseidon in her so I decided to run. The girl-" She pointed at Alice, "-tried to come after me so I put a spell on her out of panic. I realised what I did so I just came to say sorry and I've also removed the spell. She will wake up soon."

Even though I was thankful to hear that, I still felt like the dryad was unsettling and she wasn't telling the truth.