
A History Lesson...Wow

"-so that's probably why the olive tree exploded...Coral? You listening? I'm doing this for your benefit!" Sage waved her hand at me.

"Oh um!" I replied waking up from a sleep. Sage was droning on and on about how olive trees have a grudge against the sea and something like that. Honestly, I didn't need a history lesson. I knew my greek mythology well enough. Sage DID NOT need to tell me that story about the olive tree.

So basically Poseidon and Athena were fighting to be the patron of a city, 

"Seaweed Beard, I came here first! This place is MINE!" Athena called out.

Poseidon sneered: "So? I thought of being the patron of this city before you!"

The villagers were looking from Poseidon to Athena. Who can they choose? Both of then were powerful, both of them could give this place a bad time if they didn't choose them.

"Well, what about we both come up with something to offer to this city and the people will choose which gift is the best?" Athena said, finally coming up with a solution.

Poseidon grinned. Athena was sure to lose this.

Hmm...What could he make? He looked at the cows in the fields nearby. He got an idea. He created a animal with oval-shaped hooves, a long tail, short hair, long slender legs, muscular and deep torso build, long thick neck, and large elongated head. 

"I call this a horse! It's fast, it can carry heavy loads! Much more useful than a cow, or a goat!" Poseidon boomed, proud of his handiwork.

Athena smiled to herself. She created a plant that has leathery and lance-shaped leaves, are dark green above and silvery on the underside and are paired opposite each other on the twig. It had fruits dark purple-black colour.

Poseidon laughed, how could THAT be compared against his horse?

The villagers looked at Athena apollogetically. They liked Poseidon's gift better.

"Oh, I call this a olive. It could be used to produce olive oil, and the wood of the olive tree can also be used for making furniture, utensils, and decorative items. You will be able to earn lot's of money by selling these things, it will open a good financial road for you." Athena said, beaming.

The villagers were happy, Athena's gift didn't seem bad after all! They all crowded around to see the olive.

So Athena ended up being the patron of the city, she named it Athens after herself.

Poseidon was angry, the olive tree ruined his chance of being the patron of the city. SO he cursed the olive tree to never bear fruit. So olive trees don't have actucall fruits, they only have olives, which aren't considered as fruit.

That's why the olive tree has a grudge on the sea.

You know what I think?

That has nothing to do with the olive tree exploding.

Like even if the tree has a grudge on me, it shouldn't explode.