
A New Friend...or is she?

So basically blah blah blah, Sage and Alice let Olive join us since she said she would help and all that. Load of crap, I reckon. I'm pretty sure Olive was lying just to get into our team. Plus, why would she want to hang around with us when she could just go and mind our own business?

It's almost like she was a spy in a evil force or somehing...

Uh, well, I kind of made that up but it could be possible, considering how much had happened the past few days.

I told Sage about this, but as usual, she ignored me.

"You shouldn't be so un-open minded about somebody Coral!" She had said.

Ugh. I could feel the way I want to.

"Are you okay?" Olive asked, looking concerned.

Ha. As if she cared.

Sage looked at me and gave me the bombastic side eye, then looked away.

Wow. Just wow.

I now really really really hate the dryad.

"Sheesh Coral." Alice added.

That didn't make things better.

I'm sure the dryad was sent to break us all apart.


Oh yeah, did I mention she brought a pet?

A VERY UGLY ONE (No offence pet)