
Continental Wars The Renegades

What are heroes? What are villains? Who decides who in each side? This is a story about people who questioned their fate, their suffering and their life. He who lives is he who suffers.

Fermion_Merlton · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 6

If Ares used his surname, the chances of hiding him from the Khan Family would increase. He had told them that he was not from the Khan Family, or so he believed. It would solve many of their problems, but there was a personal reason why Master Lou couldn't afford to do it.

"That was your plan, isn't it, Master Lou?" Shina said, smiling towards the two.

"Eh...? Well... let's go with that for now," Master Lou muttered, unable to admit the truth. Revealing it would cause her respect for him to diminish. However, he was conflicted. Could he afford to risk his life for such a thing?

Eara also felt awkward, sipping her tea before it cooled down, aware of the turmoil of emotions the man before her was experiencing.

'If the Great Elder heard about this...' A chill suddenly ran down Eara's spine, causing her tea to tremble.


The dusk arrived, followed by the night. The sounds of the night began, with the glow of insects surrounding the trees, creating a serene and pleasing sight. The flapping of wings could be heard overhead as a nocturnal bird swooped down, striking and killing its prey with accuracy. The moon struggled to shine through the clouds, longing to illuminate the land.


The room was illuminated by glowing stones on either side, or by the candles filling the air with their fragrance. Green stones in the corners emitted a faint glow, providing warmth and comfort. Inside the grand hall, a man dressed in a white robe sat on a golden chair, elevated above the others. Two chairs a few steps below him remained unoccupied, while a beautiful woman in black sat in one of them, her eyes completely still.

Several other elders sat facing each other, their inquiries on hold until the Sect Master permitted them to speak. The atmosphere was serious, preventing them from casually asking about the situation.

Suddenly, a middle-aged man entered the room, taking a seat nonchalantly in the last available chair, facing his companion.

"How disrespectful..." an elder whispered.

"Huh?" The latecomer reacted.

"Did I just hear a fart?" The middle-aged man grinned, locking his gaze onto the other man. "If you want to pollute the air, go outside," he continued, tauntingly.

The veins of the other elder bulged, his teeth gritting with an incredibly sharp tone. His hand clenched into a fist, but he quickly calmed himself, organizing his thoughts before finally counterattacking.

"But at least I can still pollute the world with my seeds," he smirked toward his aggressor.

The other elders slapped their faces, well aware that such remarks were a great taboo.

The middle-aged man's face turned from pale to red, then purple, and finally black. "How dare you!" he exclaimed, jumping back and gathering his ki in his palm, preparing to release it in anger. The other elder responded with a clenched fist, the air growing heavy as their tangible palms and fists were about to collide.

"That's enough!" The Sect Master's voice resonated, creating ripples that dispersed the terrifying energy emitted by both men. The undulations and pressure vanished, and the white-robed man restored the silence in the room.

The two adversaries slowly retrieved their chairs, which had been thrown several meters away, and sat down obediently, resembling chastened children.

"Ahem," the Sect Master cleared his throat, turning to the Great Elder and granting her permission to commence the meeting, now that everyone was present.

Great Elder Hanna felt their gazes upon her, but she maintained her calm demeanor, as she always did.

"A Beast Emperor managed to escape from Pandora Island, defeating Berserker Fred in the process," she informed them.

"What?!" The hall erupted in disbelief.

"That's... impossible!"

Everyone displayed different expressions and reactions during the extended silence. The questions began to flow, asking about what happened next and the situation in the Sealing Islands, among others. However, they refrained from voicing their thoughts.

The Sect Master sensed their fear and terror as they murmured and whispered in their seats. "Great Elder Hanna, please share the details sent by Elder Jin," the Sect Master instructed her, looking around at his troubled subordinates.

Nodding, she swept her gaze across the hall, causing everyone to fall into silence. "I shall begin."

Uneventful day had passed, filled with incessant chatter that made Ares's ears itch from time to time. Finally relieved from the torment, he now stood before a mountain adorned with a multitude of steps stretching into the clouds, their end obscured from view.

Ares remembered the explanations Master Lou had given him yesterday about the Supreme Sect and the important figures he should be aware of. There were "The Three Great Masters," "Nine Colored Masters," "The Four Guardians," "The Seven Ascetics," "The Twin Vermillion," and others. In hindsight, it would be foolish to underestimate their individual battle prowess, as it could lead to despair.

The Supreme Sect comprised 35 peaks collectively known as the "Kilan Mountains," named after their founder. However, there was debate surrounding whether all 35 mountains were truly the work of their ancestor.

Eight cities fell under the Supreme Sect's jurisdiction, and those residing in their territory had to pay taxes and report any appearance of monsters promptly for subjugation or extermination.

The sect boasted various halls, including the Commandment Hall, Judgment Hall, Assignment Hall, Resource Hall, Weapon Hall, Book Collection Hall, Knowledge Hall, Information Hall, Archive Hall, Banquet Hall, Grand Hall, Guests Hall, and Disciple Hall.

The Supreme Sect's territory was divided into two, each with these 13 halls, to prevent disputes between outer disciples and inner disciples.

There were also three pavilions: the Pill Pavilion, Artifact Pavilion, and Artistic Pavilion, along with the Spirit Garden, Orchard, Auction House, and Death Arena. Situated in the center of the Supreme Sect, they provided a meeting place for both outer and inner disciples.

The Combat Tower and Cultivation Tower, located in both the outer and inner sects, were frequently visited by disciples. However, if one were to discuss fame, the Garden of Grief surpassed all, renowned for its scenery and the story behind it.

These were the official buildings of the sect, not including establishments in various cities. In a way, the sect itself was comparable to a militaristic state.

At this moment, the four of them stood before the Cloud Peak, the highest mountain in the outer sect where the Disciple Hall was located.

Ordinarily, cultivators at the Master Level could simply traverse these steps or even fly to reach the peak. However, the Supreme Sect had a tradition called the Ten Thousand Steps Trial or Cloud Step Trial, reserved for outsiders seeking to enter the sect. If someone attempting the trial violated their rules, they would face appropriate punishment.

"My Lady, we should return," the leader of the guards bowed, receiving a nod of agreement from Eara.

The horse-drawn carriage slowly made its way back to where they had come from.

"Master Lou, does Brother Ares have to go through this?" Shina gestured towards the seemingly never-ending steps carved into the mountain and shrouded in clouds at the top.

The man walking behind them paused for a moment.

"He might or he might not," he replied.

Then, he turned to Ares with a stern expression. "If someone asks for your name, only provide your given name. And as much as possible, avoid using my last name. Do you understand?" he said, the tone of his voice a mixture of threat and desperation.

Ares glanced at him from the corner of his eye before looking away. Master Lou relaxed, knowing that his message had been conveyed.

'As long as you understand,' he thought.

The three youths entered a pavilion where refreshments were laid out on the table, and a basket contained an assortment of fruits.

Master Lou approached the Head Guardian of the trial.

Just below the steps, a rectangular field with polished tiles housed pavilions on both sides. The left side had fifty, and the same applied to the right, making a total of a hundred pavilions. However, next to the entrance of the trial, there were four exquisite pavilions reserved for individuals of high social status, one of which the three of them occupied.

In the center, five rows of trees provided shade for those seeking rest or those who had no place to rest at all.

The Supreme Sect's reputation extended far and wide in the South-East Region, attracting numerous independent cultivators who sought to join. As a result, the hundred pavilions were occupied almost every day.

"A five-leafed lotus?" one person inquired, glancing back at the carriage being pulled by horses.

"A third-rate force," another person replied, turning around to catch a glimpse of the newcomers.

"If I recall correctly, that must be the 'Elusive Beauty' of the Supreme Sect, Princess Eara of the Vlymis Empire. And the person beside her must be Princess Shina," the first person said, excitement evident in his voice. He stared in the direction of the well-designed pavilion.

"Mmm," he chuckled, observing his best friend, who seemed ready to gouge out his eyes for just a brief glimpse of the princess. Little did he know that almost everyone in the vicinity harbored the same desire.

"Awww..." his friend despaired. "I thought I would get to see her face."

Yet, as he uttered those words, his attention shifted to the young girl seated nearby.

"Only five more years, and she'll blossom," he mischievously thought for the little princess.

"There's a reason why they call her the 'Elusive Beauty,'" his friend remarked.

"Fair enough," he replied, acknowledging the truth in those words.