
Continental Wars The Renegades

What are heroes? What are villains? Who decides who in each side? This is a story about people who questioned their fate, their suffering and their life. He who lives is he who suffers.

Fermion_Merlton · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 5

"I can only agree on some of your terms," Ares replied.

"Some? Boy, you think too much of yourself. If not for your special physique, you are nothing."

A sudden surge of pressure caused the grass to plummet, and the air became heavy. The undulation coming from Master Lou became terrifying as his anger peaked. Time and time again, he had tried to negotiate with Ares, promising treasures, money, and a good cultivation environment. Ares refused each offer, prompting Master Lou to propose more dazzling terms, only to have them shot down.

After going back and forth for two hours, Master Lou's patience had dried up, and anger sparked within him. It was only now, after many years of staying in the palace, that he met a younger generation so overbearing. He wanted to teach Ares, as someone from the older generation, to learn how to respect his elders. However, no matter how much he wanted to, he couldn't bring himself to raise his hand, as it would only result in a bleak relationship with Ares.

On the other hand, Ares had already realized that he had pushed Master Lou to his limit. One more push and he would likely fall into hell. Originally, Ares had inwardly agreed to Master Lou's terms, but if he accepted without showing any resistance, they would surely think he was an easy person.

With that in mind, he decided to play with Master Lou, making his stance known. He also wanted to take a small vengeance on him for pushing him into a family he naturally didn't belong to and for his threats. Ares sneered, unaffected by the suffocating atmosphere.

The two exchanged blazing gazes, but unexpectedly, Master Lou broke the stare.

"Set your conditions then," Master Lou said in an unbridled manner.

Knowing that things would not proceed his way, Ares could only compromise. If he was sure that he didn't belong to the Khan Family, he would have already tied him up with a rope and happily dragged him to become a slave. But that went beyond his moral compass, and there was no way he would do it. Seeing the wind blowing in his favor, Ares stated, "I demand to have Spirit Techniques suitable for my constitution, including money and spirit stones. Of course, I expect to receive the treasures you promised. Most of all, I need maps of various territories, the more accurate, the better."

"I see. However, regarding those maps, do you want them for only this continent or for the entire world?"

"I'll leave that to you."

"I understand."

Master Lou took a breath like never before, and his mood lifted a bit. Suddenly, he remembered the two hours he spent negotiating with Ares, and his emotions started to swell up, ready to erupt. Humiliation, anger, and patience had all dried up. He felt like he had been toyed with, going round and round, only to find himself in someone's palm. Luckily, Ares could still act clear-headed while having feelings like a volcano. While having these thoughts, he also remembered how he had warned Master Lou and laughed wryly.

"If that is all you need, then we can make a deal. But, of course, with the condition that you help our two princesses in their cultivation. And for you to fulfill that, there are certain conditions that you must meet."

"First, you must reach the Grandmaster Level in less than a year from now. Second, you must never tell anyone about your constitution. I'll be the one to inform those who need to know. And third, you must never say that you're from the Khan Family, whether it is true or not."

"I will," Ares replied, nodding.

The third condition was useless and uncalled for. Ares asked what had been bothering him.

"How exactly can I help them?"

"You'll find out soon."

Master Lou smiled thinly.


Master Lou stayed behind, and Ares returned. Now, standing before the small carriage, Ares pondered how they had fit inside in the first place. He circled it and noticed the four slits on both sides. The soldiers cooking looked at him, scratching their heads, not knowing what he was doing. The guard leader approached him and asked, "What are you doing? Is there anything wrong?"

"No, it's nothing," Ares told him.

'The dimensions of the outside and the inside are different, huh.'

He entered and sat cross-legged, focusing on gathering energy around him. Subtle lights started to form a thin layer of ki in his body.


There are two types of external energy and one type of internal energy in the world of Zion. Mana or magic energy can be absorbed, stored, and used by people with magic veins or circuits inherited from their parents. They are called Mages or Magicians. Spiritual energy can forge the body when one manages to open their meridians, create their Spiritual Sea, and form their Spirit Orb. This depends on the physique and talent of the cultivator. Those who cultivate the body using spiritual energy are called Martials. Those who can use life force are called Mystics. The use of life force is fatal for both Martials and Magicians, but mastering it can last a lifetime with proper knowledge and a good mentor. Mystics are believed to be the ultimate nemesis of both Martials and Magicians.

The Alkania Continent, also known as the Martial Continent, has the most optimal amount of spiritual energy in the world of Zion. However, that doesn't mean it has the densest amount. Therefore, most people residing here are Martials or, more specifically, spiritual cultivators. In this world, cultivation is the way to strengthen the body and use powerful techniques that can shake heaven and earth. It is a bridge to a longer lifespan, and some even believe it can lead to immortality, granting supernatural powers that defy common sense.

There are 13 levels or stages of spiritual cultivation: Foundation Level or Meridian Opening Stage, Warrior Level or True Body Realm, Elite, Master, Grandmaster, Monarch, Emperor, Ancestor, Venerable, Saint, Saint King, Saint Emperor, and Saint Sovereign Levels. Once a Martial reaches the Master Level, they can fly in the air, with the duration depending on their ki. When a person reaches the Monarch Level, their Primal Ki converts into True Ki. After reaching the Saint Level, their True Ki becomes Saint Ki. Other factors include ki tangibility, physique ability awakening, and more.


After two days of journeying with them, Ares couldn't get bored, as he had someone to entertain him and talk about all sorts of things. Master Lou and Eara would sometimes join their conversation, correcting or adding more information about what he needed to know before entering the Supreme Sect.

"Since it is called the Supreme Sect, is it the most supreme force of all?" Ares asked.

Master Lou almost choked on his tea. If it were another person asking this, that unfortunate soul would have already met their demise. Master Lou's face twitched before explaining things to Ares.

"Ahem... the name of our sect was given by our founder," he began. "In ancient times, the Dragon Continent, or Alkania Continent as we know it, was divided into four main regions: the northwest, northeast, southeast, and southwest."

"With the Death God River, or Death River, dividing the northern and southern parts of the continent, disputes between the northerners and southerners were avoided. However, wars broke out between the west and east sides."

"Within that war, many forces were born, claiming their own land and accumulating power. In the southeastern region, a certain person was renowned as the strongest, and he named his sect the Supreme Sect," Master Lou told Ares with pride, but his brimming eyes betrayed a different story.

"However, the past and the present are completely different," Eara continued. "Ever since our great founder died, the decline of our sect followed. Those forces rising in power have also set their eyes on us."

"In simple words, the Supreme Sect is not as supreme as its name suggests," Ares stated the cold, hard truth.

The Supreme Sect once belonged to the Supreme Forces or Supreme Martial Domains, but after the founder's death, it declined to become a Great Force and almost fell back to being a Supreme Force again. Then the Nether Calamity occurred, and they became a First-rate force after the events.

"That is why your very existence is important to us," Eara expressed seriously.

Ares fell into deep thought. If he stayed in the Supreme Sect, the benefits he would gain would undoubtedly be tremendous. Moreover, since he had already made a deal, he would not back off. But if he were to go to a Supreme Force, he was sure they would not make a deal with him and would instead make him a slave.

"Shina, starting now, don't let anybody know his name, is that clear?" Eara warned her.

Shina, who felt left out of their conversation, suddenly heard her sister's serious tone and nodded. If someone heard his surname, people would immediately connect him to the dreaded Khan Family, so they had to be careful. Shina at least understood that much. She had countless questions, but if her elder sister was not against Ares, who had the surname "Khan," then it should be fine. She trusted both Master Lou and her elder sister, after all.

"But what name should he use if people ask?" Shina turned to Eara.

"He can just borrow another surname," Master Lou chimed in.

"Hmm... I see. If Brother Ares uses Master Lou's surname instead, we can tell people that he is his unknown child," Shina suggested.

Master Lou and Eara jolted. In fact, they had also considered using Master Lou's surname as a camouflage. There's some small problem though…

"I never thought that princess would be so strong," Kai muttered to himself, his voice tinged with surprise and admiration.

His companion, overhearing the remark, turned to him with a skeptical expression. "We were told to capture them, not challenge them. Are you suggesting we abandon our mission?"

Kai met the man's gaze, his eyes filled with determination. "If we can capture them, that's ideal. But that princess is no ordinary opponent. She has been trained by a formidable master. I sensed his power when he detected us but chose not to engage. It's clear that challenging him directly would be extremely risky."

A hint of fear flickered across the other man's face. He understood the weight of Kai's words and the danger they faced. After a brief moment of contemplation, he reluctantly nodded in agreement.

"Abandon the mission," Kai asserted firmly. "We're assassins, not mercenaries. Our primary concern is our own safety."

His companion swallowed hard, realizing the gravity of their situation. "But what do we do now?"

Kai's eyes flickered with a mix of uncertainty and determination. "We need to find a place where we can lay low and reassess our options. The Supreme Sect is not our refuge; it would be our demise. We will report to our lord after that, in the end killing them is just suicide for us."