
Continental Wars The Renegades

What are heroes? What are villains? Who decides who in each side? This is a story about people who questioned their fate, their suffering and their life. He who lives is he who suffers.

Fermion_Merlton · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 7

These two were outer disciples set on mission so obviously they knew her. The only problem is they are occupying the place where outsiders should rest but the sect never forbids it. They would sometimes fight for it but not this time since these two were connected to some faction inside.

Many noticed the two beauties, so of course everyone would see Ares, too.

'Shit, who's that?!'

'Damn fate!'

'Heavens, how unfair…'



After a while, Master Lou returned with the news.

"Well, Princess Shina only had the permission to enter directly in the sect, as I can only provide one golden pass," he told them and looked towards Ares, "As for you, you need to go in the trial."

'Golden pass?'

"Princess Eara, please guide the little princess to the inner sect. In regards of choosing her master that would be up to her."

"I need to meet your Grandmaster immediately," Master Lou said.

Then, a ring was thrown to him before flying up to the horizon.

Before they came, occasionally there were cultivators who would rest and prepare to go to the Cloud Step Trial every passing minute. Yet, after they arrived they had almost forgotten what they had intended to do.


One cultivator who had just tried his luck carried down then assisted by a guardian to restore his vitality.

*Cough, Cough*

A group of people came. Their back soaked in sweat and blood dripping from their fingers as if they scratched something that fingernails would almost fall off.


The people saw the two being treated and could not help but think what happened up there. Some had already tried to pass the trial for a few times and knew well why, while the new ones were kept in the dark.

Then after a few moment, another group of people arrived, but they were completely fine and did not suffer from anything, which was strange.

Some wore indifferent expressions as if they expected this to happen while some were kneeling and pleading the guardians.

"Since you still need to pass the trial, we'll go on."

Ares who was nibbling his third fruit while putting on the ring and carefully observing the situation around him, heard Eara.

"Don't disappoint us," she added coldly.

"Brother Ares, see you," Shina said, waving and then flying up in the cloudless sky held tight by her elder sister.

'… A Monarch? No, almost an Emperor.'

He stared blankly at the azure sky and smirked taking the next fruit.

As the two were gone, the normal routine began again.

Before he forgot, his Divine Sense went inside the ring given to him and saw a wooden mask.

In the interior was paper pasted delivering message to him.

It was straightforward, the intention was already there. Perhaps for confidentiality.

Then there was few thousand coins.

It was probably about five thousands silver coins, more or less.

He got up and proceeded to the trial. The towering mountain overlooks him.

He smiled.

The people followed him obviously trying to measure why would such two beauties let someone like him near them.

He takes a brief glance to the words engraved to a stone stele that said 'Cloud Step Trial'.

Even though the people who knew he had come together with flowers none of them would actually want to initiate a fight with him since fighting is strictly forbidden in the Cloud Step Trial.

And, also they do not know his real identity, so it was better to be cautious.

Ares started to climb up the mountain almost two hours from then.

In front of him was a short pillar about two meters tall and 20 centimeters width.

The words "A Thousand High" was engraved in Alkania Language.

He withdraws something from his second ring and put it on face.

[After you reach the third pillar, use this and hide yourself.]

Well, his clothes was shabby to say the least and somehow common among cultivators.

When Ares had passed the 500 step his body weight increased and if he guessed right it was about 100 kilograms.

As he ascends and reaches a pillar, another 100 kilos was added.

Now that he reached the 3000 step mark. The weight added was a total of 600 kilos, many times his real weight.

This may be part of the trial– no, it was the trial.

Ares started thinking.

If as its name implies – Ten Thousand Steps Trial or Cloud Step Trial – it was safe to assume that his body weight would reach two tons and someone Peak Warrior Level could only endure one ton at most, for average person, that is.

Or, so he thought.

Then, he saw the tenth pillar indicating he will reach soon another thousand steps and his goal.

If for the first 5000 steps was to test one's endurance and physical limit then probably the next was to test one's mental strength.

Ares thought, as he freed himself from the illusion.

He looked below from where he came from.

Who you love…

Who you hate…

Your fears…

Your regrets…

And, your greatest desire…

Each and every time he entered those illusions, it would try to entrap and caged him.

There were even carcasses and skeletons in the way.

The ever-changing sensation would also wear out the person.

From scorching hot and freezing cold, alternating every step.

He even started to loot the people who were on dazed – probably already allured by one of the illusions.

Some started to fight but were taken out by the guardians.

Some wearing equipment proceeded without worry.

Some wanted his help but almost none knows the word gratitude, as Ares knocked them cold one by one or pushed them to those illusions again ultimately enclosing them and sometimes rolling them back where they came.

What an ungrateful bastards.

But, he understood one thing.

As long as you never act out of line, you can do what you want.

He did not killed them or more than not.

In this trial, you reap what you sow.

Sure, pushing them back again might cause them their death but they asked for it.

His conscience was clear.

Nevertheless, what Master Lou said somehow made him want to say to those people.

[If you want to reach the top. Keep your goal, and move forward.]

'Even if you didn't say that, I would still reach the top,' he thought.


A person, sitting on a stool with a table on his front, looked below.

There was someone.

He was writing about something, but he put the brush on a small box through the small hole, and something materialized on his hand.

Ares, upon arriving saw a red clad man, anticipating his arrival as he put something on the table.

It was a token.

He took it.

The token had three circular grooves – connected by three lines – making a triangular pattern with a much larger circle in the center.

There were intricate patterns on its body, but the most eye-catching was the figure of a turtle as if alive somehow.

The eyes seemingly peering directly at his eyes.

"Do not lose that thing. If you have any questions you can ask right now."

The man – perhaps on his thirties – said.

"How many trials left after this?"

"Two. The second was for you to set out and the third was to battle."


"It is better if you see it for yourself."

As though he read Ares' mind he gestured towards the flight of steps but the visibility was limited.

His Divine Sense disoriented by the thick clouds unable to detect anything.

'I should have asked them about this.'

Then, a small emerald gem thrown to him.

"Put that in one of those, after you entered into the clouds."

The man instructed. 'A lot of admissions this year, huh.'

The clouds affecting his vision was troubled, air gushed out for no reason…

Then the clouds suddenly vanished, as if it was just an illusion.

After going about a hundred steps, he followed as the man said, and this happened.

In front of him was a huge metal door.

He lifted his chin, saw the ten meters high wall – looking strong and grandiose – then, eyes went either side, and cannot fathom how long it was.

As if saying "I won't fall." or "I won't be destroyed."

There were carvings of dragons, phoenixes, serpents, tigers and turtles carved all over the walls.

Then on the door depicts a human figure extending a hand to a wolf on the left and to the right was two human figure embracing each other while kneeling on the ground and another figure having a bizarre weapon raised on right hand.

It was puzzling.

Especially for Ares who doesn't know the history of the continent.

At both sides of the entrance were simple steles just like what he saw before but this time the words were "Cloud Peak" and "Cloud City". The gate opened wide for him and as if truly welcoming while a stern gaze was given to him.