
Continental Wars The Renegades

What are heroes? What are villains? Who decides who in each side? This is a story about people who questioned their fate, their suffering and their life. He who lives is he who suffers.

Fermion_Merlton · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 4

But if the person themselves do not wish to discuss certain matters, it would be best to respect their wishes and refrain from bringing up those topics. As the conversation between Shina and Ares continued, the atmosphere around them seemed to shift. The onlookers turned their heads towards them as Shina asked those questions, and a sense of vigilance and tension filled the air. Ares noticed this and understood that the girl in the red attire and the man accompanying her were being cautious about him. He wasn't surprised by their wariness because, in their position, he would have acted the same way. After all, they were strangers to each other. However, he appreciated Shina's willingness to interact with him, as he was gathering information he needed. At this moment, the leader of the guards sent a Divine Sense message to Master Lou.

Master Lou, facing the princesses, took a deep breath and said, "We've arrived." Shina's eyes sparkled with excitement as she turned to face the door, anticipating new scenery beyond it. Eara nodded to Master Lou and stood up, taking her sister's hand. She invited Ares to join them, saying, "Brother Ares, we're going to explore. Would you like to come with us?" Shina, full of smiles, strutted towards the door. Master Lou suddenly got up and looked at Ares, signaling him to follow.

A man walked ahead while another followed behind. With his hands clasped behind his back, Master Lou led Ares to a high cliff overlooking an expansive forest below, where the wind blew relentlessly. Master Lou tilted his head over his shoulder and addressed Ares, "Ares Khan... How are you related to the Khan Family?" Ares furrowed his eyebrows, feeling their heightened caution towards him. The mention of the "Khan Family" triggered their increased tension, which he had observed when Shina asked about it earlier. Master Lou stood a few steps away, his robes fluttering in the wind as he awaited Ares' response.

A moment passed before Ares stepped forward to join Master Lou's side, the cold winds brushing against his face. "Khan Family," Ares echoed, his expression growing serious. Then it dawned on him. When the little girl had asked about the Khan Family, the tension between them had escalated. Master Lou sighed, sensing Ares' hesitation and uncertainty. He had already devised a plan in case Ares was indeed related to the Khan Family.

"It's good to hear that you're not a member," Master Lou said, his voice heavy with relief. "But let's leave it at that. However, if someone comes knocking at our doors, don't blame us for being impolite."

The Khan Family, ever since affiliating themselves with that powerful organization, had seen their status soar. Once a prominent silver family, they faced envy and disdain from certain silver and golden families. However, they fought back and secured a formidable backer, earning a reputation as a quiet but fierce family known for their skills in assassination, tracking, and information gathering. Their vast network extended to multiple continents, constantly expanding.

If Ares were indeed related to the Khan Family, it would present both advantages and disadvantages. On one hand, they would gain another ally alongside the Assassin Clan, further bolstering their support. On the other hand, they would have to share the possessor of the Divine Passive Body, which could potentially complicate matters. If the Khan Family exerted pressure to reclaim Ares, they could release the information about his unique physique, capable of significantly increasing an organization's overall strength. Such a revelation would undoubtedly attract numerous forces eager to possess Ares, potentially leading to chaos and conflict. Naturally, no one desired such a scenario, but if pushed into a corner, drastic measures might become necessary.

Master Lou's plan came into play in case the Khan Family decided to claim Ares. He was confident that he could negotiate with them and make them cooperate. However, he understood the risks involved. Playing with fire was never without danger. Convincing the Khan Family would not be an easy task, even for someone as confident as himself. The combined might of the Vlymis Empire, the Assassin Clan, including its subsidiary families such as the Khan Family, and the Supreme Sect presented a formidable lineup capable of repelling most forces. And if that proved insufficient, they could seek assistance from allied forces.

Master Lou included the Supreme Sect in his calculations because he believed that the Sect Master, his sworn brother, would lend them support. After all, he held the esteemed position of an Honorary Great Elder within the sect. However, he hoped it would never come to that. If Ares was not truly connected to the Khan Family, it would be advantageous for them to have him solely on their side. On the other hand, it would also mean fewer allies in their corner. Pushing these thoughts aside, Master Lou gazed blankly at the azure sky while birds chirped in the background, their melodies serving as a mocking reminder.

"The Tri-horned Blood Rhinoceros and the Fanged Spirit Cat..." Master Lou's eyes narrowed. "Based on your cultivation, you should be able to escape from the Rhinoceros. But the Spirit Cat, despite being a third-tier beast, is more ferocious and dangerous. Once it sets its sights on its prey, the consequences are severe... especially for a Martial artist like yourself."

Ares felt a surge of contempt towards the man, but he restrained himself, knowing that any confrontation would be detrimental given his current weakened state. Gazing at the grass beneath him, he calmly stated, "It's simple." He grasped the grass and let his blood flow into his left hand, mixing with the grass until it turned black. Master Lou understood what he meant. "It's poison..."

Meanwhile, at the river with a waterfall, two maidens immersed their bodies in the water. The surrounding water crackled and boiled, creating an uncanny scene. Steams rose from one of the maidens, while small lightning bolts occasionally struck the other, causing the demise of unsuspecting fish.

"Sister... Your comprehension of the Heavenly Fire Arts has increased again, hasn't it?" Shina exclaimed, astonished, as Eara slowly opened her eyes. "Yes. You should also focus on improving your Zeus Thunder Arts," Eara replied. Shina sighed in frustration, confessing, "It's been challenging. I thought it would be easy since I quickly reached the Middle Accomplishment Stage, but it's proving to be difficult." Eara interrupted her, explaining, "Easy to understand, but hard to master. Techniques of that nature are naturally powerful." Shina then mentioned the existence of numerous powerful Spirit Arts within their sect and wondered if she should learn another one.

Eara interrupted her once more, stating, "If everything in life were easy, it would be ideal. But that's not realistic. If you want to switch to another Spirit Art, you would have to start from scratch. It's better to focus on learning another Spirit Art that complements and enhances your current one. While it's good to have knowledge of multiple Spirit Arts, dividing your attention might prevent you from reaching the pinnacle of mastery," she explained, as another fish floated lifelessly, victim to the extreme temperatures.

Shina listened attentively to her sister's advice, contemplating her words. Eara's wisdom resonated with her, and she realized the importance of mastering one Spirit Art fully before delving into others. It was tempting to explore the vast array of powerful techniques within their sect, but Shina understood that true mastery required dedicated focus.

"You're right, sister," Shina acknowledged, a determined look crossing her face. "I will concentrate on honing my Zeus Thunder Arts to perfection. I won't let its difficulty discourage me. I'll keep practicing and pushing myself until I reach the pinnacle of mastery."

Eara smiled, pleased with her sister's resolution. "That's the spirit, Shina. I have faith in you. With your determination, I'm sure you'll surpass even my own accomplishments in the Zeus Thunder Arts."

Encouraged by her sister's words, Shina's determination solidified. She had always admired Eara's mastery of the Heavenly Fire Arts and longed to reach similar heights in her own chosen path. The sound of rushing water enveloped them as they continued their conversation, their bodies rejuvenated by the elemental energies that surrounded them.

As they immersed themselves in the water, a faint rustling caught their attention. Shina and Eara exchanged glances, their senses heightened. They instinctively knew that they were not alone. They emerged from the water, their bodies glistening, and turned toward the source of the disturbance.

Stepping out from the dense foliage, a figure clad in black robes approached them. His face concealed beneath a hood, the stranger exuded an air of mystery and intrigue. Shina's hand instinctively reached for her weapon, ready to defend herself and her sister if necessary. Eara, on the other hand, remained calm and composed, her eyes scanning the stranger intently.

"Greetings, young ladies," the figure spoke, his voice low and smooth. "Apologies for the intrusion. I mean you no harm. I come seeking an audience with the esteemed Princess Eara."

Eara's eyebrows furrowed slightly, her curiosity piqued. "Who are you, and what is the purpose of this audience you seek?"

The stranger lowered his hood, revealing a face adorned with intricate tattoos that glowed faintly with an otherworldly light. "I am known as Kai, a wanderer on a quest for knowledge and enlightenment. I have traveled far and wide, seeking wisdom and guidance from those who possess extraordinary talents and abilities. When I heard of the renowned Princess Eara and her mastery of the Heavenly Fire Arts, I knew I had to seek her out."

Shina remained on guard, her eyes fixed on Kai. "How did you find us? Our location is hidden and known only to a few trusted individuals."

Kai smiled, a glimmer of amusement in his eyes. "Ah, the world is vast, and secrets have a way of being unraveled. I have honed my skills in tracking and gathering information throughout my journeys. Your sister's reputation preceded her, leading me to this hidden oasis."

Eara considered Kai's words, her intuition guiding her judgment. Despite the initial intrusion, she sensed no ill intent from the wanderer. "Very well, Kai," she said, her voice measured. "If you seek wisdom and guidance, I am willing to share what knowledge I possess. However, know that my time is limited, and my priority is to protect my people and uphold my duties as a princess."

Kai bowed respectfully. "I understand, Princess Eara. I am grateful for your willingness to grant me an audience. I seek not to burden you but to learn from your expertise and perhaps offer my own insights in return."

Shina's grip on her weapon loosened slightly as she observed the exchange. She trusted her sister's judgment and recognized the value of sharing knowledge. Perhaps this encounter with Kai would lead to unforeseen opportunities and growth for both of them.

With the sun beginning to set, casting a golden hue over the landscape, Shina, Eara, and Kai settled by the riverside. The tranquility of the surrounding nature contrasted with the air of anticipation that filled the air. They prepared to embark on a journey of knowledge and discovery, their paths intertwining in unexpected ways.

Little did they know that their meeting would set in motion a series of events that would test their resolve, challenge their beliefs, and unveil hidden truths about their world. As the first stars emerged in the darkening sky, their destinies became entwined, propelling them toward a future filled with adventure, danger, and the unyielding pursuit of enlightenment.

And so, under the watchful gaze of the celestial bodies, the wanderer and the sisters began their discourse, the echoes of their words blending with the sounds of nature, as the world braced itself for the ripples of change that were about to unfold.