
Continental Wars The Renegades

What are heroes? What are villains? Who decides who in each side? This is a story about people who questioned their fate, their suffering and their life. He who lives is he who suffers.

Fermion_Merlton · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Chapter 3

To the island near the square, an old man stood a few steps above, sighing heavily as he pulled out a small piece of paper with strange engravings. He pressed the paper against his forehead and released it, causing eight streaks of light to shoot out. The other seven streaks also originated from different islands.

After a while, the streaks of light separated, each going on its own path. Some continued straight, while others headed north or south. As the night slowly fell, one of these streaks of light reached its destination, catching the attention of a person tending to her garden. She observed the streak of light and swiftly caught it, experiencing a noticeable change in her complexion before rushing off.

Similar scenes unfolded in other places where these streaks of light arrived. The atmosphere was filled with excitement as the night progressed, with several more lights coming and going with varying intensity.


Ares finally woke up from his long sleep, his hands smacking the bed as he attempted to raise himself. Assessing the situation, he realized that he wasn't in immediate danger and decided to open his eyes and survey his surroundings. As he leaned over, his back ached, and he cursed, recalling what had happened.

Taking in his surroundings, he concluded that he was in a wide and spacious room with two small windows on either side that allowed gentle sunlight to illuminate the space. His gaze then fell upon three individuals who seemed to be aware of his awakening.

There was a man sitting opposite the other two, his eyes half-closed. He tilted his head slightly, giving off an air of indifference. This man, dressed in white, appeared to be of marrying age. From the side of his face that Ares could see, he concluded that the man was good-looking, with long white hair that could be mistaken for a woman's if seen from behind.

Fortunately, they were positioned diagonally opposite to him. Ares's eyes then landed on the two young women. The first one wore a red outfit with a veil covering her face, but despite being concealed, her beautiful curves were still apparent, and her impressive assets added to her appeal. The second woman, who was near the window, approached him with a friendly smile. Her pale blue robe fluttered slightly, and Ares could see her small but beautiful figure, second only to the red-clad girl. Her twin peaks undulated as she moved closer.

"You're awake!" the girl said with a smile. Ares nodded in response, observing Shina's innocent eyes that resembled those of someone who had found a new pet.

Master Lou raised an eyebrow. Normally, a person encountering someone unfamiliar would exercise caution, but this young man didn't show any signs of it. "This young man is not simple," Master Lou thought to himself.

Moreover, when his gaze shifted to the two princesses, he showed no particular emotions and maintained an indifferent expression. Master Lou was confident that any young man would find it difficult to resist their charms, but even if they could, they would still show some interest. This situation made Eara wonder once again if "he" was actually "she." Eara herself knew how captivating she was, even without revealing her face. Master Lou's suspicion grew stronger, and it was clear that it was not a favorable situation for them.

"If he is really from that clan..." Master Lou inwardly sighed, refraining from pursuing that train of thought.

As Ares scrutinized Master Lou with an indifferent gaze, he concluded that the man was not a Saint. The power he exuded belonged to True Ki, not Saint Ki. Ares arrived at this conclusion. Regarding the other two, there was nothing noteworthy.

"Brother, what's your name?" Ares leaned over the wall, furrowing his brows. Shina wore a confused expression, wondering why he acted in such a way. After a while, she responded, "Oh... Sorry. I am Princess Shina, the second princess of the Vlymis Empire." She said it proudly, expecting praise and shock from the other party. However, her expectations were shattered after a brief pause.

"Ares Khan," he flatly told her, as if he had heard nothing. This did not dampen Shina's spirits. Master Lou's eye twitched.

The Alkania Continent, also known as the Martial Continent, followed a first name followed by a last name pattern. However, some continents followed the opposite pattern. Therefore, it was easy to guess where they came from.

"Brother Khan, huh..." Shina addressed him using his surname, as was proper when addressing someone you had just met. This was the general rule, and one could use the person's first name with their permission. However, there were exceptions to these rules.


"Do you have any family? Perhaps a sister or brother?" Shina sat at the end of the bed and asked Ares.

Ares felt strange about this girl's actions, but he decided to answer honestly. "No, I'm an orphan."

"Uh... I'm sorry to hear that," Shina expressed genuine sympathy. Being without anyone who cared for you was a sad thing.

"It's fine," Ares replied, accepting her apology.

The curious Shina and the stranger Ares began to chat. Two hours passed, during which Eara and Master Lou became outsiders to their conversation while attentively listening.

However, they were not merely listening on the sidelines; they were also engaged in their own discussion.

"Khan Family, huh..." Master Lou let out a resigned sigh and glanced outside.

He chuckled at himself, hoping earlier that Ares did not belong to that clan but rather to a family connected to it.

"...I guess it's somewhat better that he belongs to the Khan Family instead of being directly affiliated with that clan..."

"Master Lou, if the people from the Khan Family find out that one of their own is with us... then..."

"Don't worry, I'm thinking of ways to persuade them. Besides, they owe us a great deal from the Nether Calamity. We can use that."

"But it's the Divine Passive Body we're talking about. It's possible that they won't be swayed by that. If it were me, I would offer treasures and riches rather than risk losing the Divine Passive Body."

"Good point. Then, we can simply threaten them."

"Threaten them?" Eara furrowed her brows, wondering how someone like Master Lou could threaten a powerful organization backed by a formidable clan known for destroying sects at will.

"Let the world know that we have him."

"What...!? That's... But..."

"That's precisely why we need to spread the word if it comes to that. If we can't get a hold of him, then no one can."


Eara could only think of that word.

It was a suicidal move on their part.

But was Master Lou truly willing to make that choice?

She then recalled a time when a certain elder watched a few disciples quarreling over a girl or fighting over loot shares. She overheard the elder's comment.

"If a war were to break out, I wonder if they would still have time for such pointless things. They should be eradicated."

Thinking back, that elder was one of the renowned Nine Colored Masters and a close friend of Master Lou.

Did Master Lou share that sentiment?

It was possible.


On the other side, Ares and Shina continued chatting as if they were old friends. Shina possessed the charm and charisma befitting a leader, but sometimes her words inadvertently hurt others' feelings.

Once, she had bluntly asked a certain prince if he was impotent because he never slept with her lover, a friend of hers, nearly causing a war.

After asking about Ares' family, she swiftly changed the topic. She introduced Master Lou and Princess Eara, discussing her favorite food, color, dress, and even the geniuses of different forces, including her suitors and the Vlymis Empire.

During the first hour, Ares responded with only a few words before falling silent again. However, when the topic shifted to the geniuses of various clans, sects, lands, and halls, he began asking questions, making the conversation more lively.

Shina gradually turned the conversation toward Ares and inquired about his injuries. Ares dismissed her question, claiming to be a wandering cultivator who had encountered a massive four-legged creature with three horns, bloodshot eyes, and visible veins. The creature had chased him, but he managed to escape.

After the chase, he encountered a black cat that attacked him from behind, attempting to sink its fangs into his neck. He quickly reacted, and the cat's fangs ended up biting his shoulders. He fought back and killed the cat. His story was a mix of lies and truth.

Master Lou pondered the details. The South-East Region was home to numerous spirit beasts, including the Tyrant Ant, Blood Hornet, Three-Eyed Boar, Razing Snake, and more. These beasts ranged from the third to seventh tier and were found deep within the forests, particularly the stronger ones.

Among them was a horned creature called the Tri-horned Blood Rhinoceros, a fourth-tier beast equivalent to a third-order elite. It was slow but powerful. Another was the Black Fang Spirit Cat, a third-tier beast equivalent to a ninth-level warrior. It was particularly dangerous as it would attack its prey from behind and deliver a lethal bite to the neck.

Based on Ares' description, Master Lou could only make assumptions about the creatures he encountered.

"Brother Ares, where is your home?" Shina asked curiously.

"I don't really know the place," Ares admitted, piquing his own curiosity.

"Are you from the Khan Family?" Shina inquired.

"...Khan Family? What's that?" Ares responded, genuinely unaware.

"You... know... the Khan Family..." Shina's voice trailed off as she waved her hand dismissively. "Well, forget it. By the way, where was I in my story... Oh, right, the Howling Mountain Range."

Shina indeed knew about the Khan Family, and she was shocked when Ares revealed his name. She wanted to learn more about him.