

Aaron was kicked out of his wife's family. It didn't hurt him that his wife despised him. However, she dared to abandon her daughter. So, she must pay for her sins. Join me in this story of Aaron and his rise to the top of this Earth-like world. It is an urban– fantasy world . Aaron has a young daughter, but this is not your typical story with a boy saying “cute” things every minute. This work focuses more on mature content. NO Yuri, no ntr. English is not my main language, but I think the story is perfectly understandable. Give it an opportunity.

Blueslife · Fantasy
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12 Chs

A new home

"I… I can't say it, and I know you wouldn't understand it either. I recognize that it is a selfish reason. But…"

"One way or another, don't come near us. Live the life you want. We will do the same," Aaron shrugged.

Meanwhile, Alice was playing with her rattle, completely oblivious to what was happening. She did not understand her parents' screams. In the end, children are innocent of adult problems.

A spoiled child like Sophie couldn't bear to feel weak in front of the man she despised all this time. Something inside her told her that Aaron should bow down obediently.

"As long as I want to see my daughter, no one can stop it," Sophie said as her temper released some pressure. However, to Aaron, she was no different from a sullen kitten.

Maybe in his previous life, Aaron was a pushover, but in this life, he fought to survive. After all, he was an orphan, surviving in a modern society where being poor is the worst crime.

Although Sophie's temper was not enough to suppress Aaron, her words set off his alarm. What would he do if one day Sophie decides to get the girl back? Maybe the system can give him money or property. But he must seek contacts and support.

The Reynolds family had a history of more than 100 years and a net worth of 8 billion Krams ($800 million). This amount is known to everyone, but it may be higher. After all, the common denominator of the rich is to hide their wealth to pay less tax. Not to mention that they are involved in the military and political circle. Fighting them wouldn't be easy. At least not for the current Aaron.

However, Aaron couldn't be weak in front of Sophie. In the past, he endured many humiliations for the sake of his daughter, but not anymore.

"How arrogant. But, don't threaten me. My daughter is the only thing I have in this world. If I lose her... don't you know what a desperate person is capable of?" Aaron smiled. But that smile was terrifying to Sophie.

'Damn. Since when is this guy so scary?' Sophie got nervous, so she decided to leave.

"You... I'm leaving. Take care of our daughter." Sophie kissed Alice on the forehead and left the room.

Aaron started playing with Alice until his phone vibrated, and he answered immediately.

"Good day, Mr. Zekiel. I hope I'm not interrupting your sleeping hours. My name is Veronica Kell from Shuinii Real Estate. I called to agree on the meeting time, for the transfer of the department and the relevant documentation and the relevant documentation." A soft voice was heard on the other end of the phone.

"I was awake. Is 10 in the morning okay with you?" Aaron asked.

"Perfect. "See you outside the residential complex at 10 a.m., Mr. Zekiel."

After feeding Alice a light porridge and some formula, Aaron dressed her, and they left the Reynolds mansion together. Aaron carried the diaper bag that he prepared yesterday with some basic things for his daughter's needs.

A taxi was waiting for them outside.

Without Aaron knowing, Sophie was watching them from the main balcony of the mansion. When she saw them boarding a taxi, she took out her phone and called someone. "Follow them and tell me where they are going."

"Yes, ma'am," a thick male voice responded on the phone.

After almost an hour, Aaron and Alice arrived at the entrance to the Royal Lion residential complex. Worthy of being an exclusive area of the city, BMWs, Porsches, Lamborghinis, and other high-end cars were everywhere.

Suddenly, his phone started vibrating. "Mr. Zekiel, I will be 5 minutes late. The notary was very busy and could not assist me sooner. I already have all his documents." The woman's voice was full of apology, so Aaron wasn't bothered by the delay.

"I understand, Miss Veronica. I will be waiting for you."

Fortunately, the weather was perfect, so waiting was not a problem.

A few minutes later, outside the residential complex, a beautiful woman with high heels, a white blouse, and a black skirt approached a young man who had a girl in his arms.

The young man was tall, with wavy brown hair, and his hazel eyes were very beautiful. His features were sharp, and he could be considered handsome by any country's standard.

They greeted each other quickly, and as they shook hands, a notification rang in Aaron's mind.

[(+15) conquest: Veronica]

'System, what is happening? What did I do to make the conquest points increase so much?'

Aaron underestimated his good looks and the impact his image had on women, mainly thanks to Sophie. She was never moved by this, at least from his perspective. So even when other women praised him, he didn't pay attention to those words.

[The host can find out himself.]


"Mr. Zekiel, excuse the delay. I came as soon as possible."

"Don't worry. The weather is very good, so I had no problems with waiting a little longer," Aaron said as he smiled.

'Not only is he handsome and rich, he is also very kind,' she thought.

[(+2) conquest: Veronica]

The fact that Aaron is handsome, rich, and young added 15 conquest points. But kindness only 2. This is the reality of society.

Veronica gently stroked Alice's head. "Is she your little sister? She is really beautiful."

Alice was so bored that she fell asleep, so she didn't feel when Veronica caressed her.

"She's my daughter."

[(-20) conquest: Veronica

"Oh, I understand. Let's go in," Veronica said. Her voice was different, a little cold…

Aaron frowned. He lost so many conquest points when he said that Alice was his daughter.

They entered the residential complex easily thanks to the security guards recognizing Veronica. Then they walked to the tallest building.

They soon arrived at the elevator area. Veronica took out a blue card. After placing it near the monitor, an elevator opened.

"Mr Zekiel, to open the elevator you need this card," said Veronica as she showed him a blue card. And to open your apartment you need this gold card or you can simply open it by typing the code. You will be given 10 blue cards and 2 gold cards."

"Please, these blue cards must be given to people you absolutely trust, as they give access to the elevator. If someone uses your card to cause trouble on the other floors, you will be responsible."

"Okay," Aaron answered without paying attention.

Once they arrived in front of the apartment, Veronica had Aaron put in her fingerprints and change the access code for the door.

When they entered the apartment, Aaron was perplexed. And he couldn't help but exclaim. "It's too big!"

"Each floor of the building has 2 apartments, so each apartment is bigger than a house. I thought you already knew."

This department was rewarded by the system. How is Aaron supposed to know the dimensions of the apartment? Yesterday he was a little excited, so he forgot to look up references about this place.

Seeing the face full of doubts, Veronica said: "Maybe it was his wife who chose the apartment?"

"I'm divorced," Aaron replied casually.

[(+20) conquest: Veronica]

'Recover the points? So, she thought I was married.

'This woman is very fickle. System, show me her information.'

[Name: Veronica Kell]

[Age: 26]

[Beauty: 84/100]

[Height: 1.69m]

[Morality: 60/100]

[Occupation: Real estate agent.]

[Conquest: 61/100]

[Do it: 40%]

"Mr. Aaron, let me introduce you to the apartment," Veronica said with a big smile.

The apartment had two rooms, a room for receiving guests, and a large main room for the family. A dining room, a master bedroom connected to a dressing room, three secondary bedrooms, and two bedrooms for service personnel. It also featured a kitchen, laundry area, a study, and a fully equipped karaoke room.

Each room had its own bathroom. Of course, the master bedroom had a huge, luxurious bathroom. This bathroom was better than those in 5-star hotels.

The decor, appliances, and furniture were top quality.

"Mr. Aaron, the apartment has an intelligent system that regulates the room temperature."

Veronica handed a tablet to Aaron and explained the different functions of the smart home.

If there are problems with grammar or spelling, let me know. Thank you!

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