

Aaron was kicked out of his wife's family. It didn't hurt him that his wife despised him. However, she dared to abandon her daughter. So, she must pay for her sins. Join me in this story of Aaron and his rise to the top of this Earth-like world. It is an urban– fantasy world . Aaron has a young daughter, but this is not your typical story with a boy saying “cute” things every minute. This work focuses more on mature content. NO Yuri, no ntr. English is not my main language, but I think the story is perfectly understandable. Give it an opportunity.

Blueslife · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


After a few minutes, Verónica explained the most important aspects of the house, finally saying: "The beds, sheets, blankets, and everything inside the rooms are new. So you can use them directly. In addition, the services offered within the residential complex include a gym, swimming pool, and a 24-hour restaurant."

"Gym and pool?" Aaron asked.

"Yeah. The gym and pool are located in building number 4 and are free," Veronica approached him and said in a low voice. "It's actually included in the maintenance cost, but you already paid 10 years of maintenance in advance so you don't have to worry about it."

"The restaurant is open 24 hours a day, and you can order all kinds of food. A waiter will be in charge of bringing the food if you want to eat at home. Or you can go to building number 5 and eat there. You can pay for the food right away or open an account and pay monthly, it all depends on you."

"Finally, you have 3 spaces in the underground parking. The numbers 27,28 and 29. Am I forgetting something?"

"I think that's all. If I have any questions, I can call you," Aaron said.

"Sure, Mr. Aaron. I want to ask you something. Won't the girl's mother live with you?"

"I'll take care of my daughter on my own," Aaron responded in a flat tone.

Seeing that Aaron got upset, Veronica panicked. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be nosy."

Veronica pulled out a business card and gave it to Aaron. "My friend has a babysitting company. Since her mother does not live with you, I guess you can't take care of her all the time. You can call them; they are trustworthy people."

Seeing Aaron's face relax, Veronica breathed a sigh of relief. "My friend's name is Keila, and she lives in building number 2."

"Thank you, this information is very useful. I'll call her later."

After delivering all the documents, Verónica left the apartment and immediately called her friend.

"Hello, little bitch. What are you doing?" Veronica greeted.

"Stop calling me like that. At some point, you will be on speakerphone and you will get me in trouble," a soft voice full of complaints responded.

"Hahaha, that's good. Let the whole world know that you are the bitch."

Veronica's professional behavior was nowhere to be seen. It's like her personality has completely changed. This shows how close the relationship was between the two women.

"You are my teacher. The bitch queen hahaha," the woman on the other end of the phone scoffed.

After some jokes, Veronica talked about the main topic.

"Keila, I gave your business card to one of my clients."

"I already told you I don't want to date anyone, stop setting me up."

"No, no. Listen to me. This time, this person needs babysitting service."

"Oh. Then you should have given him the company number. Why did you give him my personal number?"

"Use your brain, Keila. I gave him your number because he is a wealthy man, very wealthy. He lives in building 1 of the Royal Lion. You told me you were looking for good connections. This guy loves his daughter very much. If you manage to become friends with him, it will be beneficial for you."

There was an awkward silence. "Why didn't you give my number to the girl's mother?" Keila asked.

"He is a divorced man. I think he got custody of the girl thanks to her influence. You know, usually the mother keeps the children. I'll send you her number. Add it to your contacts."

A few seconds later.

"Done!, I added it. I will arrange a meeting with him." A big smile appeared on Keila's face. "Thanks, I just hope he's not a creep."

"He seems like a good guy to me. He never looked at me disgustingly, nor did he make any comments about my figure or any dirty propositions," Veronica said.

"Hey, hey. Why do you sound disappointed? Hahaha there is no doubt, you are the queen of sass." Keila scoffed.

"When you meet him, let me know. He's almost perfect, if it weren't for the fact that his daughter was in his arms, perhaps I would ask him to hug me."

"Do you really like him that much?" Keila asked, confused.

"I like him, but we are not on the same level. He is wealthy and I am just a salaried. I can't even afford a house near Royal Lion."

"Hey, I didn't say I was picking out a wedding dress. You can have a little fun and then everyone goes their own way."

"Despite our jokes, you know very well that I am not that open-minded." Veronica said with some sadness.

"Enough," Keila exclaimed. "He's just a man you just met; you haven't found the love of your life."

"You're a cold one, that's why no man can melt your icy heart."

"Hahaha I don't deny it, men are not worth it. Wait, his call is coming in… Hang up."

Keila lay down on her bed and answered the call.

"Hello. Is this Keila Strauss?"

"She speaks. With whom do I have the pleasure?" Keila already had his contact added, but she pretended not to recognize the call.

"I'm Aaron Zekiel. Veronica gave me your number. She said you had a babysitting agency."

"Yeah. Where are you?"

"I am in building number one in León Real."

"I'm nearby, is it okay if I come to your apartment?"

Ten minutes later, Aaron authorized entry to the elevator with his card, and Keila was able to board.

They greeted each other quickly and settled in the guest reception room.

Keila was a tall woman, with brown hair and blue eyes. Her figure was very good, not big, but the perfect size in the right places.

At this moment, Keila was dressed casually: jeans, a white blouse, and sneakers. It was a very simple outfit, but that did not diminish her beauty.

After a short conversation, they came to the main topic.

"Mr. Zekiel, do you need a full-time or part-time babysitter?" Keila asked as she smiled slightly.

"Please, I already told you to call me Aaron. In answer to your question, I need 2 or 3 full-time nannies. I want people taking care of my daughter 24 hours a day. My daughter is 13 months old and she needs a lot of care. I have a lot of things to take care of and I can't be with her all the time."

[(+2) conquest: Keila]

Keila was surprised. Apparently, Aaron is a loving father who cares a lot about his daughter. Such a sentimental person can't be a bad man.

"Aaron, I will arrange three people for you, so they can have at least one day off. Don't worry, my girls are the best. Not only will they take care of her, but they will also help with her early learning."

"By the way, I have a store for babies and children. I sell everything you need for your baby." Keila said with a smile as she patted her chest.

Aaron had a good impression of Keila. A girl with a beautiful smile, young and full of vitality.

At that moment, Alice was sleeping with a pacifier in her mouth, lying on the furniture next to Aaron.

Aaron's eyes lit up after hearing what Keila said.

"I want it all. A crib, clothes, diapers, and wet wipes. Of course, the best foods. I want everything to be of the highest quality."

Keila pulled an iPad out of her purse and began to process Aaron's order.

"Aaron, the total price is 549,000 Krams ($54,900). I can give you a discount and set the final price at 540,000. What do you think?"

"That's great! Thank you, Keila."

Aaron thought for a few seconds before saying, "I need a housekeeper and a maid. Can you help me with that?"

Keila thought about it for a while before nodding. "Yeah, I have the ideal people for those positions. Don't worry, they are very trustworthy."

While Keila and Aaron were talking, outside the residential complex, a man with a huge scar on his face inside a car was making a call, reporting everything he saw.

"Miss Sophie, it has been 2 hours since young Aaron entered that luxurious community, and it doesn't look like he will be leaving any time soon. He's probably going to stay there."

"Wait another hour. If he doesn't come out of there, you can come back. Keep me informed."

"Yes, ma'am."

After hanging up, the man took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth without lighting it. At the same time, his black pupils flashed and changed to a blood-red color. Suddenly, the cigarette lit up as if by magic.

There are problems uploading the chapter. I hope someone is reading this haha

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