

Aaron was kicked out of his wife's family. It didn't hurt him that his wife despised him. However, she dared to abandon her daughter. So, she must pay for her sins. Join me in this story of Aaron and his rise to the top of this Earth-like world. It is an urban– fantasy world . Aaron has a young daughter, but this is not your typical story with a boy saying “cute” things every minute. This work focuses more on mature content. NO Yuri, no ntr. English is not my main language, but I think the story is perfectly understandable. Give it an opportunity.

Blueslife · Fantasy
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12 Chs


"Sophie is a beautiful blonde with blue eyes and a great figure. However, the system only gives her 90 beauty points." That was difficult for him to accept. According to Aaron, Sophie was a 97-point beauty. Not only was her face beautiful, but her body was a sexy bomb.

"I do not want your money. I will leave tomorrow at noon," Aaron said before leaving the studio. 

Julian and Sophie still didn't know how to react, so they stayed silent as they looked at the torn check.

"Hmmp, he's pretending. I'm sure that in a week he will come begging us for money," Julian snorted.

After leaving the study, Aaron went directly to his daughter's room and packed some clothes, formula, and diapers in the diaper bag. Little Alice was sleeping in her crib, so he tried to be as quiet as possible. 

Starting tomorrow, a new life begins for him and his daughter. 

Although Sophie didn't treat him badly, she always looked at him with indifference, and that's worse. The rest of the family ignored him or made fun of him, so leaving this fucking house wasn't difficult.

He then thought of his daughter. What will he tell her when she asks about her mother? 

"I guess I have to find a mom for her soon." 

Now that the system has woken up, it is a matter of time before he becomes a millionaire. Then, a long line of women will be Alice's mother.

Once Aaron finished packing the essentials, he checked his phone. There were some messages from his friends from college, but the most important message was:

{His account with number ***** 9789 received K. 100,000,000.00 by transfer on January 22, 2025 | 20:01:00 |, new balance: K. 100,004,855.00}

At that moment, the door to the room opened, and Sophie entered. The smile on Aaron's face disappeared.

"Aaron, we need to talk," she said.

"If it's about the money, I won't accept it. Let me preserve a little dignity."

"Is dignity eaten? Don't be selfish, think about Alice a little."

"I am selfish? So, what are you?"

"You... don't understand my motives," Sophie's eyes reddened.

Aaron frowned. "Your father makes you do this?"

"He doesn't force me, but it is true that my father convinced me to make this decision. Aaron, this isn't easy for me. Please, just take the money. I don't want Alice to go hungry."

Aaron refused again. "I promise you that one day you will regret this and it will be too late."

Aaron stood firm in his decisions. Now, his bank account has 100 million Krams, and he no longer needs to worry about money. Additionally, the system rewarded him with a house and a car.

On the other hand, Aaron doesn't want to take the risk and take Sophie's money. The title, "the man who lives on his knees," is not pleasant. Aaron doesn't know if that title can have any negative effects in real life.

Sophie realized that it was useless to insist, so she approached Alice's crib and caressed the baby's face. There was sadness in her eyes, but Aaron didn't see it.

Aaron didn't say anything else and left the room.

Once Aaron was alone, he contacted the system. 'Is there an interface with my information?'

[Name: Aaron Zekiel]

[Age: 20]

[Level: 1]

[Exp: 5/100]

[Luck: 125]

[Body strength: 8 (strength, speed, agility, endurance, and vitality)]

[Height: 1.86m]

[Occupation: college student]

[Skills: Focus (intermediate level), driving (basic level), finance (basic)]

[Assets: Kr 412,048,550 / $41,204,855.00 (includes cash)]

The country where Aaron lives is called Kramlen. It is a peninsular country and has 120 million inhabitants. In this world, there are 3 countries that did not exist on Earth. Kramlen is one of them, and the others are St. Ratzen and Katakor.

The official currency of Kramlen is the Kram (Kr). The dollar exists in this world, but it is not the local currency of this country.

412 million Krams is equivalent to 41.2 million dollars. It was a huge amount for the current Aaron, and even in his previous life, it is a figure that he would not have even dreamed of. If he received this inheritance before his transmigration, he would be so excited that he would not be able to breathe. After all, in his previous life, he was an ordinary young office worker. However, now, very few things can shock him. Aaron has experienced something so magical and inexplicable to humans... that is why, despite having that amount of money, his mind remained clear.

Aaron quickly pondered the system. He looked at the functions and more or less had an idea of what this was all about. He gained experience when Sophie's conquest points increased. But, to avoid misunderstanding, he checked with the system.

'What is this system about? What is the main function?'

[Responding to the host, the system is about conquering beautiful women to obtain great rewards and increase your strength.]

[Conquering does not imply that you should sleep with all women. It is simply that a certain woman's favorability grows enough to earn you rewards.]

'If the woman's conquest points decrease, do I lose exp?'


Another of Aaron's doubts was about the luck item.

'Is that amount of luck high?'

[An unlucky person is (0-99) lucky... (100-499) is normal or common luck... (500-999) is a lucky guy... More than 1000 is an extremely rare type of luck, someone blessed by heaven. 1 in 100 million.]

Aaron asked some more questions about the functions of the system. For example, the main system panel was: 

[Host: Aaron]


[Information] (locked) – Level 5

[Shop] (locked) – Level 7

If he entered in his name, you would find all his information.

"Inventory" was empty; after checking with the system, it couldn't store physical things from the real world. Only system rewards could be stored in the inventory.

"Information" and "store" were blocked. Aaron tried to convince the system to unlock him earlier, but the system flatly refused.

Before going to sleep, he did not forget to send his data and his electronic signature to the emails that the system gave him.

Aaron was excited, so he had a hard time sleeping.

The next day.

Aaron got up and went to the bathroom to clean up. Then he went directly to his daughter's room.

Normally, a babysitter was in charge of taking care of the girl during the night; however, when Aaron walked in, he saw Sophie playing with Alice.

Sophie had two black bags under her eyes. She obviously hadn't slept well. 

'Maybe she took care of Alice tonight for the first time.'

"What time are they leaving?" she asked.

Aaron was about to respond sarcastically, but after seeing that Sophie made one last sacrifice for Alice, he spared the words. "We leave at 10 in the morning."

"Why don't you stay a few more days? You don't even have a place to go. Unless you plan to return to your hometown."

"Kharc is a megacity with great opportunities; we will not leave here. Besides, we already have a place to go."

"Where will you go? Can you tell me? If I ever want to visit Alice…"

"Don't do this, Sophie. I won't allow you to play with my daughter's feelings. One day you push us out of your life, and then you say you want to keep in touch."

Today is a happy day. So why is this woman trying to get in the way of his plans?

Sophie was surprised by Aaron's firm refusal. 'Does this man have that much character? Whenever they scolded him he would lower his head. When did he change so much?' She thought.

However, who is she? And who is Aaron? How dare this man disrespect her. 'Now that you're leaving my house you have so much courage.'

"Do you think it's easy for me to separate from my daughter?" Sophie shouted angrily.

"Tell me the reason. Tell me the reason why you are separating from your daughter. If you tell me the real reason, I won't object to you seeing her in the future," Aaron shouted back.

His menacing eyes scared Sophie a little.

I have created a currency, but the conversion is super easy.

Blueslifecreators' thoughts