
concept of death

mortem haves come back he been gone for a few thousand years and yes there will be fanfiction in it

outeromnidragongod · Fantasy
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see death again

Lucifer just got done doing the spell everyone there got teleported to relem of the dead unknown girl:Lucy this place is fucking huge the unknown girl the picture below is of what she looks like

Lucifer: I know Satan and there so many souls here.unknown women: Satan and lucifer I got a feeling where to look.the unknown girl there a picture of her below

Satan: you do bee/ beelzebub.bee: yes I do he Mike be in the biggest castle it's over there she points to the castle the one in the picture below

Lucifer: it so beautiful.satan: of course it huge and beautiful lucy he's a concept one of the most powerful in top 3 APEP: MORTEM IS A CONCEPT OF THE REALITIES MEANING HE IN CHARGE OF HIS CONCEPT IN EVERY MUITIVERESE OMIVERSE AND ECT.now back to the story they walk to nearest city lucifer walks up to nearest person she saw it he son of the duchess lucifer:sir do you know where we can find mortem.unknown man: you mean the king and the boss my grate grate grate grate grate grand uncle the picture of what he looks like down below

Lucifer: I think so yes.unknow man: my name is Damien reaper if I bring you there you better not try harm death.lucifer: we not here to harm him and my name is lucifer.damien: I knew that already just like her name Satan he said pointing that Satan and her is beelzebub he said pointing that beelzebub and her is azazel and pentumul and Alexiel he said pointing that the 3. They all ask how he knew that. Damien chuckles and said my grate grate grate grate grate grandmother is the little sister of death the concepts are every omni there is.beezlebub:omni?.Damien: there not just omnipotent and omniscient and omnipresent you know death haves 75% of them witch is 12 billion and I'm just omnipotent and omniscient and omnipresent thats how I knew you was going to be here and ask me how to find death and your names and he smirks and say just like I know you fancy our king they all blush.satan: let just go find him you idiot.damien:OK hold on to eachother and one of you hold on to my shoulder. They did what he said and lucifer grab his shoulder they teleport to the castle front gate the guards got there in front of them in less then a secound the weapons and against each of there necks. Captain of the guards: hold there state your benissness for being that his royal highness castle.damien:my name Damien reaper one he said they start shaking beacuse his highness will erase them if they try to harm his family.they took there weapons away form his neck and Captain got on the floor and appogize multiple times.damien it's okay just let us thru and I won't tell him about what happened.captain of Gaurds yes right away lord Damien they lead the way to the throne room the throne was empty Noone was sitting on it. They see the captain of the royal gaurd captain of the guards: sir aexander do you know where lord mortem is.sir Alexander in his true voice witch sent true fear down everyone spines but the other concepts and mortem and his and there right hands said he's is that a meeting with other concepts they leave seeing him true into his true form

20 MINS LATER MEETING ROOM THEY WALK IN SEEING A FEW PEO0LE LITTLE DID THEY KNOW THESE WAS CONCEPTS.captain of gaurds and the girls looks around seeing 8 people

Concept of destiny picture above and concept of fate picture below

Concept of fear below

Concept of chaos below

Concept of madness below

Concept of life down below

This will be the only sub Concept I add in for awhile the concept of blood

And our favorite concept in his true human form the concept of death

Standing next to is his right hand the sub Concept of destruction and carnage and his best friend and his little brother Leo

Mortem:well I think this meeting over my brothers and sisters it was a interesting concept we was talking about talk to you all in next meeting.they all start to leave beside mortem and leo and the girls and the captain of the guards he gets up his chair he was sitting and said well ladies been awhile im knew you will come today let's go to my throne room.