
concept of death

mortem haves come back he been gone for a few thousand years and yes there will be fanfiction in it

outeromnidragongod · Fantasy
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the return of death

They go to the throne room where mortem is already siting on his throne

Pick him in his human form sitting on it

Mortem:So girls im been expecting you how you been.lucifer: we been okay death it took awhile to find a spell to get here.mortem:im know lucifer and beelzebub and Satan and a few others it's good to here you been good these years.lucifer:so we got here can you come back with us death.mortem: i don't know if im can im death I have a job that im always busy with plus not any can do my job so I don't know.bee:im have a few ideas for you lord death.mortem:okay beelzebub im listen.bee:you can set shop in hell or you can give someone your job and tell them what to do or you can do something else.mortem:im just use my omnipresent and have the clone report his memories to me and tell it what to do but I having a few come with me if you don't mind.all girls say that once I don't mind mortem/death.okay my first right hand and first left hand and 2 fangs of my are coming.lucifer:okay mortem we have a suppise for you.ten minutes later

Down below is Aera

Down below is a picture of zero a dragon god

Down below is a picture of Lazarus the son of the first vampire and goddess of night nxy

3 new guys are with him and Leo we ready lord death/ mortem.the ladies looks that death in shock that first.lucifer okay let's go.mortem:im got this hold to me everyone they all teleport to lucifer Castle.lucifer:you got your own castle lord mortem.mortem:thank you lucifer.lucifer giggles and say no promblem lord mortem.thank you alway lucifer he said smile they all blush okay let's go guy.yes my lord/mortem.they all walk to see a huge Castle with demon gaurd and a pool and ect.THANK YOU FOR READING THESE BOOKS