
concept of death

mortem haves come back he been gone for a few thousand years and yes there will be fanfiction in it

outeromnidragongod · Fantasy
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Death or mortem came into being before light and creation like the other concepts he is omniversal being and also what every being fears the most a war happen call the Supreme war between the supernatural races that involve the supernatural this happen many omniverse rebirths later omniverse rebirth means when the omniverse is rebirth the same thing happens when a universe or muitiverese is reborn so anyway this war involve humans our favorite concept created other reapers to him reap every being that meant to die in the muitivereses and universes and omniverse he could do it all himself but he likes less work so during the war he fell in love with a dragon her name was Alice a dragon empress she got caught into the war beacuse of the grate grandson of bahamut when her name came into his head he was enrage he went to war half of beings die as soon they got close to mortem he kill the biblical fool and grate grandson of bahamut then his little brother the concept of dreams and hope came and clam his brother down his name Leo he told his brother that he is death as long as he have his beloved soul he could bring her back to world of the living or he could just live in his domain with her he haves 25 domains one is limbo one is relem of the dead he choose to return the relem of dead he didn't know he got azazel without the scythe and many more females to crush for him one being lucifer

Lucifer  picture many more wings

Mortem: well I'm going im have no reason to stay here anymore.sliver hair girl: can you stay.morten:what's your name young lady.sliver hair girl: it lucifer what's your name.mortem:well I knew your name lucifer beacuse im death.everyone eyes wide to meet a big concept.lucifer:sir death can you stay.mortem: find me one day and I come back.lucifer: fine sir death.mortem:this war is over understand.they all said yes.mortem teleports home. Leaving the armies the angels teleports home right after he leaves then the fallen angels lead by azazel then the demonics lead by lucifer and the other demonics the gods lead by there own respected leaders they erase the minds of human race of existence of the supernatural.1K YEARS LATER IN HELL.LUCIFER:im still look for that hot and handsome and powerful man death im found something about his domain or relem whatever you call it.SOMEWHERE ELSE THE LEADER OF THE FALLEN AZAZEL.AZAZEL:Im found spell to get to his relem but the things that needed are almost impossible to find and very expensive to buy and you need to buy it in the supernatural black markets. IN THE RELEM OF THE GREEK GODS MOST OF GODESS SAY LET JUST LET THE CROWS AND DEMONICS FIND HIM AND BRING HIM BACK WHEN HE RETURNS THEN WE CAN ASK FOR HIS HAND IN MARRIAGE THE SAME THING IS BEING SAID BY THE GODESS OF JAPANESE AND HINDU AND EGYPTIAN AND MANY OF GODDESSES. TIMESHIP 7 THOUSAND YEARS LATER THEY FINALLY GOT EVERYTHING TO GET TO DOMAIN OF DEATH BUT TO DRAGONS HE A DEATH GOD THAT WORKSHIP OR FEAR HIS MATE IS CONSIDERED A DRAGON GOD PRINCESS NOW SO HE IS CONSIDERED THE DRAGON GOD OF DEATH THE FEMALELEADERS OF FALLEN AND DEMONIC AND FEW ARCHANGELS SHOW UP TO PLACE THE SPELL NEEDED TO BE GONE THAT