
Coming Back, To Say Goodbye!

"If I knew I would lost all of it, I would have let you go from the beginning." Those were the last words Nadine said before collapsing from falling down the stairs. "If you have never been in my life, you wouldn't have lost it all." And the last thing she remembered was the cold face of her husband who was disgusted to see her. Nadine thought it was the end of her life. And when she opened the eyes hell would await her. "Wait.. why hell so comfortable? And why is it similar to my room?" When Nadine opened her eyes she didn't feel any pain in her head and she was still wearing her nightdress. The sound of her mobile phone alarm made her startled. And what surprised her most, when she found out the date on her phone. She has returned to three years ago. More precisely one day before her wedding day with her husband. In disbelief he circled her house asking the servant what date it was. But they have the same answer. "God... Must be joking! Ha ha ha... For all day...." She laugh frantically. "If You want me to pay my sin choose before I've forced him to marry me." She bit her nail nervously and begin to think. "I've separated him with his lover once to marry me. Make a innocent man become cheater and despicable husband. Kill our unborn baby to get his attention. And end my life in misery. Now I have second chance. I have to fix everything. Everything.... Maybe he and my unborn baby will forgive me and I won't die young." How Nadine can fix this mess? Can she get his husband forgiveness? Or she will end up lost everything like before? *Sorry if you find mistake in my grammar or my word because my first language is not English. Hope you can enjoy my story. Thank you ^_^

NHN · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

12. The Interview

"Ellen Rogers?"

Nadine muttered as she kept remembering who the woman in front of her was. Of course she had met Ellen before because she was the one who interviewed her in her previous life.

But she had a feeling that she had seen her somewhere.

"I immediately took this job when I found out that the client this time was Adrian."

Adrian laughed at Ellen's words. Nadine frowned at Adrian who looked very familiar with Ellen. While waiting for Ellen's crew to prepare for the interview, she continued to observe Ellen. Feeling observed by Nadine, she turned to Nadine who was still standing not far from them.

"Aah sorry for my impoliteness. Adrian was a classmate from the same club in college."

Ellen looked nervous then tucked her bangs behind her ear.

"Oh it's okay... You guys can continue."

Nadine gave both of them the best smile. And immediately went to the crew who was arranging chairs in her living room.

Once again she glanced at Ellen who now had her back facing her. Again she tucked her bangs behind her ear. And suddenly she remembered something.

"Ha! You're that Le Petit woman!"

Instantly the people in the living room turned to Nadine who was screaming. Ellen, who felt that the woman called by Nadine was herself, immediately looked awkward.

"Ha ha ha.... I mean I saw you at Le Petit cafe when I was there."

Ellen smiled awkwardly. In front of her, Adrian was no less surprised by Nadine's loud words. Then he apologized to Ellen and immediately walked towards Nadine.

"Nadine? Have you been to that cafe?"

Nadine is confused about how she should explain to Adrian.

"Ellen... The preparations are complete. We can start the interview."

Luckily the voices of the other crew saved the awkward atmosphere in the room.

The entire time of their interview, Nadine didn't seem concentrated because she was still seriously analyzing the woman in front of her.

"Secret Meeting of Mr. Merrick's Son in Law and the Loving "Le Petit" Woman."

The news headline suddenly pops out in Nadine's head. The beautiful woman in front of her was the first scandal that Adrian had made after six months of their marriage.

"Miss Nadine?"

Nadine still put her hand on her chin and thought seriously.

"Miss Nadine?"

She didn't hear Ellen's call at all and still looked deep in thought. Seeing Nadine who didn't respond to Ellen, Adrian finally patted Nadine's shoulder lightly.


Nadine was a little surprised and turned to Adrian.

"Are you okay? They ask you questions and you don't respond at all."

Nadine stared at Adrian's face for a long time, which looked a little worried. It was as if she wanted to record in her memory an expression that Adrian rarely showed to Nadine.

"Oh, you're not feeling well?"

Ellen's voice made Nadine back to reality. Nadine gave her a sweet smile and she explained to Ellen.

"Oh sorry. Just before the interview I had a little problem with my work so I was a little daydreaming."

Ellen was a little surprised while Adrian looked worried. Nadine once again really enjoyed Adrian's expression at that time. An expression he would never get in his previous life.

"Ha ha... you don't have to worry. Thank you Adrian for worrying about me."

Ellen was a little relieved to hear Nadine's words. It's different with Adrian who just stares at her sharply.

"Sorry, what did you ask?"

Ellen smiled and read the note in her hand.

"Mr. Adrian said that you chose this villa. Is there any special reason why you chose this place?"

Nadine glanced at Adrian briefly and smiled as she answered Ellen's question.

"I think Adrian has the right answer for you, why I chose this villa."

Ellen grinning and immediately concluded Nadine's answer.

"You really are romantic. You chose this place because your husband likes places like this."

Adrian just chuckled seeing the two women in front of him laughing. Ellen secretly glanced at Adrian and sighed.

"What do you think personally Mr. Adrian, do you like your wife's choice?"

A smirk appeared on Ellen's face. Adrian seemed reluctant to answer Ellen's question. Beside him Nadine was again seriously thinking about something.

"I'm happy here."

Adrian's short answer didn't seem to satisfy Ellen. She turned and glanced a little at Nadine then she asked Nadine again.

"Which part of the villa is your favourite, Miss Nadine?"

She flinched slightly at Ellen's call.

"Huh? Erm.... Actually I'm not a lover of mountain landscapes. Ha ha... I prefer the beach, the Maldives for example."

Nadine's honest answer made Ellen a little confused. And exchanged glances with Adrian who was a little surprised hearing this for the first time.

"Ehm.... So you really chose this place because of your husband?"

Nadine nodded excitedly.

"Yes exactly.... But I have to admit this place is very quiet and very comforting.... A great place to spend time alone, make good memories. And..."

Nadine slightly looked down at her hands.

"It's also the right place to calm down for healing and erase painful memories."

Everyone in the room was stunned to hear Nadine's last sentence. Feeling the quiet atmosphere, Nadine immediately breaks the silence.

"Ha ha ha... Peaceful and relaxing place isn't it?"

Ellen saw Adrian who was looking seriously at his wife and it made her smile again.

"The last question from us... What do you think a dream honeymoon is like?"

Nadine thought a little.

"I used to have a naive dream of having a romantic honeymoon at my favorite beach. But for me now, as long as we can share happiness is enough."

Ellen smiled again and looked at Adrian instead. Adrian knew it was his turn to answer.

"For me is being able to spend time with the one that I love."

Nadine looks a little gloomy. She knew very well that she is not the one that Adrian loves.

"Wow.... You two are romantics. Both of you have the same thoughts."

Adrian and Nadine were slightly surprised and looked at each other. In front of them Ellen smiled widely.

"The dream honeymoon you both want is the same, spending time with the person you love. Is that right?"

Adrian smirked as if disagreeing with Ellen's conclusion. In contrast to Nadine who smiled gently at Ellen.

"Okay... Our interview is over. After this we will have a small favour. We want a romantic dinner photo session. Miss Nadine also has booked it for tonight."

Nadine looks very surprised. Because in the past she did not remember holding the photo session.

"Ah! It must be because of that."

Nadine's loud voice, which seemed to remember something, made Ellen and Adrian immediately turn to look at her.

"Ha ha... I seem to have found my work problem."

Nadine did her best to distract the people in the room.

"As for the photo session tonight, I apologize that I haven't discussed it with my husband. If he is willing, we can do it."

Nadine tries to refuse their dinner photo session. In the past she didn't attend it because at that time she confirmed that Adrian was sick and she couldn't stay at the interview for too long. Maybe that's why in the past Ellen had not mentioned the photo session to Nadine.

And that night the special dinner never happened because no matter how hard Nadine persuaded Adrian, he wouldn't open the door for her at all.

"Adrian.... Just say yes.... You will be very helpful for my work if you say yes."

Ellen pretended to beg Adrian which made Adrian chuckle. Seeing this, Nadine became gloomy again.

"Of course... For my old friend."

Ellen looked very happy and immediately asked permission to prepare the equipment at their dining room.

Seeing Adrian happily helping Ellen made Nadine feel jealous again. She tried to shake off his jealousy by recalling her goal.

"Haah.... Nadine focus! Focus! She wasn't yours to begin with."

Hearing Nadine sigh, Adrian turned to Nadine who was busy muttering while massaging the gap between her eyebrows.

"Nadine? Are you sick?"

Adrian's question made Nadine look at him expectantly. She hoped Adrian was really worried about her.

"We can cancel it so Ellen can report directly to her boss that the photo shoot has been cancelled."

And again she was wrong. What Adrian worries about is Ellen and not her.

"Ah no... Ellen will be in trouble if we cancel it."

Nadine forced herself to be as calm as possible to answer Adrian even though she knew that Adrian's attention to Ellen made her jealous.

"Good.... You sure, you don't..."

Nadine quickly cut Ardian's sentence because she didn't want to be swayed by Adrian's small attention.

"It's fine.... You have to help your old friend right? No problem."

Nadine said while observing Ellen who was talking to her crew.

"Yeah... She's a friend who helped me a lot."

Adrian smiled again and watched Ellen from afar. Seeing Adrian who seemed to admire Ellen made the title of the gossip magazine article in his past flash back to Nadine's mind.

"Le Petit Girl."

Luckily, Adrian didn't hear Nadine's words.

"I have to keep Olivia and Adrian together..."

Nadine put her hand on her chin in deep thought.

"What's wrong with Olivia?"

It seemed that Adrian had heard the last word of Nadine's mumbling.

"Ah that.... Does Olivia know Ellen?"

Adrian quickly shook his head.

"Why are you suddenly asking? They don't know because Olivia goes to a different college from me."

Nadine thought again and didn't care about Adrian's strange look. She remembered Adrian and Ellen's gossip. Reporter never managed to get Ellen's face. In the video that aired on almost all of the TV station, she could only get the view of Ellen's back. But Ellen's habit of tucking her hair will never be forgotten by Nadine.

In the news it was mentioned that Adrian often met girls at the Le Petit cafe. The girl always wears a mask and sunglasses. They look familiar, even in that photo they are seen hugging.

Indeed, Adrian is not a famous person like Nadine. But their marriage makes Adrian an easy target for reporters who want to know who the son-in-law of tycoon Henry Merrick is.

"Why are you so attracted to her?"

Adrian's words made Nadine immediately turn around. Not only out of surprise but also the sentence that Adrian spouted was exactly the same as Adrian had said in the past. That question used to make Nadine's anger rise.

She asked Anna to investigate who Adrian often met. And when Adrian found out about her investigation, he was really mad at Nadine.

Adrian's anger makes Nadine afraid that Adrian will leave her. And then she made the decision to stop her investigation.

"Um that's fine.... Because I've met her before."

Adrian just chuckled at that.

"I'm not sure you've been to a small cafe like Le Petit. It's too simple and too ordinary for you."

Nadine is a little annoyed hearing Adrian's words.

"But I know you two often go to Le Petit cafe!"

Nadine's loud voice made Ellen turn her head again and finally approached them.

"You seem to like that place a lot? It's a nice place, isn't it? If Adrian doesn't want to take you there we can go together."