
Comics: My Dad Is Batman

Reborn into a world where Marvel and DC coexist, he became the illegitimate son of Bruce Wayne, Batman! The film and television technology system was successfully activated! You can arbitrarily extract technology from known movies and TV shows! Use Ultron-level artificial intelligence at the beginning to push Joker to a dead end! Successfully slapped Tony Stark in the face at the Stark Industrial Conference! … This is the birth of a technological genius from Marvel and DC! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you like a little bit of the book then save it you may love it later and pls gift this pitiful author with your precious power stones. :) [Author: The cover's not mine.]

Dragon_God_ · Urban
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Tony Is Sour

Jason's questions were very sharp.

This made Tony Stark, who was always known for his sharp tongue, somewhat unable to answer.

As a genius.

Naturally, he didn't think that these people were investigating the situation at his home just to have friendly exchanges with him.

Even the structure of his luxurious villa has been carefully investigated.

He didn't believe that these people were any good people.

But he still argued.

"Maybe they really came here to be friends."

"Well, maybe they will fly an armed helicopter to find you and make friends."

Jason said in a faint tone.

In the movie.

Killian's men drove a helicopter gunship directly to blow up Tony Stark's villa.

In order to protect his wife, Tony Stark almost died in the villa.

To know.

There is a no-fly zone near Tony Stark's luxurious villa.

All aircraft passing there require approval.

Although bald eagle routes are easier to approve.

But such a glaring armed helicopter almost killed Tony Stark.

One can imagine how amazing the energy of this organization is.

At least Tony Stark and the others don't take him seriously.

Jason didn't think it was a wise decision to face these people alone.

Let comrade Tony Stark go out and show off.

Regardless of Tony Stark's harsh words, Jason spoke directly.

"I'll wait for you in the oil country in three days."

"Remember to have ionization protection ready."

"They have weapons against the armor."

After saying that, Jason didn't care about Tony Stark and hung up the phone.

Tony Stark cursed a few times.

Then he fell into deep thought.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

Jason arrived at the appointed place early to wait for Tony Stark.

Underground, there are dozens of steel armors that he has prepared.

Petroleum country is not an empty high seas.

It was impossible for him to use thousands of armors to invade other people's bases in broad daylight.

And in this underground base.

Dozens of steel armors are enough.

While looking at the structural diagram of the base from inside the helmet.

Jason waited for Tony Stark to arrive.

Not long after.

A white dot was found on the special radar of the armor.

Cruise through the sky at very fast speeds.

Tony Stark soon spotted Jason on the ground.

He landed on the ground in a very handsome landing posture.

Opening his mask, Tony Stark glanced at Jason.

Seeing that Jason's armor is even more showy than his.

He curled his lips.

"Boy, let's go. The fight will be over soon and I still have to attend the party."

If you say this, you have to head towards the base.

Jason grabbed him.

"Are you going to go directly like that?"

"Not even an investigation."

"Do you know how many people are in this base? How many weapons are there? Are there any self-destruct devices?"

"Have you figured this out?"

Jason asked a few questions in succession.

The question made Tony Stark's scalp tingle.

Looking at his confused look, Jason sighed.

Avengers gang.

None have intelligence.

Two guys with relatively high IQs are both reckless.

Tony is better, the Hulk is even more reckless than him.

There was no plan at all.

Even Loki, a guy with insufficient IQ, can scheme around the Avengers.

It really makes people speechless.

Jason even doubted it.

If these people weren't pig trotters, they might all be killed.

Looking at Tony Stark who looked confused, Jason could only sigh and said.

"This base is used by AIM to conduct human experiments."

"Except for the supply guys who come in every few days."

"It's full of well-trained members of the organization."

"There is also a tactical team of twenty people guarding the only entrance."

"There is a self-destruction device under the base. I have turned it off, but there is still a possibility that they can turn it on manually."

"So we don't want to fight, let's fight quickly."

"Also, you'd better understand that there are no good people in this base."

Jason looked at Tony Stark squarely.

Then he added.

"Even women are not exempted."

"Hey, boy, what do you mean?"

Tony Stark said angrily.

"You know it yourself. I think there are a few pretty good-looking researchers here."

"You better hold on."

"This group of people seems to be quite short of human body material."

After saying that, Jason ignored Tony and spoke directly.

"Skynet, send out a team of steel armors to break through the entrance of the base."

"Then, leave no one behind!"

A trace of cruelty flashed across Jason's face.

The experiments done in this base are based on Killian's Extremis research.

They work on taking out the side effects of Extremis.

A harmless human body strengthening agent was developed.

Create super soldiers.

And this experiment has a very high chance of failure.

The human test materials here are replaced almost every day.

And in order to ensure the universality of the experiment.

Their test subjects were all civilians caught nearby.

Old people, women, children, all.

That's why Jason said there is no innocent person here.

With a sigh, Jason looked at the dozens of armors coming out of the underground.

Wait for them to break through the base's defenses.

Behind him, Tony Stark looked at these different models of armor.

Eyes straightened.

"Have you developed a new armor?"

Looking at Tony Stark who was staring straight at him.

Jason said nonchalantly.

"Now that we have the main body, wouldn't it be easy to improve it?"

"it's not a big deal."

Tony Stark looked at Jason's casual look.

Feeling sour.

Technical improvement is secondary.

He could see that these armors were just researched for special functions.

The technical difficulty is not high.

What makes him sad is that there are dozens of armors.

The cost of a single armor is US$200 million.

These dozens of armors cost just one hundred and one dollars to throw away.

You know, at their peak, Stark Industries' annual profit margin was only this number.

For a billion-dollar order, he would go out and negotiate it in person.

He also went all the way to the oil country to demonstrate weapons in person.

One can imagine how much money ten billion US dollars is.

As for Jason's armors, they threw away a year's profit of Stark Industries. They threw away a year's profits of Stark Industries.

Even he, a famous prodigal, felt a little sad.

"Are your Wayne family so rich?"

"Oh, are these expensive?"

Jason turned around and asked.

"I use materials from home, but I don't know the exact value."

Hearing this, Tony Stark almost spat out a mouthful of blood.