
Comics: My Dad Is Batman

Reborn into a world where Marvel and DC coexist, he became the illegitimate son of Bruce Wayne, Batman! The film and television technology system was successfully activated! You can arbitrarily extract technology from known movies and TV shows! Use Ultron-level artificial intelligence at the beginning to push Joker to a dead end! Successfully slapped Tony Stark in the face at the Stark Industrial Conference! … This is the birth of a technological genius from Marvel and DC! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you like a little bit of the book then save it you may love it later and pls gift this pitiful author with your precious power stones. :) [Author: The cover's not mine.]

Dragon_God_ · Urban
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The Powerful Hulk

Speaking of Dr. Banner.

Both Jason and Tony Stark fell silent.

One is feeling sorry for what happened to Dr. Banner.

The other one is thinking about how to get Dr. Banner into his own hands.

Even if it is - you can't get it to be your subordinate.

It's good to have a good relationship now.

There was silence for a long time.

Tony Stark then spoke.

"Jason, do you really think you can't intervene?"

"How to intervene?"

"Let's not talk about whether you can stop those two guys on the street."

"You can't even get through the military blockade."

"Ross is a genuine Air Force Lieutenant General."

Jason shook his head and said.

The American military has always had a posture of not losing its tail.

As the largest military force in the world, it spends the most military expenditures every year.

The Bald Eagle's military is very powerful.

The energy in the hands of an Air Force Lieutenant General is very powerful.

A lieutenant general with real power is probably more powerful than some civilian generals.

The government of America at Home is originally a system of mutual disputes.

Wait until the order comes from above.

I'm afraid the daylilies are getting cold.

Even so to Tony Stark.

But Jason himself had a little thought in mind.

There is no way to help inside the military encirclement.

But we can wait until Dr. Banner breaks out on his own!

Whether it was helping Dr. Banner hide his whereabouts afterwards, or getting it into his own laboratory.

It's all a sure profit!

Tony Stark is careless.

Of course I don't know what Jason is thinking in his heart.

Hear Jason say that.

He also knew that his own ideas were simply unrealistic.

After saying a few words gloomily, he hung up the communication directly.

Wait until Tony Stark cuts off the communication.

Jason then spoke.

"Skynet, hurry up, bring out the surveillance on Fifth Avenue and see how the situation is."

"Also, call all the cameras in the area.

Get ready to follow Bruce Banner's trail. "

"Also, send the 'Shadow' armor to New York on standby."

The "Shadow" armor is a special type of armor that he specially modified.

The combat effectiveness is very low, but the hiding ability and speed are top-notch.

Almost no radar reflection.

The matching optical camouflage can completely achieve the purpose of invisibility in the dark night.

Enough to transport Bruce Banner away from New York without a trace.

In fact, Jason has always felt that.

Bruce Banner's escape from New York.

I'm afraid S.H.I.E.L.D is behind this.

Nick Fury, a bald guy, probably had his eye on Bruce Banner from the beginning.

Otherwise, there would be no one to help hide the traces. It would not be easy for Bruce Banner to hide his traces.

The military's tracking technology is very advanced.

Whether it is military satellites or electronic communication technology.

Unless Bruce Banner is hiding in the deep mountains and forests, it is impossible to escape tracking.

Now, he was about to prepare and go directly to intercept Hu's S.H.I.E.L.D.

Jason thought for a moment.

Skynet has brought out the surveillance on Fifth Avenue.

He also quietly invaded a military satellite over New York to provide him with a better view.

Jason turned his attention to the screen.

I saw a scene after the war.

The originally very bustling Fifth Avenue.

It was almost in ruins.

There were fires and exploding cars everywhere.

People's cries and shouts. There were also occasional gunshots, making the whole environment extremely noisy.

Jason frowned as he looked at it.

In this chaotic situation.

According to the character of New York people, I'm afraid it's not safe.

Normally, the security situation in New York is not very good.

It is common to rob convenience stores in broad daylight.

Not to mention the current chaotic situation.

I'm afraid that fires in many places were deliberately set by someone.

But that's not something he should worry about.

Shaking his head, he turned his attention to another screen.

That's exactly what happens when Hulk and the Abomination fight.

These two bodies are extremely perverted.

The fight was really punching and extremely exciting.

The muffled sound made by the two people's struggle even made Jason's stereo blare.

The two of them had a heated fight.

But the soldiers in the military suffered a lot.

The M1 tank was originally able to show off its power on the battlefield of oil countries.

It's like a toy inside the two monsters.

From time to time, these two guys would directly pick it up and use it as a weapon.

Then it fell into pieces.

One can imagine the fate of the bald eagle soldier inside.

Therefore, Ross is really capable of becoming the Minister of National Defense after something like this happened.

The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly.

Whether it's Dr. Banner or the sub-personality Hulk in his body.

He's not much of a character who's good at fighting.

In front of the hatred of a special soldier, it is simply not enough.

He was quickly suppressed and put at a disadvantage.

Abomination seized the opportunity and kicked him out.

A very cruel smile appeared on Hate's twisted face.

"Hulk, today is the day you die."

"Having this kind of power but not knowing how to use it is a waste."

When Hulk heard this, he roared.

Then he rushed up.

However, Jason noticed it keenly.

When Abomination received Hulk's fist again, he began to feel a little powerless.

Jason's mouth twitched when he saw this.

Tell me, what are you doing with this exciting thing when you have nothing to do?

Hulk is a monster that gets stronger the angrier it gets.

During the Great War in New York.

He even stopped the Hulk Buster armor with one hand.

That thing is probably at least several thousand tons.

I hate a pirated product and dare to be so provocative.

He doesn't know who gave him the courage.

Have you listened to too many songs?

Sure enough, as Jason expected, the situation quickly changed.

As the level of anger increases.

Hulk's fists are getting heavier and heavier.

Even though he started to hate him, he could still rely on his superb fighting skills to survive.

Later, under absolute power.

He was beaten so hard that he kept retreating.

Even under this situation, the hater with a big head couldn't stop talking.

"Impossible, how is this possible!"

"I am the strongest!"

As soon as he said this, he was punched in the face by Hulk, and several teeth flew out.

Hulk could even directly grab the bone spurs on Abomination's back and break them off with a roar.

Looking at Jason from far away in Gotham, he took a deep breath.

Can't afford to offend, can't afford to offend.

This fat green guy is so crazy that he is no longer human!

He just saw that the tank's main gun hit the bone spikes on Abomination's back without any damage.

The sturdiness is probably slightly better than his armor.

Just break it with your hand?

This is a human being!

When I used to watch movies.

Jason still doesn't understand how powerful Hulk is.

Watching the live broadcast now, you can see how powerful Hulk is.

I'm afraid he's wearing a battle armor and won't be able to take a punch easily. .

Send this poor author some Power Stones


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