
Comics: My Dad Is Batman

Reborn into a world where Marvel and DC coexist, he became the illegitimate son of Bruce Wayne, Batman! The film and television technology system was successfully activated! You can arbitrarily extract technology from known movies and TV shows! Use Ultron-level artificial intelligence at the beginning to push Joker to a dead end! Successfully slapped Tony Stark in the face at the Stark Industrial Conference! … This is the birth of a technological genius from Marvel and DC! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you like a little bit of the book then save it you may love it later and pls gift this pitiful author with your precious power stones. :) [Author: The cover's not mine.]

Dragon_God_ · Urban
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Jason looked at the three people as if they had never seen the world.

I couldn't help but feel contempt in my heart.

Forget it about Bruce Wayne and Alfred, two people who don't know how to do it.

Why is Fox's chief technical director so confused from here?

In desperation, he explained.

"This is definitely artificial intelligence."

"Because traditional server performance has limits, etc."

"Limited by the performance of materials, the performance of servers cannot be improved infinitely."

"Just the heat generation problem caused by the chip's original resistance will greatly reduce the efficiency."

Jason said helplessly.

Anyone who has played with computers knows that when a computer is run to its extreme, the temperature can easily rise.

This is because there is resistance in the internal chip, which will cause the chip to heat up after power is turned on and reduce the operating efficiency of the chip.

The same is true when switching to the server.

No matter how good the heat dissipation is, it is impossible to completely dissipate the heat.

In addition, the server originally has limitations.

Naturally, new energy cannot yet compete with new technologies.

"To solve this problem, I took advantage of new technology."

"Bionically inspired quantum state service array."

"It is essentially an application of bionics, breaking particles into quark-level microscopic particles, and then performing quantum state calculations."

"This makes the artificial intelligence server in front of us comparable to a quantum computer to a certain extent."

After Jason finished speaking, the other two people except Fox looked confused.

Although I don't know what Jason is talking about, I always have an uneasy feeling.

"Jason, is what you've researched really so powerful?"

Bruce Wayne coughed and said.

However, his trembling voice still showed that he was not as calm as he appeared.

Before Jason could speak, the old man Fox spoke first.

"Awesome, Mr. Wayne, this is not just about being awesome."

"If what little Jason said is true, this matter is another breakthrough in the scientific community and may even be recorded in history."

"I think there should be no problem with the Nobel Prize."

Fox said with some excitement.

As the technical director of Wayne Group, he can better understand the significance of this technology.

Having computing capabilities similar to those of a quantum computer is a great thing even without artificial intelligence.

The gap between this invention and today's computers is like the gap between supercomputers and the first generation computers decades ago.

This is the gap between times.

Hearing Fox's praise, Bruce Wayne came back to his senses.

He rarely heard the old guy Fox praise others.

Even Tony Stark, who is recognized as a genius, is nothing more than a handful in Fox's eyes.

The technical difficulty of the Batsuit created by Fox is no less than that of Iron Man's steel battle suit.

It's just that the application methods of the two are different.

It's hard to hear Fox's praise.

Bruce Wayne felt happy when he thought of this.

"It turns out Jason is really that good."

Bruce Wayne smiled and said.

Jason looked at Bruce Wayne's expression and rolled his eyes.

"Okay, let me show you the most basic application of artificial intelligence."

"There are many applications of artificial intelligence. Whether it is computing or various data analysis, artificial intelligence performs very well."

"I will only show you the most basic function, face search and recognition."

"I can use the artificial intelligence to restore Bruce's movement tonight."

As soon as Jason finished speaking, Bruce Wayne said loudly.


He went out to do some heroic deeds tonight, and his whereabouts were very secretive. How could he be found out?

Jason rolled his eyes, not wanting to talk to his cheap, illiterate man.

He spoke directly.

"Skynet, start analysis."


A charming voice came from all directions.

Soon, a transparent screen appeared in mid-air.

What was playing on the screen was surveillance video.

Inside is what Bruce Wayne did tonight.

Even the scene where Bruce Wayne puts on the Batsuit and goes to the dock to do some heroic work.

Looking at the scene on the surveillance video, it turned out to be the underground garage of Wayne Manor.

Bruce Wayne was already dumbfounded, with a dumbfounded look on his face.

The old man Alfred was also shocked and his hands were trembling as if he had Parkinson's disease.

It took a long time before Bruce Wayne could hold back a sentence.

"It shouldn't be. Wayne Manor has the most advanced firewall in the world."

"The firewall at Area 51 is not necessarily better than the one here."

Jason glanced at him and said calmly.

"In the face of artificial intelligence, any firewall is meaningless."

Jason's eyes were full of calmness.

"Is that so? Fox?"

Alfred asked towards Fox.

After hearing Alfred's question, Fox reacted from the shock.

Then he said with a wry smile.

"That's true. Any digital defense is meaningless in the face of artificial intelligence."

"Now even if Jason wants to launch a nuclear bomb, we can't stop him. The physical isolation is not as strict as imagined."

"Any military robot should not be controlled by artificial intelligence."

Fox smiled bitterly and shook his head.

So what if Wayne Manor's electronic defenses were advanced?

The gap between artificial intelligence and humans is difficult for ordinary people to imagine.

The world's top hackers are like children in front of artificial intelligence.

For example, ordinary hackers can only crack passwords through various methods.

However, artificial intelligence can completely rely on performance to brute force passwords and perform exhaustive methods to crack them.

This kind of computing ability is simply impossible for humans to possess.

How can a firewall created by humans be able to block artificial intelligence?

Bruce Wayne was even more surprised when he heard Fox say this.

You can fit an egg in with your mouth open.

He knew that artificial intelligence was powerful, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful.

Even the military can't stop it?

This made Bruce Wayne so surprised that his jaw almost dropped.

What makes Bruce Wayne even more uncomfortable is that.

He carefully disguised his identity as Batman and was found out so easily.

The whole process took less than a minute.

To be precise, just over forty seconds.

His actions that he thought were secret were completely discovered tonight.

With such richness, it would be no problem to make a movie.

He didn't even know when Gotham City had so many surveillance cameras.

While Bruce Wayne was in a daze, Jason glanced helplessly at the three stunned people.

"Bruce, I didn't expect you to actually like to do cosplay."

"Shouldn't this be something only children like?"

When Jason said this, the expressions on the three people's faces were a little embarrassed.