
Comics: My Dad Is Batman

Reborn into a world where Marvel and DC coexist, he became the illegitimate son of Bruce Wayne, Batman! The film and television technology system was successfully activated! You can arbitrarily extract technology from known movies and TV shows! Use Ultron-level artificial intelligence at the beginning to push Joker to a dead end! Successfully slapped Tony Stark in the face at the Stark Industrial Conference! … This is the birth of a technological genius from Marvel and DC! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you like a little bit of the book then save it you may love it later and pls gift this pitiful author with your precious power stones. :) [Author: The cover's not mine.]

Dragon_God_ · Urban
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Shocked Tony

Looking at the smug Tony Stark.

Jason had the urge to slap Tony Stark in the face with his shoe.

"Grandpa Alfred, let's go, this is a bastard with a sperm on his brain."

"It seems that the genius of Tony Stark circulating on the market is all exaggerated."

"Maybe some people bought the publicity themselves."

Jason said to Alfred loudly and deliberately.

That voice just passed into the ears of Tony Stark, who was touching the beautiful woman next to him.

"What did you say?"

Tony Stark said loudly.

Tony Stark is a man with a very strong self-esteem.

Jason said that to him in public, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

"I said, you are just a playboy with a sperm in your head."

Jason said with a sneer.

"I'm just wasting my time coming here."

"Everything you do proves my point."

"If you disagree, prove it to me."

Jason said with a sneer.

The job Tony Stark does is certainly not that bad.

In fact, his design has reached the extreme of engineering.

The several robots in his basement are a mixture of artificial intelligence and mechanical engineering.

Basic responses and self-control have been achieved.

It can be said that it is very outstanding technically.

However, it is naturally impossible for him to tell the truth.

Hearing Jason's words, Tony Stark laughed angrily.

"Boy, you pissed me off."

Tony Stark was furious when he heard this.

He originally didn't want to get to know this little guy, but now this little guy talks so unpleasantly.

He was going to teach this little guy a lesson for Bruce Wayne.

"Come on, let's find a place."

"Let me show you, kid, what it means to have someone outside the world and a sky outside the world."

Tony Stark is also a very childish person.

I couldn't bear it immediately after hearing Jason's words.


Jason's plot succeeded and he pretended to be indifferent and said something.

As the saying goes, rocks from other mountains can attack jade.

Ultron artificial intelligence was originally the joint work of Tony Stark and Bruce Banner.

Tony is very capable in this area.

Although he has mastered this technology, he might also be able to get some inspiration from Tony Stark's ideas.

The two looked at each other, and the air became a little anxious. .

Then walked outside.

Soon, the two came to a guest room.

"Boy, I heard that you know a lot about artificial intelligence."

"What do you think of the K-means clustering algorithm?"

K-means clustering algorithm is commonly used to deal with image segmentation problems.

Convert images into digital language that can be recognized by artificial intelligence to improve artificial intelligence's learning ability.

As the saying goes, they are the eyes of artificial intelligence.

It is a very important algorithm.

Jason smiled relaxedly when he heard Tony Stark ask this.

"Let me tell you about the normal aggregation algorithm I use."

"By clustering the original unlabeled input data (usually images) until data with similar characteristics are reasonably clustered into groups..."

As soon as Jason opened his mouth, he spoke a few thousand words eloquently.

Tony Stark was a little confused.

Not only because the technology Jason mentioned is very advanced, but also because he always feels that this algorithm has an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

But he was certain that he had never seen this kind of technology before.

I can only comfort myself that the kid in front of me may be lucky.

But he also put away the contempt in his heart.

This guy still has some skills.

But he didn't take it to heart.

He has seen many geniuses, but he has never seen anyone more talented than him.

"Not bad, I still have some skills."

Tony Stark nodded haughtily.

"Then what do you think about divergent evolution such as artificial intelligence?"

Jason glanced at Tony Stark and said.

"The divergent evolution of artificial intelligence makes it difficult for artificial intelligence to use the same data set to handle problems with similar data set types."

"For example, the ImageNet data set is used to deal with a target recognition problem, and the final recognition result is very good."

"But this does not guarantee that you can still have very good recognition results when dealing with video recognition and facial recognition."

"Compared to the divergent evolution of artificial intelligence, I agree more with its progress in convergent evolution."

"Using automatic optimization of artificial intelligence algorithms to perform operations within a deep framework."

"Making artificial intelligence simulate human thinking to some extent."

Tony Stark was shocked when he heard Jason Taotao's words.

Me Cao?

so smart?

Even Tony Stark didn't want to admit it deep down.

But he couldn't deny that on a certain level, Jason's ideas seemed to be a little more advanced than his.

He was actually inspired after listening to it.

You Tony Stark would never admit that.

"not bad."

He nodded pretendingly to hide the shock in his heart.

Tony Stark then spoke.

"No matter how good the theory is, it is nothing more than a theory."

"The artificial intelligence I created, J.A.R.V.I.S, has reached the stage of strong artificial intelligence."

"I don't know, your theory is so solid, how about it in practice?"

As he said that, Tony Stark gave Jason a provocative look.

Follow the Turing test.

The capabilities of artificial intelligence are divided into several stages.

They are weak artificial intelligence, strong artificial intelligence, and Superman artificial intelligence.

It is compared with human beings.

Reaching the level of strong artificial intelligence means that the level of artificial intelligence can surpass that of ordinary humans.

Possess human IQ.

Tony Stark's mechanical butler, J.A.R.V.I.S, has evolved over the years.

Obviously already have self-awareness.

Although the final step towards evolution was inseparable from the help of Mind Gem.

But it has reached the pinnacle of human artificial intelligence.

It's just that compared to the mature technology in his hands, it is still lagging behind.

Tony Stark wanted to regain his place in this area, but it was a miscalculation.

"Sorry, Mr. Stark."

"The artificial intelligence Skynet in my hand is at least as strong as artificial intelligence."

"And it should be much stronger than your AI."

"This is impossible,"

Tony Stark crossed his arms and sneered.

"Impossible? How about we make a bet?"

A smile appeared on Jason's face.

"What bet?"

Tony Stark said.

"I can breach J.A.R.V.I.S's firewall in two minutes."

"This is impossible."

Tony Stark said flatly.

Compared with human network offensive and defensive warfare.

The war between artificial intelligences doesn't have so many bells and whistles.

What is compared is the arithmetic ability.

Computing Ability is closely related to artificial intelligence algorithms.

He didn't believe that Jason's algorithm could be better than his.

It is impossible to break through J.A.R.V.I.S's firewall within two minutes!