
Comics: My Dad Is Batman

Reborn into a world where Marvel and DC coexist, he became the illegitimate son of Bruce Wayne, Batman! The film and television technology system was successfully activated! You can arbitrarily extract technology from known movies and TV shows! Use Ultron-level artificial intelligence at the beginning to push Joker to a dead end! Successfully slapped Tony Stark in the face at the Stark Industrial Conference! … This is the birth of a technological genius from Marvel and DC! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you like a little bit of the book then save it you may love it later and pls gift this pitiful author with your precious power stones. :) [Author: The cover's not mine.]

Dragon_God_ · Urban
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The effect of the gamma strengthening potion is much better than Jason imagined.

It's not just physical fitness that has changed.

Even the appearance has changed.

It's like Captain America was injected with the super soldier serum.

Suddenly he became a muscular tyrant.

Looking at the muscles on his body, Jason nodded with satisfaction.

Next time you see Tony Stark, be sure to mock him.

Even though he is only 1.6 meters tall, he mocks him every day for being 1.5 meters tall.

It's simply too much.

Now, it's time for him to feel his own pain.

I smiled a little wretchedly in my heart -.

Jason couldn't wait to put on Bruce Wayne's clothes and went to Bruce Wayne's private training ground.

Bruce Wayne became Batman for a reason.

In addition to necessary social activities and doing chivalrous work outside.

He spent most of his time at the training ground.

Completely different from Tony Stark, the playboy who spent half his life in bed.

Therefore, the underground training facilities in Wayne Manor are very complete.

It's not just the equipment in a regular gym.

There is also a small shooting range in the back.

When he first arrived at Wayne Group, Jason even went to go karting.

But later his wrist was dislocated and he never went there again.

This time he was going to test his strength on the training ground.

"Skynet, prepare to monitor my physical condition in real time."

"Create my profile."

Jason said casually.

Already in the beginning.

He asked Skynet to create his personal file.

Various body data are collected almost every six months.

Scientists like them are very prone to sudden death.

Take Tony Stark for example.

This philanthropist was playing every night, and the body was consumed by wine and sex.

But this guy just stayed up all night doing research.

The food was burgers and coffee.

Under this situation.

Tony Stark didn't die suddenly.

Jason has to say that Tony Stark is himself.

He has no interest in betting on this probability.

Therefore, he usually pays great attention to his health.

Now it's time to compare with his data.

Picking up a 25kg dumbbell plate, Jason gave it a try. 

Then he looked weird.

It's not that this thing is too heavy.

But it's too light.

If it were him before, he wouldn't even think about such a thing.

But now.

Holding this dumbbell chip, Jason even felt like he was just holding a bag of potato chips.

"Skynet, prepare the boxing test machine."

"This thing doesn't make sense anymore."

Jason said with sour teeth.

He originally thought that even if the strength increased, it would not be too exaggerated.

He didn't lose control of his power at all.

But now it seems.

Or because the potion is too powerful.

His nervous system has also been strengthened.

A perfect match for his own strength.

He has no correct understanding of his own power at all.

Judging from just now.

His strength is not as strong as iron, but it's almost there.

This is the advantage of having a factory at home.

The machine Jason wanted was quickly brought over by dozens of armors.

For the sake of the future.

Skynet directly designed a testing instrument with an upper limit that can withstand several hundred tons.

The volume is naturally a bit larger.

File size that occupies more than half of the venue.

After the equipment was installed, Jason warmed up.

"Skynet, prepare to record the values.

As he spoke, Jason shook his wrist and punched the machine with all his strength.


There was a muffled sound.

There is an obvious punch mark on the special rubber carbon fiber material.

The numbers on the instrument kept jumping up.

Seeing this number, Jason raised his eyebrows.

So strong?

You know, he has just strengthened his body and there is still a lot of room for improvement.

And he had never learned any systematic way of exerting force before.

This power is at most two-thirds of his full strength.

That's close to 250 tons!

What a concept.

The speed of his punch is about 100 meters per second.

According to the kinetic energy formula, power is equal to force multiplied by speed.

In other words, the power of his punch is about 2 million kilowatts.

A country with a large population like.

The electricity load in third- and fourth-tier cities is only one million kilowatts.

The power of Jason's punch was equivalent to the load of two cities.

Although the performance is not that obvious in terms of strength.

But if one punch punches through a five- to six-story building, it probably won't be a big problem.

It has completely exceeded the boundaries of human beings.

Unless it's anti-Hulk armor, I'm afraid.

Otherwise, ordinary steel armor will only be regarded as a toy in front of him in the future.

"It turns out that just one body strengthening potion can make you so strong."

"It's a beautiful comic book world where there are as many gods as dogs, hanging on the walls and everywhere."

"This strength has grown a bit too fast."

Jason made a deal in his mind.

The people in the training room couldn't help but sigh.

Now, even Skynet, who had been calm all this time, couldn't stand it anymore.

If she wasn't an artificial intelligence, she would probably spit in Jason's face.

Who are you pretending to be?

I can't stand Jason's pretentiousness.

Skynet's gentle voice rang out from the speakers.

"Master, your physical examination report is out. Do you want to take a look?"

Jason, who was immersed in joy, did not notice the vividness of Skynet's tone.

"Okay, cast it on the screen for me."

Soon a string of data appeared on the screen.

Jason looked at it and saw that it was completely different from before.

Before strengthening, his weight was only 40 kilograms.

My current weight is straight towards 300 kilograms.

But his figure does not look fat.

One can imagine how incredibly dense his body is.

The heart beats only half as often as normal people.

It's just that the heart beats more vigorously.

Jason even seemed to be able to hear the sound of blood flowing in his veins.

Not only that, the activity of various organs in his body has been greatly enhanced.

Even the gut flora.

When taken outside, they can be regarded as super bacteria.

The kind that no drug can kill.

"No wonder some previous works said that the blood of gods is poison to ordinary people."

"Bacteria with such high activity."

"It's okay to enter an ordinary human body."

Jason said in surprise.

I'm afraid he has nothing to do with voluntary blood donation in this life.

I'm afraid there are no humans in the world who can bear his blood.

Checked the parameters of each part of the body.

Jason was secretly surprised.

He can be sure that he is very strong now.

Very strong.

Not at all human.

From now on, when he goes out, as long as he doesn't meet a pervert, he can walk sideways.

Jason was feeling complacent.

A voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Who are you? Why are you here!"

"Don't move!"

Jason wanted to turn around.

But just halfway through, I heard a gunshot.

Then my back felt like it had been pricked with needles.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Dragon_God_creators' thoughts