
Comics: My Dad Is Batman

Reborn into a world where Marvel and DC coexist, he became the illegitimate son of Bruce Wayne, Batman! The film and television technology system was successfully activated! You can arbitrarily extract technology from known movies and TV shows! Use Ultron-level artificial intelligence at the beginning to push Joker to a dead end! Successfully slapped Tony Stark in the face at the Stark Industrial Conference! … This is the birth of a technological genius from Marvel and DC! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you like a little bit of the book then save it you may love it later and pls gift this pitiful author with your precious power stones. :) [Author: The cover's not mine.]

Dragon_God_ · Urban
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Petroleum Country Is Really Dangerous

The next day, when Jason got up from bed.

It was already one or two o'clock in the afternoon.

He benefited a lot from his conversation with Tony Stark yesterday.

I did the experiment all night yesterday.

Naturally, he got up later.

But when we came together, Alfred walked in from outside before eating.

"Master, something happened,"

"What happened? Did something happen to Tony Stark?"

Jason said to Alfred while eating his sandwich.

"Master, how do you know? Does this matter have anything to do with you?"

Alfred said in surprise.

Jason rolled his eyes and said.

"Grandpa Alfred, do you think it's possible?"

"Then how did you know?"

Alfred asked with a frown.

"Grandpa Alfred, don't you even read news on your mobile phone?"

Jason said helplessly.

Not to mention that he already knew something was going to happen to Tony Stark.

Just talking about the various news on the phone was enough for him to understand what happened.

The news with various shocking headlines can be said to attract enough attention.

He even has the demeanor of some editorial offices in his previous life.

Alfred also realized that he had made a big joke.

Old people like him still like to read newspapers.

For things like mobile phones.

Although he also uses it, he doesn't use it as frequently as young people.

Seeing the embarrassment on Alfred's face, Jason smiled and said.

"Grandpa Alfred, did you give him the gift I gave Tony Stark?"


Alfred said.

"That's okay, Tony Stark can't die."

Jason said nonchalantly.

Originally, he wanted to directly persuade Tony Stark not to participate in the military product promotion.

But after thinking about it, he felt that there seemed to be no reason for him to do so.

He and Tony Stark were not related to each other, and their friendship was not that deep.

Even if he told him, Tony Stark would definitely not believe it.

After talking about it, Tony Stark might even suspect that the Wayne family might want to enter the arms industry.

I want to steal his family's business.

But Tony Stark gave him so much technology, and he couldn't ignore it.

He gave Tony Stark a body armor newly developed by Wayne Group.

Body armor made of ultra-fine carbon fiber.

The thickness is only slightly thicker than an ordinary shirt.

But it can block automatic rifle fire.

Although the huge kinetic energy of firearms cannot be completely eliminated.

But wearing this body armor, he would never end up with a big hole in his chest.

As for whether Tony Stark will wear it.

He wasn't worried at all.

He gave Tony Stark a good scare yesterday.

Describe the deserts of oil countries as the home of terrorists.

If it weren't for the fact that the design list this time was too big.

Tony Stark was almost too scared to go to oil countries to discuss business.

In fact, the reality was no different than Jason expected.

Tony Stark was frightened when he heard Jason's exaggerated statement.

So much so that after he got off the private plane, he even exchanged body armor with a soldier regardless of his demeanor.

"Tony, what are you doing? Aren't you afraid of heatstroke?"

Tony Stark's Colonel Roddy said helplessly.

"Oh, Roddy, I'm protecting myself."

Tony Stark said something.

"Happy, you should wear one too, this place is too dangerous."

"Tony, hey Tony."

Colonel Roddy really couldn't stand it anymore.

He grabbed Tony and said.

"Tony, this is the Bald Eagle Military Base, there is no danger at all."

"Don't be afraid!"

"Rhody, who can say for sure?"

"I heard that terrorists here like to use suicide bombs and nuclear weapons."

Tony Stark said without hesitation.

Colonel Roddy rolled his eyes helplessly.

There is such a thing as a suicide bomb.

But nuclear weapons.

Which bastard is talking nonsense?

If the petrolium-states had nuclear weapons, how could they, the bald eagles, dare to come in and grab oil as they pleased?

After some hard work, Roddy persuaded Tony Stark to return the military body armor that was taken from the soldier.

But Tony put on the light body armor that Jason gave him.

Only then did he feel much safer.

He comforted himself and calmed down his emotions.

Tony Stark began to introduce his Jericho missile to the military.

After seeing this kind of cluster bomb that can automatically lock on the target, the military decisively placed an order worth billions.

After Tony opened the red wine, he also moved the territory with the soldiers.

Along the way, I joked with a few fan soldiers.

Tony Stark's nervousness also eased a lot.

But before he could be happy for too long, he heard a loud bang.

The military jeep in front of it suddenly erupted into a huge amount of sparks.

"What's going on? What happened?"

Tony Stark suddenly became very panicked.

"Sh*t! Enemy attack!"

"Sh*t, Sh*t, fire!"

"Stay in the car!"

On sight there was an attack.

The soldiers in the car had absolutely no time to protect Tony Stark and just let him stay in the car.

He quickly ran outside the car and fired back with a firearm.

However, these attackers were obviously well prepared.

They were naturally prepared to attack the Bald Eagle Empire, the most elite force in the world.

After a while, the few soldiers who resisted were all killed.

As soon as Tony Stark saw this situation.

He ignored the warnings of several soldiers and ran out directly.

Braving the gunfire, he ran behind a rock with dangerous risks.

Tony Stark pulled out his cell phone as if to call for backup.

As a top rich man and the smartest scientist in the world, he naturally has ways to save his life.

But before he could make a call, he saw an additional missile in front of him.

The name Stark Industries is clearly visible above.


Tony Stark turned around and wanted to run.

But before he could move, the bomb in front of him exploded.

Then Tony Stark flew up.

Fly out, a few meters away.

Tony Stark felt pain all over his body when he landed.

It was like being crushed by a steamroller.

But when he touched his body, he discovered that there were no wounds on his body.

Look down.

The suit on his chest was in pieces.

Some tiny metal fragments were embedded in it.

Tony Stark was terrified.

If he hadn't been wearing the bulletproof vest that Jason gave him, he would have been disabled at the moment.

"Hahaha, Jason, you are a genius."

With an excited shout, Tony Stark turned around and got up and wanted to run.

However, he hasn't taken a few steps yet.

I felt a sharp pain in the back of my neck, then my eyes went black and I fell to the ground.

Before falling into coma, Tony Stark only had time to have one thought.

Oil country is so f**king dangerous!

P.S.{Petrolium country or state is arab country pls don't get mad at it no offense}