
Comics: My Dad Is Batman

Reborn into a world where Marvel and DC coexist, he became the illegitimate son of Bruce Wayne, Batman! The film and television technology system was successfully activated! You can arbitrarily extract technology from known movies and TV shows! Use Ultron-level artificial intelligence at the beginning to push Joker to a dead end! Successfully slapped Tony Stark in the face at the Stark Industrial Conference! … This is the birth of a technological genius from Marvel and DC! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you like a little bit of the book then save it you may love it later and pls gift this pitiful author with your precious power stones. :) [Author: The cover's not mine.]

Dragon_God_ · Urban
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More Money Is Needed

Jason stared at Fox with a look of disbelief on his face.

His eyes were full of disbelief.

Seeing Jason's expression, Fox felt a little embarrassed and even a little guilty.

"Jason, although we are our own people, Wayne Group will definitely give you a satisfactory price."

"We initially estimate that the basic technical information alone can give a price of tens of billions."

Fox said this without any confidence.

Even if he applies himself to others, Fox himself feels that these words are a bit excessive.

If it were him.

Someone came to him and wanted to acquire the technology that he had spent a lot of effort developing.

He would also be in disbelief.

And that's even with such a low bid.

This is artificial intelligence!

If promoted, it can bring about earth-shaking changes to the world and change the technological changes of the entire human race.

Not to mention the bionic quantum state service array technology developed by Jason.

There are even prototypes of quantum computers.

This can drastically change the entire world.

Thinking of this, Fox also felt that the price he offered was a bit low.

Jason looked at Fox, who looked increasingly guilty, and said hoarsely.

"Fox, Skynet is my hard work."

"I researched these technologies day and night without rest or sleep."

"Skynet is even equivalent to my child!"

Fox heard Jason say this.

His face became even more embarrassed.

If it weren't for the protective ability of his skin color, his face would definitely be redder than a monkey's butt right now.

But he just wanted to speak.

Just heard Jason speak.

"You have to pay more!"


Fox asked in shock.

"I said that technology can be sold, but you have to pay more."

Jason said with a serious face.

Technology is something that is meant to be sold.

When science and technology are invented, they inherently carry various meanings.

Not for fame, but for profit.

Jason never meant to keep his skills in his hands forever.

As long as Fox can provide the money, he dares to sell.

However, he doesn't think Fox can afford this value.

Existing Wayne Group.

Even if you buy his skills, your vitality will be severely damaged.

Not worth it at all.

As expected, Fox said with a grimace.

"Jason, Wayne Group simply can't generate that much cash flow."

"We can't afford your technology."

When he said this, Fox's face was full of sorrow and anger.

It feels like there is a lively beauty in front of you and you really can't unbutton your belt.

That feeling was full of powerlessness.

"It's okay, I expected it."

"We can change the way of cooperation. Besides, I can't sell all the technology."

"How do you think we should work together?"

Fox was shocked and said.

"Wayne Group can exchange some goods in kind and only need some cash."

"Definitely, I want something that doesn't belong to our Wayne family."

"Fox, you know what I mean."

Jason wanted to pat Fox on the shoulder in an old-fashioned way, but unfortunately he found that he was not tall enough.

He could only put his hands behind his back calmly.

"this is okay too."

Fox said happily.

As for Jason's last words, he also knew it.

Although the Wayne Group is run by the Wayne family.

But the Wayne family only held the majority of the shares.

There are other shares that are other people's shares.

They are all powerful families or companies in Gotham City, or even in the entire Bald Eagle Empire.

It is this way of cross-holding.

These big families have mastered wealth that is difficult for ordinary people to achieve, but they don't look that rich on the surface.

Wayne Group also has several other major shareholders.

The relationship between these people and the Wayne family is not very good either.

It's normal for Jason to think about his family.

As for him, he is also a loyal subordinate of the Wayne family faction. Even if Jason doesn't say so, he will do it.

Thinking of this, Fox reminded.

"Jason, I think it would be better if you just sell some basic knowledge."

"For example, some basic materials, chip manufacturing, etc."

"It's best not to let others control things like artificial intelligence."

"You are still young and there are some things you don't understand."

Hearing what Fox said, Jason glanced at the old man with satisfaction.

He is indeed a loyal confidant who can build Bruce Wayne's armor.

You can say this kind of thing, so it is reliable to leave this matter to him.

Thinking of this, Jason's words immediately changed.

"Grandpa Fox, you are a friend of our Wayne family."

"I can rest assured that I can leave this matter to you."

"You don't have to worry about anything else."

When Fox heard this, he glanced at Jason.

I thought to myself, that's not what you said just now.

Sure enough, he is Bruce Wayne's son, he can really fool him!

After thinking for a long time, Fox, the old fox, said this.

"Jason, don't worry, I won't let you suffer."

"There are several pieces of equipment in Wayne Group's laboratory that I think you must want.

I'll get it for you. "

"Then thank you Grandpa Fox."

Jason said with a sweet smile.

Wayne Group's laboratory has a lot of hard work from the second largest shareholder of Wayne Group.

Jason is very satisfied with this reward.

The little fox and the old fox looked at each other.

Their eyes were full of smiles.

A few days later.

Wayne Group held a press conference.

The Technology Department of Wayne Group has made huge amounts of breakthroughs in chips and systems.

I want to declare war with the two giants Intel and Microsoft in one fell swoop.

Suddenly it caused an uproar in the Bald Eagle Empire.

Many businesses have heard the news.

This naturally includes Stark Technology in New York.

At the moment, Tony Stark has not yet experienced the disaster of being captured.

He is still the narcissistic playboy that everyone hates.

Tony Stark frowned when he saw the news in the newspaper.

"What the hell is the Wayne Group doing that you dare to post this kind of news?"

"I haven't made a breakthrough in this area yet, so why should they, Wayne Group?"

"It's probably just bragging again to deceive investors."

Throwing the newspaper on the sofa with disdain, Tony Stark looked at the blond beauty next to him.

"Okay my beauty, let's not worry about that hypocrite Bruce Wayne."

"Let's cherish this beautiful moment."

As he spoke, Tony Stark picked up the blonde beauty and walked towards the bedroom.

The newspaper was trampled directly under his feet.

At the moment, Jason naturally didn't know that because of him, Wayne Group was defamed by an arrogant genius.

He also didn't expect that he would soon have an intersection with this genius who was often mentioned.