
Comics: My Dad Is Batman

Reborn into a world where Marvel and DC coexist, he became the illegitimate son of Bruce Wayne, Batman! The film and television technology system was successfully activated! You can arbitrarily extract technology from known movies and TV shows! Use Ultron-level artificial intelligence at the beginning to push Joker to a dead end! Successfully slapped Tony Stark in the face at the Stark Industrial Conference! … This is the birth of a technological genius from Marvel and DC! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you like a little bit of the book then save it you may love it later and pls gift this pitiful author with your precious power stones. :) [Author: The cover's not mine.]

Dragon_God_ · Urban
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Although high-energy cutting laser consumes very serious energy.

But it's extremely powerful.

The special military ship steel used to strengthen the hull and deck was quickly opened up by the steel armor.

More than a thousand steel armors continued to pour into the hull.

However, in Jason's opinion, it was actually very late.

Almost all the crew and scientific researchers inside had been slaughtered.

These AIM combat troops are very well equipped.

Not only does it have special battles, but it also has night vision goggles on its head.

Jason turning off the lights didn't bother the group at all.

Not as much of a threat as cutting off communications.

"Try to capture these people alive. If you can't capture them alive, kill them all."

"See if any of these people are still alive."

Jason said to Skynet with a gloomy face.

Although these people carry special elixirs.

But something like this can threaten steel armor.

They are all rare goods, these people don't have much equipment.

Soon, they were trapped by the steel armor.

However, Jason's wish to capture him alive did not come true.


Jason looked at the corpse in front of him with an ugly expression.

Already seven holes are bleeding hope.

Cyanide is one of the most toxic chemicals in the world.

The fatality rate is high and it takes effect very quickly.

Widely used by various dead soldiers.

It only takes a few milligrams to kill an adult.

It was obvious that these combatants, seeing they were captured alive, simply committed suicide by taking poison.

This made Jason even more afraid of this AIM.

It is not easy to train dead soldiers.

Especially in this day and age.

Unless you are a brainwashed diehard, it is not easy to have someone sacrifice your life.

But this AIM directly took out more than a hundred dead soldiers.

Suicide without hesitation.

This gave Jason a new understanding of the strength of this organization.

They couldn't do this just by relying on the things that Tianfan found out.

"These guys definitely have a physically isolated database. Even a paper database."

Jason said with certainty.

With the development of network technology.

Now more and more major forces have established their own physical isolation systems.

There is no external network access at all.

Some organizations with deep pockets have even established paper databases.

It is to prevent the intrusion of various hackers.

Jason can be sure that this AIM must have these things in his hands.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to cultivate so many dead soldiers just relying on the power he showed on the surface.

A country as powerful as Lao Maozi back then.

If you want to cultivate dead soldiers, you must use repeated brainwashing.

If you look at the Winter Soldier, you will know how much it costs to train a dead soldier.

More than a hundred people appeared here at once.

"Skynet, divide into small sub-bodies and store them in accessible devices."

Jason opened his mouth and gave instructions.

There is no unbreakable wall in the world.

Even if this group of people sets up a physically isolated database, it is impossible to prevent intrusions 100%.

They always exchange data.

At that time, Skynet's sub-body virus will be able to invade their isolation network and obtain the data he needs.

Unless these people really set up a paper database!

After thinking about it for a while, Jason put this matter to the bottom of his heart.

He shouldn't be able to deal with this organization for the time being.

Wait until we find out some information.

"Skynet, are there any signs of life here?"

Looking at the corpses in front of him, Jason's face was as dark as water.

A large cruise ship has a crew of at least several hundred people.

That's still a ship transporting crude oil.

A secret base like Killian has nearly 2,000 crew members, scientific researchers, service personnel, etc. in total.

And these people were almost all killed by these people.

It was pure carnage.

In many cabins, blood and water can even reach calf height.

If it weren't for the support of the steel armor, Jason felt that he might have knelt on the ground.

The population of a heavy town in the Bald Eagle Empire is not that large!

If this matter were to be revealed, I'm afraid it would cause an uproar!

"If no signs of life are found, the body will be identified and buried."

"At the same time, investigate the identities of these executioners for me."

"I don't believe it, there's no trace of cobweb horses at all."

Jason looked at it for a while and couldn't help it.

He left the cabin directly.

"Skynet, start the investigation from the beginning."

"I want information from their birth to the present."

"As long as these people don't jump out of the cracks in the rocks, I will find their traces."

"And send this stuff to Nick Fury at S.H.I.E.L.D."

"As well as AIM's information, send it to him."

Jason came out to take a breath of air and said in a deep voice.

Although he thinks he is not a good person.

But seeing so many people die in front of him.

He simply couldn't remain indifferent.

He didn't expect that these people would be so insane.

"Send a message to Tony Stark and ask him if he's interested in getting involved."

"I want all branches of AIM to be annihilated into ashes."

Jason said through gritted teeth.

Originally he wanted to take a look at it slowly.

Slowly investigate the details of this organization before taking action.

It seems completely unnecessary now.

This kind of crazy organization should not exist in this world.

He can't be a superhero.

Some people can do it,

He believes that several super agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, as well as Tony Stark, must be interested in dealing with this organization.

After thinking about it, Jason looked into the distance coldly.

At the same time, at the Delta Wing S.H.I.E.L.D base in New York.

Nick Fury, who was engaged in some conspiracy, received an anonymous email.

When he saw this email, Nick Fury was a little surprised.

This mailbox that accepts mail is a secret mailbox.

Not many people know this email address.

They are all people he trusts very much.

Now that an anonymous email suddenly appeared, he was naturally very surprised.

However, half a day later, he saw this email.

But after watching it for a few minutes, Nick Fury became a little angry.

His face immediately turned a bit darker.

Although he is somewhat unscrupulous in order to protect mankind.

Many of the methods may even seem unethical.

But his original intention is still good.

That's to protect humanity.

How could he not be angry now that he saw the evidence that Jason sent him that confirmed human massacres.

However, his many years as an agent still make him very cautious.


"Go covertly investigate an organization called AIM, and Killian Biopharmaceutical Company."

"With help, don't let anyone know."

After giving a few instructions into the earphones, Nick Fury began to think deeply again.

The black face was uncertain.

He was wondering if this was a conspiracy.

Is someone plotting against S.H.I.E.L.D.

And how this changed email was leaked.