
Comics: My Dad Is Batman

Reborn into a world where Marvel and DC coexist, he became the illegitimate son of Bruce Wayne, Batman! The film and television technology system was successfully activated! You can arbitrarily extract technology from known movies and TV shows! Use Ultron-level artificial intelligence at the beginning to push Joker to a dead end! Successfully slapped Tony Stark in the face at the Stark Industrial Conference! … This is the birth of a technological genius from Marvel and DC! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you like a little bit of the book then save it you may love it later and pls gift this pitiful author with your precious power stones. :) [Author: The cover's not mine.]

Dragon_God_ · Urban
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Bruce Wayne speeds through the streets of Gotham City in his Batmobile.

Gotham City in the early morning.

Basically deserted.

Ordinary people would not appear on the streets during this event.

The people still roaming the streets today are either drug addicts or people who engage in various illegal and criminal activities.

Fortunately, the Batmobile was originally very invisible in the night.

No one has found any trace of the Batmobile so far.

Speeding all the way, Bruce Wayne soon arrived in Harlem.

Harlem is one of the most chaotic areas in Gotham City.

All the prosperity of Gotham City seems to have nothing to do with this place.

The buildings here are all products of the 1920s.

In addition, most of the people living here are African Americans.

The level of chaos and poverty can be imagined.

Joker chose this kind of place to live.

If it weren't for Jason's artificial intelligence, it would be impossible to find him.

Near the area near Joker's laboratory, Bruce Wayne got out of the Batmobile and hid in the darkness.

Pressed a few keys on the tiny programming computer on my arm.

The cameras in the building in front of you are marked.

It's obvious that this is Joker's long-term base.

The location is very tight.

The surveillance video has no blind spots in this small space.

According to infrared radiation detection, there are huge amounts of space inside the house.

And there are quite a few people inside. They should be the men gathered by Joker.

I worked on the computer for a while.

A drone flew out from the Batmobile.

After flying around the building, there was a three-dimensional drawing of the building on Bruce Wayne's personal computer.

Being a superhero also requires using your brain.

Bruce Wayne hacked a camera with the device given by the operator Fox.

Then he touched the blind spot of the camera toward the inside of the house.

First, he went to the security room and controlled several security personnel who were watching the surveillance.

Next, Bruce Wayne gradually breaks through.

In order not to alert Joker, Bruce Wayne invaded very slowly.

In addition, Joker has laid many very insidious traps on his chassis.

Bruce Wayne also spent a lot of effort to break these.

It took more than an hour to reach the edge of Joker's laboratory.

Looking at the door of the laboratory in front of him, Bruce Wayne also breathed a sigh of relief.

Remove the equipment above the shoulder armor.

Bruce Wayne breaks open the lab door directly.

"Joker, you can't escape!"

After posing, Bruce Wayne rushed directly into the laboratory.

But it was different from the hard battle full of traps he imagined.

There was no one in the laboratory!

Seeing this scene, Bruce Wayne's expression changed.

Among the architectural drawings detected by drones.

There is no other exit from this lab!

Just when Bruce Wayne was wondering where Joker was.

A monitor of huge amounts in front of him suddenly lit up.

"Whoa, hahahaha. Batman!"

"As expected of Batman, he was able to find this place."

"I have to say, you are indeed the strongest superhero in Gotham City."

"It makes me very distressed!"

"Joker, stop pretending."

"You probably haven't left the building yet. You can't escape this time."

With a sneer, Bruce Wayne turned and left.

He was going to find this guy out.

However, just as he turned around, Joker's crazy voice came from the monitor behind him again.

"Whoa whoa whoa, Batman."

"Indeed, you guessed it right, I haven't left yet."

"But do you dare to come and catch me now?"

"I forgot to tell you, this base will explode in five minutes."

"I think you should be able to save the people in this building, right?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Joker smiled maniacally again.

Bruce Wayne glanced at him, said nothing, and turned around to leave.

Indeed, he was going to save the people inside this building.

Even though the people here are extremely sinful and unforgivable.

But he is still not qualified to judge these people.

What he has to do is take these people to court!

Therefore, he turned around without any hesitation.

And Joker looks at Bruce Wayne looking back.

A big smile appeared on his face.

At the moment Joker was in a secret room in the laboratory, with only a wall separating him from Batman.

"Batman, I hope you don't disappoint me."

"Without you, there will be a lot less fun!"

Sticking out his scarlet tongue and licking his lips, Joker pressed the self-destruct button in the middle.

Turn around and run.

Go through the secret passage in the back.

Joker soon arrived at the back of the laboratory.

Taking a look at his laboratory, Joker's eyes flashed with pity.

Left without any hesitation.

But he hasn't taken two steps yet.

A voice came from behind him.

"Mr. Joker, nice to meet you."

Joker heard this voice without any hesitation.

He took out two pistols from his suit and turned around and fired several shots.

However, apart from a few streaks of fire on the wall, the bullets didn't hit anything else at all.

"Mr. Joker, this is not the way to treat guests."

The voice came from the front again.

A cold light flashed in Joker's blood-red eyes, he put away his gun and said in a hoarse voice.

"who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, I'm just a small character."

Only then did Joker see the source of the sound.

It was a drone-like device in mid-air.

The sound came from above.

"Pretend to be a ghost."

Joker drew his gun and shot him twice.

However, to his surprise, the drone in mid-air used a very strange posture to dodge the bullet.

Seeing this, Joker also became serious.

He is a madman, not a fool.

He knew exactly what it meant for a drone to dodge bullets.

Ordinary people can't dodge bullets no matter how fast they react, let alone control a drone to dodge bullets.

With just such a movement, he knew that the person facing him was not an ordinary person.

Clutching the pistol tightly, Joker stared at the drone.

"Who are you?"

"I said, it doesn't matter who I am."

"I just want to play a game with Mr. Joker."

Hearing this, Joker's eyes flashed with excitement.

He stuck out his tongue and licked his scarlet lips, and asked with interest.

"What kind of game."

"It's simple, I will be hunting you down for the rest of the day."

"If you can escape successfully."

"Congratulations, you saved your life."

"If you can't escape."

"I think Mr. Joker should know what that means."

"Well, now the game begins."

As soon as the drone finished speaking, a buzzing sound sounded from the surroundings.

"I took over this game."

Licking his lips.

Joker suddenly disappeared.

Where Joker stood, there was only a big black hole.