
Comics: My Dad Is Batman

Reborn into a world where Marvel and DC coexist, he became the illegitimate son of Bruce Wayne, Batman! The film and television technology system was successfully activated! You can arbitrarily extract technology from known movies and TV shows! Use Ultron-level artificial intelligence at the beginning to push Joker to a dead end! Successfully slapped Tony Stark in the face at the Stark Industrial Conference! … This is the birth of a technological genius from Marvel and DC! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you like a little bit of the book then save it you may love it later and pls gift this pitiful author with your precious power stones. :) [Author: The cover's not mine.]

Dragon_God_ · Urban
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Controllable Miniature Cold Fusion

Of course, Jason didn't know what happened to Tony Stark in the Arab country.

He just knows.

A man of luck like Tony Stark would definitely not die so easily.

There was nothing else to do, and his old man went out to do chivalry again.

He could only return to the laboratory again.

After all, he just got lucky and learned the technology of steel battle suit from Tony Stark.

This made him very impatient.

Who doesn't want a steel battle suit of their own?

It's just a person who has this kind of dream.

Now that he can realize it, he will naturally realize it.

"Skynet, create a file, codenamed Mark 5."

"File creation has been completed, please enter the content."

"The main body is divided into two parts, the energy part and the armor part."

After feeling the vast amount of information in his mind, Jason thought for a moment and said.

I have to say, Tony Stark is really a genius.

With a mortal body, he can stand up to the gods.

This is not just talk.

In the steel armor, many things are black technologies across the ages.

Take the defensive ability of Steel Armor as an example.

This is something very incredible.

In real life, physical defense also has limits.

For example, authentic military body armor is very heavy.

On top of the body armor, there are various protective ceramic plates and protective steel plates.

The purpose is to offset the powerful kinetic energy of the bullet.

Even if an ordinary bulletproof vest blocks a bullet, the powerful kinetic energy of the bullet will also cause a great impact on the human body.

The same goes for steel armor.

To block an attack, consider the impact.

A layer of alloy armor with a thickness of only a few centimeters may be able to block frontal bombardment from a tank's main gun.

But how to mitigate the impact of artillery shells is a very big problem.

If it is not handled well, the person inside the steel armor will be directly beaten into a puddle of flesh by the impact.

And this is an insignificant part of the black technology of steel armor.

Other black technologies include acceleration buffering, energy weapons, cold nuclear fusion, medium-less propulsion engines, global non-segment real-time communications, and so on.

Even Jason's technology comes from direct infusion of the system.

It also took a long time to sort out these technologies.

Wait until he inputs the technical skills into Skynet by category and creates a file.

Jason said after all preparations were completed.

"Open archive, energy system, cold fusion Ark reactor."

Jason said carefully.

What technology is the most black technology in Tony Stark's steel armor?

There is no doubt that it is an arc reactor, which belongs to the category of controllable miniature cold fusion.

How awesome is this thing?

For example, a reactor the size of a fist File can instantly generate as much energy as a quarter of an Ark reactor.

This is a very scary concept.

Mastering this technology means that only a few dozen arc reactors are needed across the country to meet the country's electricity needs.

What an amazing technology.

It is no exaggeration to say that based on the technological level of his previous life, the arc reactor would have been at least a thousand years ahead of the world.

Not to mention, this invincible miniature energy can also be used in aircraft carriers, nuclear submarines, spaceships, weapons, etc.

In Jason's opinion, the value of the steel armor is not as high as the value of the arc reactor.

Therefore, his first project was the arc reactor.

However, this reaction is very difficult to create.

Don't look at it. Tony Stark made this thing in a cave with ease.

But there is a scientist in the movie who said it well.

That's Tony Stark!

Someone who can rely on his own technology to fight against alien warlords with a population of tens of billions and control of hundreds of planets.

Sometimes Jason even had doubts that Tony Stark was the man who cheated.

Fortunately, it was actually him who cheated.

Shaking his head to get rid of the envy in his mind, Jason spoke.

"Skynet, order a few tons of palladium metal."

"Yes, Young Master."

Jason nodded with satisfaction after hearing the reply.

Although palladium is a precious metal, it can be used in many fields such as aerospace, energy, and automobiles.

But the price is not high, cheaper than gold.

For him, who was born into the Wayne family, it was incredibly cheap.

Naturally he ordered more.

As for the new elements used in future generations of steel battle suits, Jason feels it is completely unnecessary.

That unlucky guy Tony Stark was poisoned by palladium metal only because he had the Ark reactor in his body.

He has no such worries.

War Machine uses steel armor every day and still has no problems.

The high level of energy used by the first generation and mass-produced version, which was quickly eliminated, was too wasteful.

Palladium metal is cheap, isn't it delicious?

Unlike Tony Stark who likes to show off.

Jason prefers to work behind the scenes.

That custom-made steel battle suit like Tony Stark's would be a bit inappropriate.

With Skynet.

Like Ultron, building an army of mechas is his best choice.

In the end, he only built himself a Nano armor, which was enough.

Wait until he has accumulated his armor for a few years.

He is not afraid even if Thanos comes.

Wouldn't he be happy if he could just overwhelm Thanos with a massive army of steel armors?

Thinking of this, Jason chuckled.

"Establishing a controllable miniature cold fusion reactor production line."

"Secretly buying a piece of land in Africa to build a factory."

"Archive this file as top secret and prohibit others from reading it."

"Open the laboratory and prepare for the initial manufacturing of a controllable miniature cold fusion reactor."

"Order a five-axis simultaneous processing machine tool from the Wayne Group Machine Tool Department."

"The laboratory has divided a special area to establish the Tokmak strong magnetic confinement device."

A series of commands were issued from Jason's mouth.

Under the efficient arrangements of Skynet, it was quickly implemented.

For a scientist, having an artificial intelligence like Skynet is very worry-free.

After a pause, Jason continued.

"Load technical template."

"Design diagram of projecting controllable miniature cold fusion."

Jason gave an order, and a huge amount of projection appeared in the laboratory.

Just like when Tony Stark developed new elements.

Jason wants to make an arc reactor.

Artificial intelligence must also be used to conduct advanced simulations.

This can eliminate many completely unnecessary experimental procedures.

While manipulating the virtual projection in front of him, Jason realized the technology in his mind.

Sometimes even a few parameters are entered into the system to adjust the structure of some arc reactors.

The technology provided by the system is enhanced technology based on Tony Stark's second-generation arc reactor.

The energy output efficiency is higher and more stable.

It is not that easy to achieve this using existing technology.