
Comics: My Dad Is Batman

Reborn into a world where Marvel and DC coexist, he became the illegitimate son of Bruce Wayne, Batman! The film and television technology system was successfully activated! You can arbitrarily extract technology from known movies and TV shows! Use Ultron-level artificial intelligence at the beginning to push Joker to a dead end! Successfully slapped Tony Stark in the face at the Stark Industrial Conference! … This is the birth of a technological genius from Marvel and DC! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you like a little bit of the book then save it you may love it later and pls gift this pitiful author with your precious power stones. :) [Author: The cover's not mine.]

Dragon_God_ · Urban
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Commissioner Gordon of Gotham City has an old friendship with the Wayne family.

It's also wonderful to say.

When Commissioner Gordon was an agent.

The first case on the stall.

It's the case where Bruce Wayne's parents were shot~.

The Wayne couple, who adhered to the principle of not taking bodyguards when going out, went out to watch a movie, and were all killed by a gangster.

The young Bruce Wayne I met at that time was the first police officer I met.

That's Director Gordon now.

Gordon, who had just returned from the army, was still a very upright man.

Soon he became friends with Bruce Wayne.

However, compared to the upright and young Director Gordon at the time.

Commissioner Gordon now.

It is undoubtedly much more tactful.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to hang out in the muddy waters of Gotham for so many years.

"Little Jason, are there really biological weapons here?"

Director Gordon looked at Jason and said cautiously.

Jason glanced at Commissioner Gordon.

Whether there are biological and chemical weapons inside really depends on the situation.

Just like when the bald eagle said that oil countries have biological and chemical weapons.

It may not be there at first, but you have to search.

Biochemical weapons can definitely be found.

As for the biochemical weapon, was it already inside?

Then Jason can't guarantee it.

Of course Jason couldn't say that.

He just told lies with his eyes open.


"A business partner of our Wayne Group people told us the news."]

"Director Gordon, I will not deceive you about this kind of thing."

"We'd better stay away and let professionals handle these things."

Commissioner Gordon shouldn't have him.

He nodded deeply, turned around and left.

Not the slightest hesitation.

After Commissioner Gordon left, Jason waved.

A large truck drove over.

Ten pieces of steel armor got off the train uniformly.

The eight pieces of armor are ordinary models, but they have been modified.

There are two armors that look very special.

The paint on the body is fiery red.

The body even looks like a jar.

In place of the arms are two flame spouts.

This is a modified model specially modified by Jason to deal with Frozen Man.

Jason didn't speak until everything was ready.

"Skynet, what's going on with Frozen Man?"

After Jason finished speaking, a video appeared in his helmet.

What is playing is the scene inside Frozen Man's laboratory.

I don't know if it's ignorance or arrogance.

Entire blocks were evacuated.

The Frozen Man inside seemed unaware.

He kept saying something to a female corpse in the machine.

Seeing this, Jason felt a chill in his heart.

"Sure enough, he is insane and cannot be understood.

Jason muttered.

"Skynet, directly send fighter planes to blast it forcefully."

Jason gave an order, and the four armors formed a tactical formation and surrounded him.

The house where Frozen Man is located is nothing more than an ordinary residence.

Although modified by Frozen Man.

But in front of the armor.

These defenses are made of paper.

Three strikes, five divided by two, several pieces of armor controlled by Skynet rushed in directly.

It's just that I just took two steps.

Jason saw a burst of white mist appear inside the camera.

The four steel armors immediately froze in place.

The body is covered with white frost.

Several gunshots were heard inside the house.

The four pieces of steel armor were shattered like glass handicrafts.

It was directly broken into pieces.

Jason's eyes narrowed when he saw this.

Metal does show a certain degree of low-temperature brittleness below the base temperature.

But there is a limit to this.

Metal is still metal no matter how brittle it is.

There is no way it is as brittle as glass.

Not to mention.

Jason still uses low-temperature alloys specially ordered from Stark Industries.

It is said that it can maintain its properties at low temperatures of minus 200 degrees Celsius.

But now it seems that this is nonsense.

Even a piece of pig iron performs better than this low-temperature alloy.

"Stark, you profiteer."

He cursed Tony Stark bitterly.

"Skynet, send out the fire bats directly."

Seeing that something was wrong, Jason directly dispatched two special models of armor.

These two modified armors with specially reinforced armor have much better cold resistance than ordinary armors.

Under the control of Skynet.

Two pieces of orange-red armor walked up with heavy steps.

The heavy armor stepped on the ground, making a thumping sound.

Two armors just walked in front of the door.

A white mist spurted out from inside.

The bodies of the two fire bats were immediately covered with frost.

But the fire bat is not as fragile as ordinary armor.

A red light flashed across his body.

Action was quickly resumed.

There was a buzzing sound all around.

It was like a red-hot iron thrown into ice.

The two arms were raised directly, and flames more than twenty meters long were sprayed directly from the two flame jets.

Immediately mixed with the white mist.

A white mist formed in the sky.

"It works. It seems that this low-temperature spray has not reached the level of freezing flames.

The fire bat is not loaded with ordinary oil.

It is a mixture of phospholipids and high-energy aviation chemical fuels.

Can burn even under water.

No need for oxygen at all.

Although this white mist has the ability to freeze instantly.

But it's obviously not strong enough to crush this kind of gunpowder.


"Increase the jet power and suppress these white mist."

Jason ordered again.

"Also, we will send infrastructure modified fire bats from the group."

Jason frowned.

Frozen Man is also a wizard.

The developed freezing spray actually managed to compete with the four flamethrowers.

It's really eye-catching.

These are four flamethrowers, enough to burn down a forest.

Watching the two sides remain at loggerheads.

Jason shouted directly through the loudspeaker.

"Dr. Victor, how about we talk?"

"There is absolutely no need for us to fight to the death."

"Besides, Dr. Victor, how long can you last?"

"My supplies are unlimited."

Jason shouted a few words, hoping that Victor inside would be shaken.


His strategy didn't work.

Frozen Man remained silent in the house.

Just constantly fighting against the fire bats.

The surrounding air is filled with mist formed by water vapor condensation.

It makes this place look hazy and shadowy.

Jason frowned when he saw the situation.

We are preparing to send a few ordinary armors to support.

But he hasn't done it yet.

I heard two sharp whistles coming from the room.

It sounded like the sound of an RPG in mid-air.

Then there were two soft pops.

The two fire bats immediately lost their connection.

Jason frowned.

The expression on his face became ugly. .