
Comics: My Dad Is Batman

Reborn into a world where Marvel and DC coexist, he became the illegitimate son of Bruce Wayne, Batman! The film and television technology system was successfully activated! You can arbitrarily extract technology from known movies and TV shows! Use Ultron-level artificial intelligence at the beginning to push Joker to a dead end! Successfully slapped Tony Stark in the face at the Stark Industrial Conference! … This is the birth of a technological genius from Marvel and DC! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you like a little bit of the book then save it you may love it later and pls gift this pitiful author with your precious power stones. :) [Author: The cover's not mine.]

Dragon_God_ · Urban
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Cheating Your Son

Jason looked at Dr. Connors who left in a hurry.

The expression on his face was unusually speechless.

He turned to look at Alfred and asked.

"Grandpa Alfred, am I scary?"

Alfred smiled when he heard this.

"Young master, you are not angry and have authority. It is a sign of the temperament of a superior.

Jason nodded when he heard this.

No wonder Alfred has been the butler of the Wayne family for so many years.

Look at how well people talk.

If Jason didn't have a strong idea in his heart, he would really believe it.

Jason was enjoying Alfred's full compliment service.

There was a groan from the one next to me.


Alfred heard the sound and quickly moved forward.

"Master, how do you feel?"

He asked, looking at Bruce Wayne lying with concern.

After a while.

Bruce Wayne finally wakes up.

"It feels pretty good now."

Bruce Wayne sat up from his seat and moved his body.

Accidentally, the scanner was hit to pieces.

Alarms sounded throughout the laboratory.

Bruce Wayne looked at Jason awkwardly.

"Jason, what's going on?"

"It's okay, it's normal."

Jason looked at the data in his hand and said.

Killian is that weakling.

After being injected with the medicine of Extremis, everyone can gain strength beyond ordinary people.

Pure strength can even compete with steel armor.

Bruce Wayne is a guy who has developed his body to its human extreme.

The increase in strength is naturally more obvious.

It is completely normal to be temporarily unable to control your power to make a sudden payment.

Squeezing the muscles on Bruce Wayne's body.

Let's take a look at the basic constants measured by machines.

Jason nodded.

"It's really no problem."

"This is a trivial side effect of the therapeutic agent."

"Just train for a while and it will be fine."

"Now we should talk about what's going on, right?"

"Who made you like this?"

Jason looked at Bruce Wayne strangely.

To be honest, in all of Gotham City.

Batman's combat capabilities are top notch.

There are only a few superhumans in Gotham who are very powerful.

Like Joker, Two-Face, Harley Quinn, etc., most of the physical fitness is not as good as Bruce Wayne.

They all commit crimes based on their IQ.

Nothing like New York City next door.

The villains in it generally have low IQs, but are powerful.

Like Lizard Man, Hulk, Juggernaut and the like.

They are all examples of reckless men.

If these people were in Gotham City, they would have beaten Batman to death tens of thousands of times.

But there are few such reckless men in Gotham City.

So he's weird.

Who made Bruce Wayne look like this?

"It's Frozen Man."

Bruce Wayne moved his arms carefully and said with a wry smile.

"Frozen Man?"

Jason quickly searched through his memory.

Soon a villain came to the rescue.

Frozen Man is a cryogenic scientist.

The research is on human cryogenic freezing.

It was just because of an accident that his body cells changed.

He can only survive at low temperatures.

So he built himself a suit of armor.

Various freezing weapons were also invented.

Start making waves in Gotham City.

He seemed to remember.

This Frozen Man is a psychopath.

He believes that everything in the world is most beautiful when frozen.

How did Bruce Wayne get into trouble with him?

"How did you end up with Frozen Man?"

Jason asked a little gossipy.

Although Frozen Man is a psycho.

But he's not like that lunatic Joker who goes around wreaking havoc.

He prefers to have sex with his frozen wife.

Rarely come out to cause trouble.

Jason was a little surprised how Bruce Wayne could fight with him.

When Bruce Wayne heard him ask this, a wry smile appeared on his face.

"Last night, I went to patrol the economic zone."

"Then I happened to see him killing people, so I rushed to stop him."

"Who would have thought..."

The rest of the words were too shameful for Bruce Wayne to say.

"Then you are really unlucky."

Jason looked at Bruce Wayne with sympathy on his face.

Why is Bruce Wayne so unlucky?

Because he actually rarely goes to the economic zone.

The economic zone is actually a relatively prosperous part of Gotham City.

A large part of the police force is here to ensure the safety here.

Bruce Wayne spends most of his time in Downtown.

Justice is maintained in this mixed bag.

I went to the economic zone by chance.

I didn't expect to meet such a ruthless character.

Suffered a big loss.

Jason could only say that he was unlucky.

Saw Jason say this.

Bruce Wayne could only shake his head helplessly.

Even if he didn't meet him last night, he would meet Frozen Man sooner or later.

Let a super-ability criminal do his own crime in Gotham City.

It's just too dangerous.

Just last night.

At least a dozen ordinary people were affected.

According to his situation.

I'm afraid these people are already in trouble.

Thinking of this, Bruce Wayne eagerly wanted to rush out and bring Frozen Man to justice.

Jason saw what he was thinking in Bruce Wayne's eyes.

Don't even think about it.

"What you need most right now is rest."

"The effects of hypothermia are not that easy to recover from."

"Besides, you still need to get used to the surge in power."

"It's not a smart thing to do right now."


Bruce Wayne still wanted to refute what Jason said.

But Jason spoke first.

"No but."

"If you don't want to be in a wheelchair for the rest of your life, you'd better listen to me."

Jason interrupted Bruce Wayne directly.

It's not that serious though.

But it also has a certain impact.

What if Bruce Wayne ran out to fight again.

In addition, Extremis consumes a lot of energy to transform the body.

I'm afraid Bruce Wayne is really going to play GG.

Batman's name became famous.

Bruce Wayne sighed deeply when he heard Jason's words.

Sit back together.

He knew Jason was doing it for his own good.

It's just that he really doesn't worry about the safety of Gotham City.

Jason felt helpless when he saw Bruce Wayne's appearance.

Batman lowered his head and looked a little pitiful.

Jason was helpless.

He could only speak.

"Okay, you can save me for training."

"At worst, I'll help you catch Frozen Man tonight."

Bruce Wayne's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"Then I'll bother you Jason."

Jason looked at Bruce Wayne whose face changed instantly.

My heart keeps wailing.

This Bruce Wayne is not honest either!

Don't show any mercy to your son!