
Comics: My Dad Is Batman

Reborn into a world where Marvel and DC coexist, he became the illegitimate son of Bruce Wayne, Batman! The film and television technology system was successfully activated! You can arbitrarily extract technology from known movies and TV shows! Use Ultron-level artificial intelligence at the beginning to push Joker to a dead end! Successfully slapped Tony Stark in the face at the Stark Industrial Conference! … This is the birth of a technological genius from Marvel and DC! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you like a little bit of the book then save it you may love it later and pls gift this pitiful author with your precious power stones. :) [Author: The cover's not mine.]

Dragon_God_ · Urban
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Bionic Technology

Tony Stark leaned over and looked at Jason unkindly.

"Jason, hey, boy, are you listening to me carefully?"

Tony Stark felt a little angry.

He just saw Jason speak so nicely.

I am going to talk more about his work in artificial intelligence.

But unexpectedly, he hasn't started yet. ,

The kid in front of me was actually distracted.

This really made him angry.

Jason glanced at Tony Stark and smiled quickly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Stark, your skills are really great."

"I was fascinated by what I just watched. I'm sorry."

; Tony Stark looked a little better when he heard Jason say this.

Glanced at Jason.

As if to say.

I guess you, kid, are wise.

Jason couldn't help but chuckle inwardly.

Why does Tony Stark act like a child?

"Mr. Stark, don't worry, let's go on, let's go on."

"I completely agree with Mr. Stark's understanding of artificial intelligence infrastructure just now."

"But I also have a slightly different perspective."

"I think existing servers can no longer support artificial intelligence-level pre-computing."

"I think we have to get more advanced server technology."

"Bionics is a major direction."

"As we all know, there are billions of neurons in the human brain."

"The propagation of electrical signals within them forms the complex fabric of our thoughts."

"If we can simulate the function of the human brain."

"It doesn't take much, just basic simulation, and the problem of insufficient computing power can be solved."

Hearing what Jason said, Tony Stark was also thoughtful.

There is essentially no difference between artificial intelligence and ordinary computers.

Except that algorithms are the core.

The hardware foundation is also a very important part.

If an ordinary computer is slightly overclocked, the computer will heat up endlessly and the CPU will not be able to withstand it.

The same is true for artificial intelligence.

Something that can only support ordinary calculations, you make it bear excessive calculations.

This is definitely not possible.

Therefore, artificial intelligence must require better hardware facilities.

For his artificial intelligence butler J.A.R.V.I.S.

We directly found a five- or six-story building in the Stark Building to place the server.

But it's still a bit overwhelming.

Sometimes when doing experiments, we also need to use the Internet for cloud computing.

The idea of ​​bionic servers that Jason mentioned also gave him a reminder.

Thinking of this, Tony Stark's face became serious.

"Your method is indeed good."

"But it's still difficult to achieve with existing technology."

"First of all, our understanding of the human brain is very rudimentary."

"It's still very difficult to achieve the functions of the human brain."

"Secondly, we do not have suitable materials. Existing silicon-based chip materials cannot simulate the functions of the human brain at all."

When Tony Stark talks about technology, he immediately seems to be a different person.

He completely lost his usual playboy and carefree look.

He immediately became a professional.

Jason also sighed when he saw the change in Tony Stark.

It's no accident that Tony Stark can achieve this level of success.

Normally, I usually stay up all night doing experiments, relying entirely on coffee.

This is also reflected in the movie.

Moreover, Tony Stark also has an amazing professional sense of smell.

The essence of the matter can be seen clearly at a glance.

It can be seen that materials are an important factor limiting the development of technology.

There is such a method in the engineering world.

Technical problems are ultimately material problems.

Any technical bottleneck can be solved as long as there are materials with sufficient performance.

The same is true for the problem of insufficient computing capabilities.

Silicon-based chips limit machine computing capabilities.

But fortunately, he has solved this problem long ago.

In other words, Tony Stark, inspired by the Mind Gem, has solved it.

Jason said with a bright smile on his face.

"Mr. Stark, I just have some new ideas in this area."

Hearing this, Tony Stark suddenly felt an ominous premonition.

It was exactly what he expected.

Jason then spoke.

"The human brain is indeed a very complex organ."

"There is no definitive study of the human brain in the world yet."

"But we also have other ways."

"The way the brain thinks is actually not that difficult."

"Various neurons send out electrical signals, coupled with chemical reactions at the synapses."

"Let us form thoughts in our minds."

"We cannot accurately simulate the synthesis and delivery of various chemicals in the brain."

"But we can, to a certain extent, simulate the way electrical signals are transmitted in the brain."

Jason glanced up at Tony Stark.

Seeing him, my mind was completely attracted by his words.

He immediately spoke again.

"The strength of metals depends on the free electrons in the metal."

"The conductive ability of different materials is different because of the different energy bands."

"Some substances have forbidden bands that completely isolate electrons."

"Nature cannot conduct electricity."

"Most organisms are very poor conductors of electricity and have high electrical resistance."

"That's why."

"I developed an eco-friendly metal."

"It uses quark-level particles smaller than matter atoms."

"Making it more conductive than gold, which is the most conductive of electricity."

"It can completely achieve the purpose of simulating biological electrical signals."

Jason paused and glanced at Tony Stark.

Only Tony Stark's face was full of deep thought.

"It uses lithium, an active element that is commonly used today."

"Then it goes through a honeycomb fiberization process and a certain amount of other pairs of para-methyl amino acids are added."

"It can form an active metal similar to biological tissue."

When Jason said this, he was a little surprised himself.

Biological tissue and metal are two completely different things.

But with clever technical processing.

The resulting material is fully biologically active and has metallic properties.

Its ability to conduct electricity is almost comparable to that of superconductors.

Plus the resistance is very low.

There is no need to worry about server heating.

It is simply a material that can be used as the core of a server.

Compared with the current common silicon-based chips, the performance is not much better.

without any exaggeration.

It is not a problem to exchange this technology for tens of billions of dollars.

This is a technology that can cause a major earthquake in the entire semiconductor industry.

Tony Stark heard this and looked at the information Jason gave him.

There were also huge waves in my heart.

He had to admit in his heart that he underestimated the young man in front of him.

At the same time, Jason also got feedback.

"Conduct scientific discussions with plot tasks."

"The extracted target possesses technology."

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the steel battle suit technology."