
Comics: My Dad Is Batman

Reborn into a world where Marvel and DC coexist, he became the illegitimate son of Bruce Wayne, Batman! The film and television technology system was successfully activated! You can arbitrarily extract technology from known movies and TV shows! Use Ultron-level artificial intelligence at the beginning to push Joker to a dead end! Successfully slapped Tony Stark in the face at the Stark Industrial Conference! … This is the birth of a technological genius from Marvel and DC! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you like a little bit of the book then save it you may love it later and pls gift this pitiful author with your precious power stones. :) [Author: The cover's not mine.]

Dragon_God_ · Urban
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Biomimetic Quantum State Service Array

The Wayne family is a very large family.

In all the apparent industries in Gotham City.

The Wayne family controls at least 60% of the industry.

Wayne Group is involved in energy, new energy, materials, biology, etc.

Compared to the Stark family, which has only been rich for two generations.

The Wayne family is the well-deserved uncrowned king.

One of the most powerful families in the entire Bald Eagle Empire.

As the helmsman of such a huge business empire.

Bruce Wayne can be said to get the wind when he wants it, and the rain when he wants it.

With just one phone call, a world-leading laboratory was purchased.

Looking at the cutting-edge equipment in the laboratory, Jason's eyes turned red.

Take the optical technology in front of him as an example.

There are only a handful of countries in the world that can build this machine.

He had never even seen a machine of this level in his previous life.

Because this thing is one of the high-precision equipment that is completely embargoed.

Bruce Wayne just made a phone call and had one set up in the laboratory.

Jason had to lament the impermanence of the world.

"Jason, it looks like you're happy with the equipment."

Seeing the surprise in Jason's eyes, Bruce Wayne's face was also very happy.

Although these equipments are expensive, they are just a drop in the bucket for him who has never had to worry about money in his life.

After all, just one Bat Armor would cost him hundreds of millions of dollars.

Moreover, he has an entire underground garage stocked with such different styles of Bat Armors.

A laboratory is just a small thing.

Making my son happy is the most important thing.

"I'm indeed satisfied...thank you."

Jason looked at Bruce Wayne seriously and said.

Although he admires Batman very much, he still has some mental preparation to do when he calls someone daddy.

Bruce Wayne obviously saw his dilemma.

"Jason, you can call me Bruce."

Hearing this, Jason also breathed a sigh of relief.

The traditions of the West and Japan are different.

in many families.

The relationship between father and son is more like that of friends, and calling each other by their first names is not a big deal.

"Okay Bruce, thank you."

Bruce Wayne was extremely excited when he heard what his son said.

It's just that Mr. Batman is also a man who has seen the world after all.

He quickly calmed down and asked strangely.

"Jason, what do you need a lab for? This equipment is not for assembling toys."

Bruce Wayne had no idea what the ten-year-old Jason could do with a laboratory.

Just think he wants to play.

What can a ten-year-old do?

Jason rolled his eyes wide.

"I'm going to create an artificial intelligence."


Bruce Wayne was stunned when he heard Jason's childish voice.


Subconsciously he thought his son was joking.

As the young master of a large family, he also received a very high education.

Even if his research is not in this direction, he still knows what the concept of artificial intelligence is in the true sense.

Thinking of this, a big smile appeared on Bruce Wayne's face.

"Jason, do you know what artificial intelligence is?"

"Artificial intelligence is a complicated thing. Jason, I think you will definitely be able to create real artificial intelligence in the future."

Jason rolled his eyes.

I don't want to talk to the guy in front of me who looks very dandy.

"I know for sure! Bruce!"

"Okay, we'll talk about other things later. I'm going to start testing."

Bruce Wayne also wanted to be affectionate and affectionate with his son.

But Jason pushed him out very forcefully.

After pushing Bruce Wayne out, Jason breathed a long sigh of relief.

He wasn't ready to be with Bruce Wayne.

Fortunately, he has plenty of time now.

He shook his head, driving away the messy thoughts from his mind.

Jason started thinking about artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence and traditional manual response programs are more advanced in terms of algorithms, but they still require the support of basic hardware.

Every action of artificial intelligence requires the support of massive computing capabilities.

Ultron created by Tony Stark.

Its original servers occupied more than a dozen floors of the Stark Building.

If Jason wants to create an artificial intelligence of the same level, he naturally needs to build his own server array first.

Tony Stark's creation of Ultron was actually just luck.

Without the Mind Gem that this guy Loki brought to the earth.

Give him a few more decades, and I'm afraid Tony Stark won't be able to create a true artificial intelligence.

Although the level of intelligence of J.A.R.V.I.S is very high, there is still a big gap between it and real artificial intelligence.

Jason's difficulty in creating an artificial intelligence without Mind Gem can be imagined.

You know, even in the Marvel universe where technology is so advanced, only the Kree have their own artificial intelligence.

The supreme wisdom of the Kree's artificial intelligence uses a server array as large as a planet.

Jason doesn't have the ability to create such a large server now.

"It seems that the knowledge given by the system is correct, and it wants to carry artificial intelligence."

"Existing servers on the planet are simply not powerful enough."

"Unless the redundant computing power of the Internet is used, it will not be able to support the computing capabilities of artificial intelligence."

"The bionic quantum state service array is the only way out."

A glimmer of wisdom flashed in Jason's eyes.

The human brain is a very magical thing.

In the Marvel world where technology is so advanced.

The brain remains a forbidden area beyond the reach of all civilizations.

It's just that there are billions of neurons in a brain that is only a few dozen cubes.

If these neurons can be utilized, the computing capabilities they provide are huge.

The technology given by the system is created based on the human brain.

Bionic quantum state service array!

The J.A.R.V.I.S body in the Tony Stark Building actually already has the prototype of this technology.

The system is indeed a fully mature technology.

The technology is at least one generation more mature than Tony Stark's.

The artificial intelligence created is also more powerful.

Jason's eyes flashed with excitement and he started his manufacturing work.

over the next few months.

Jason's laboratory began to become very lively.

Countless people come in every day.

Countless people also went out.

Countless materials were transported into this laboratory under the orders of Wayne Group.

Jason's artificial intelligence calculations also began to improve at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Five months later.

Jason finally walked out of the lab.

Behind him, a huge sphere with a diameter of more than 20 meters was constantly flashing with dazzling golden light.