
Collecting Titles In The Apocalypse

Having been confessed by the person you madly in love with must be a dream come true. That happened to me. However, I found out later that the confession is not meant for me but for Kyzer, my handsome and popular classmate. It all happened because of the tiger costume I am wearing at that time. Feeling defeated, I went back home with a bleeding heart. On my way toward home, a white van stopped in front of me and abducted me. I was abducted because they thought I was Kyzer thanks to the costume. A series of misfortunes befell to me one after another. When I opened my eyes again, I found myself in an unfamiliar room. Then I become the subject of a weird experiment. In the next day, I woke up in my bed by a loud ringing and discovered some weird widgets floating in front of my vision. I learned later that the peaceful city I was living till today is now in an apocalyptic situation. Zombies were running everywhere, chasing the people around me. Using my System, I will survive in this apocalypse.

Fhrutz_D_Hollow · Fantasy
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34 Chs

She looked very sexy

I searched for a secluded place before sending the coordinate codes to Manager Sai, who in return also sent coordinate codes of her own to me after a few minutes.

I read the codes she sent me and deciphered them.

Her message contained instructions. According to the message, she agreed to what Lena was planning, but it was also necessary that she was not alone. According to her, in the compartment of the car, there was a box. This box contains equipment that could help investigate the area.

I immediately informed them about Manager Sai's reply.

We immediately went to the car, and as Manager Sai said, there was a black box in the compartment of our car.

When we opened the box, we saw a set of black suits. These clothes didn't look ordinary. From the looks of it, it can be said that they are skin-tight.

"If I'm not wrong, they call it the Stealth Suit."

"Oh, do you know about it, Miss Kendra?" Lena glanced at our female driver.

Miss Kendra slightly nodded her head. "This is the latest invention of the SGS experts. With this, the wearer can make her or his body invisible for a couple of minutes," she explained.

"That sounds very useful. Can I also wear it?" I asked while pointing to myself.

"Kimetsu-kun, do you plan to come with us?"

"Uhm—" I found myself unable to answer her question.

Fortunately, Miss Kendra interjected. She said, "Yes, you can, but unfortunately, only Awakeners can activate its stealth ability."

I felt dejected.

After saying that, she looked in my direction.

"So, Mr. Kimetsu, the plan is for Me and Miss Wyte to go to investigate and you will stay here in the camp, is that right?" Miss Kendra asked me.

Although she wasn't an awakener, she was an expert agent who worked as an infiltrator in the past. Investigation and infiltration jobs were a playground for her. That's what I heard.

However, this time, she would just assist the Rank S Awakener Miss Lena Wyte in her investigation. Of the three of them, only Lena could activate the Stealth ability of the suit according to Miss Kendra.

From Miss Kendra's question, I nodded. "Yes, that was what the manager said in her message."

"I see. Then, let's prepare, Miss Kendra," Lena said to Miss Kendra after hearing my confirmation.

I stepped forward.

"Uhm, please let me come with you. I'll stay in the car if possible. Also, you need someone to look over for it, am I right?" I said.

"The manager's command is absolute. You can't disobey it," Miss Kendra reminded me.

"Easy, easy…" Lena interjected. She smiled and said, "Kimetsu-kun has a point. We need someone who would look over the car."

I felt happy when I heard that.

Miss Kendra fell silent and sighed. She was weighing our words perhaps. I understood her. It would be troublesome if the manager found out we disobeyed her order.

After some time, Miss Kendra opened her mouth and sighed once again.

"Alright. But you need to park not too far in case we need a quick escape. But the question is, do you know how to drive?"

"Eh? I don't have a license and my only experience in driving was through a simulator car."

"There's no need for a license in this condition. So a simulator car… Do they have the same controls as the real one?"

"Y-yes… I guess so," I said while rubbing the back of my head. I wasn't really certain about it.

"Then that's fine."

This woman with medium blonde hair says that to me while tapping my shoulder. "We're depending on you then."


No way I could drive it for real!

"You can do it, Kimetsu-kun," Lena said to me while sending a thumbs up.

Now it's hard for me to refuse. What should I do?

Anyway, I'm surprised that Lena is a little bit easy to talk to. My impression of her was that she was someone hard to approach. I could not blame myself as she was giving off the aura of a noble young lady with an aloft demeanor around her, especially when we were in school, before the apocalypse. That's why I was very surprised during this tour when I realized she was easy to talk to.

I glanced at them and replied. "I'll do my best." Since I was the one who volunteered to come with them, I wanted to become useful at least.

We told the Chief Commander about our plan. The Chief Commander said, "In that case, I'll order my men to stand ready in case you need backups."

Lena nodded and replied, "Then, thank you very much, Chief Commander Roland."

"No problem. You guys, be careful."

We nodded in unison.

After Lena changed into her Stealth Suit. We immediately headed to the Rizal East District.

While, on the trip, I decided to fiddle on my ADM. I saw the mysterious notification from earlier. I wondered what it was. And why was it asking me such a riddle? It said that I would be granted a chance to win a once-in-a-lifetime reward.

At the mention of reward, I suddenly became curious once again. I decided to check the riddle again.

[You were the only remaining soldier on the battlefield surrounded by enemies who were willing to kill you any second. At that moment, you were given a wish but with a shortcoming. The shortcoming is whatever you wished for, each of the enemies will get two. So the question now is, what will you ask for to help you get away from that situation? You have 19 hours, 38 minutes, and 22 seconds to answer.]

I thought about the answer.

If I chooses a grenade, the enemies will receive two grenades each. If I chooses a sword, the enemies will receive two swords each.

Lol. Isn't this funny? I thought. I wondered if it was a hoax riddle. Is there even a correct answer to it? Unfortunately, even if there was, I wasn't the best person to answer it. I admitted, I was bad at riddles.

Well, I still had a lot of time to find the right answer.

"Kimetsu-kun, are you okay?" Lena suddenly asked me.

"Uh, eh… yeah, I'm fine."

"I see. I noticed you're very silent. That's why I asked. Are you nervous perhaps?"

I am indeed nervous, but it wasn't due to it that I'm silent.

"Sorry, I'm just concentrating," I said.

"Oh, really?"

"Yes, yes. Please don't mind it, Wyte-san."

"I see. Alright."

By the way, she looked very sexy in that Stealth Suit. It thoroughly showcased her perfect curves.

I decided to close my ADM. After a few minutes of travel, we finally entered the Rizal East District area.