
Collecting Titles In The Apocalypse

Having been confessed by the person you madly in love with must be a dream come true. That happened to me. However, I found out later that the confession is not meant for me but for Kyzer, my handsome and popular classmate. It all happened because of the tiger costume I am wearing at that time. Feeling defeated, I went back home with a bleeding heart. On my way toward home, a white van stopped in front of me and abducted me. I was abducted because they thought I was Kyzer thanks to the costume. A series of misfortunes befell to me one after another. When I opened my eyes again, I found myself in an unfamiliar room. Then I become the subject of a weird experiment. In the next day, I woke up in my bed by a loud ringing and discovered some weird widgets floating in front of my vision. I learned later that the peaceful city I was living till today is now in an apocalyptic situation. Zombies were running everywhere, chasing the people around me. Using my System, I will survive in this apocalypse.

Fhrutz_D_Hollow · Fantasy
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34 Chs


As I was in front of the mirror, I started wondering why no one had questions about the game-like design of the appraisal result. Why was it designed like that? Was it relevant to their growth? There was supposed to be one out of many people here who would question that, no? However, there was none. No one questioned about it and that was what left me baffled. For me, I wasn't surprised about it as I know the ability of the SGS. They even installed a System in me. But is that the same with everyone here? I don't think so.

Looking at them, it seemed none of them received the same thing as I got. Although they awakened their Astral Powers, I don't think it has anything to do with the System.

Now that I think about it, I remembered one of those people in the SGS saying there was only one System left besides the sample they installed in me. I wasn't sure if they could reproduce it or not, but I think even if they could, it wasn't easy to do that.

Looking at the number of people present here, I don't think they could reproduce that many in such a short time.

Moreover, assuming they could reproduce it, they could have just waited for a new perfected one to come out before installing one in me, because as for them, it was super rare to find a suitable host for the System.

They even complimented me for passing all the requirements needed to become the host. So I don't think they just wasted a super rare host for such a sample one.

Thinking about all of that, I just realized that there were two Systems left in that time. One is the sample that they installed in me, and the other one was the perfected one, which I believe they gave to Kyzer. So, I suspect the people here didn't know about the System except me and those in the SGS.

Back to the question of why no one questions the game-like design of Appraisal Results, I do have a guess why they seem apathetic toward it. It was probably due to all the impossible things that were happening now. I mean… In the beginning, I also didn't believe in the existence of zombies. But look at the situation now, they were everywhere wreaking havoc.

Moreover, everyone awakened an ability that was impossible in reality, supposedly. So what was a game-like design compared to those two? Right?

It just means the world is so vast. Perhaps what we know right now is just the tip of the iceberg.

Staring back at my reflection in the mirror, I wasn't really excited about what would come out as I even felt pressured after what the Chief Commander said to me.

I could feel my back starting to sweat. Because of the Chief Commander's words, everyone was now curious about my result. All of their eyes were on me, waiting for my appraisal result.

After the display of strength and power by Kyzer and Lena, it seemed they constituted me to be as powerful as them after they heard I was connected to the manager's group, which those two belong to.

It was the manager's fault that I was in such a situation right now.

As I was waiting for my result to come out, I noticed something that caused a frown on my face.

'How come my eye in the mirror turned red?' I asked when I noticed my reflection in the mirror had a red sclera.

I'm not into drugs, so what the hell is this? Sore eye? My vision suddenly turned red as well.

What was happening? I panicked. It was the same as that time in the train station.

I glanced at my surroundings and discovered everyone looked like they stopped breathing. But on second glance, I noticed something more astonishing. It wasn't them who stopped breathing, but the world or maybe the time itself had stopped ticking.

Ha? What's this? What's going on?

I heard teetering sounds from the mirror as I questioned that. When I returned my gaze to it, I saw my reflection distorted. Then, in bright blood color, letters and numbers started appearing.

[Basic Information:]


Name: Dante Kimetsu

Gender: Male

Age: 15

[Awakener's Information:]



[Personal Stats:]


—Strength: 2 (S)

—Agility: 2 (S)

—Dexterity: 2 (S)

—Constitution: 2 (S)

—Wisdom: 4 (S)



Rank (S) Revelation Eye (10%)

[Overall rank: S]

I could only blink in surprise. What caught my interest was the "S" rank to all my stats and even my ability.

"Revelation Eye…" I muttered.

Deep inside, I feel very excited. After all, it was Rank S! I can't wait to brag about this to Shojin. I'm just curious why I don't have Awakener's Information. Maybe because I am not an awakened person.

As my excitement hit its peak, I suddenly felt pain in my left eye. "Guh~!" I quickly put my palm on it. It was my sclera in that eye that turned red.

I rubbed it. After doing that, the pain subsided. I noticed the red vision also disappeared. My vision went back to normal, and the mirror displayed my reflection again. My eye looked normal in that reflection.

I sighed and wondered what was that just now.

"Hey, kid. Are you okay?"

I heard the Chief Commander ask me.

"Uh? Sorry?"

"I'm asking you if you're fine because you suddenly look pale."

"Am I?" I uttered that without realizing it. I intended to ask that to myself but the Chief Commander heard and he nodded.


I looked in the mirror and saw that I indeed looked paler than earlier.

'Anyway, I have my appraisal result, so I think it's fine to go.' As I was about to leave, I suddenly heard a teetering sound once again.

When I returned my attention to the mirror, I saw my reflection slowly distorted once again.

'Eh?!' I was taken aback.

"It's about to come out." Everyone then focused their attention in the mirror when they heard the Chief Commander say that.

What appeared when my reflection disappeared again was my appraisal result in bright bluish color. It was the same color as everyone, unlike the blood color a moment ago.

I stared at it in shock. 'Then what was that earlier?' I asked inwardly.

[Basic Information:]


Name: Dante Kimetsu

Gender: Male

Age: 15

[Awakener's Information:]



[Personal Stats:]


—Strength: 2 (G)

—Agility: 2 (G)

—Dexterity: 2 (G)

—Constitution: 2 (G)

—Wisdom: 4 (G)




[Overall rank: G]

It looked somewhat the same as the first result but I couldn't find the S-rank stats and ability in this one.

"He's not an awakened one?"

"We're wasting our time for that fool!?"

"Tsc! Even his overall stat is unrated. That means he's just a normal person."

"That's right. The highest stat a normal person could reach is 5(G) only. Only then when you awaken you will break through that boundary."

I heard the people around talking but my mind was just so shocked right now to process all their words.


"Uh-oh. I thought you were someone awesome as well since you're someone recommended by Manager Sai, but it turns out you're just an ordinary person."

The Chief Commander sounded disappointed.

At that moment, a soldier arrived.

"S-sir! The zombies are breaching the south wall!" He reported while panting.


All the people in the courtyard looked at him with wide eyes.

I did as well.

"How did that happen? Don't we have enough men guarding that area?"

The soldier looked terrified.

"The thing is… a Level 2 Mutant Zombie suddenly appeared!"

"L-Level 2?!!"

The Chief Commander and even Manager Sai and the others exclaimed in shock.