
Collecting Titles In The Apocalypse

Having been confessed by the person you madly in love with must be a dream come true. That happened to me. However, I found out later that the confession is not meant for me but for Kyzer, my handsome and popular classmate. It all happened because of the tiger costume I am wearing at that time. Feeling defeated, I went back home with a bleeding heart. On my way toward home, a white van stopped in front of me and abducted me. I was abducted because they thought I was Kyzer thanks to the costume. A series of misfortunes befell to me one after another. When I opened my eyes again, I found myself in an unfamiliar room. Then I become the subject of a weird experiment. In the next day, I woke up in my bed by a loud ringing and discovered some weird widgets floating in front of my vision. I learned later that the peaceful city I was living till today is now in an apocalyptic situation. Zombies were running everywhere, chasing the people around me. Using my System, I will survive in this apocalypse.

Fhrutz_D_Hollow · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Appraisal Ceremony

So that's the reason why Kyzer was there along with Manager Sai and Goddess Lena.

A complicated emotion buds in me after Kyzer demonstrates power. He wasn't only handsome on another level but also very strong.

I'm very envious.

While Kyzer effortlessly killed the scary Mutant Zombie, I on the other hand was ready to flee.

Isn't he a perfect man to become the protagonist? If it was a novel or anime, there's no doubt that he's the perfect candidate to become the MC in this zombie-apocalyptic world.

On the contrary, I think I'm just a named extra that will die later in the story once the author needs new sacrifices for the plot.

Aside from Kyzer, my Goddess Lena surprised me as well. I didn't think she had that kind of power. What do you call that kind of ability? Psychic right?

Right. It is.

To break those heavy chains without touching them is only possible if you have psychic power, I believe. And Lena did all that at ease. That means… She was powerful as well like Kyzer.

A perfect heroine!

"Not only are they handsome and beautiful, but they are both strong as well. Aren't they a perfect couple?" Someone among the crowd muttered.

And another person said, "Ouch. The pain. I'm so jealous."

After the demonstration of strength, Manager Sai explained to us that everyone could become as strong as Kyzer and Lena once our abilities and experience grew to such an extent.

"Really? Wow! I wanted to become as strong as him or even stronger and beat the hell out of all the zombies!" Shojin shouted. His eyes were gleaming.

It was followed by others until almost all the people there showed their excitement and willingness. All of them turned excited all of a sudden.


I heard a tongue-clicking sound. When I glanced, I noticed it came from the browless man.

I don't know what his problem was, but it looked like he was still unconvinced. Well, not that I cared about other people's business. For me, it was a very good thing that there were people who wanted to save the world.

In the end, both Kyzer and Lena gained more fans.

The Status Appraisal Ceremony came after the soldiers took away the headless body and the severed head.

One by one, they called out to the Awakened to come in front. The first to come on stage was a young man who looked familiar.

"Look, Dante. It's Frank, do you remember him? He's from the classroom next to ours."

"Of course, I remember him. That guy confessed to our Class Leader in front of many students. I could not forget that," I said.

It happened on the second day of school. We learned afterward that the two of them were actually childhood friends.

"Yeah. And she rejected him. I thought you already forgot about that since you disappeared for 1 and a half months."


"What the hell are you talking about, Shojin? It's two weeks only if we only count the school days, isn't it?"

"Ah! You're right, sorry sorry, I forgot."

I sighed and forgave him.

"By the way, I feel excited with this Appraisal thing, but look…. Isn't that a mirror? Haha. Are they going to prank us? That's how they're gonna appraise our status? I thought they'll let us touch a magical crystal until it changes color depending on our magical elements. To think that they just wanted us to see our face in the mirror, I feel betrayed, honestly."

I gawked as well.

Just as Shojin said, Frank was instructed to stand in front of a large standing mirror. Looking in the mirror, it looks really ordinary. And Frank even saw his reflection in it. He stared at the mirror with doubt.

The other people around also seemed like they were doubting it. I could even see a frown on their faces. Some of them even question the purpose of the mirror.

However, none of us could answer that, only those people in front could. But since we are talking about the SGS group here, I guessed it wasn't just an ordinary mirror.

My guess seems to be spot on. After 15 seconds of standing in front of the mirror, Frank's reflection slowly distorted. Then the next second, the mirror showed letters and numbers in brilliant bluish color.

In the mirror, it showed Frank's Basic Information such as name, gender, and age. It was followed by Awakeners Information which consists of realm, race, mental, and astral force. Below that was the Personal Stats such as strength, agility, dexterity, constitution, and wisdom. Then followed by abilities and Overall rank.

"Wow, Dante! It's like a game!" Shojin suddenly turned excited.

"Yeah, I see it."

The Chief Commander himself checked the stats. Looking at Frank's stats, there was no change in the Chief Commander's facial expression. He just nodded and said, "Your Strength, Agility, and Wisdom are Rank C, while your Dexterity and Constitution are all Rank D. Your Ability is called Fireball. This is a Rank C ability. Good, not bad for a newbie like you. You can reach a good height in the future if you level up, so make sure you practice hard and become a hero that will save the world from the crisis. In conclusion, your Overall rank is Rank C!"

Receiving such good results, Frank responded with a delighted face.

"Yes, sir! I will do my best! I will become a hero that will trample all evil in the world!"

"Now that I think about it, isn't Frank idolizing heroes?" I heard Shojin say that.


I honestly didn't know about it as I didn't even care about other people's business except for my goddess. I even know her 3 sizes. Wait, that was a joke.

"Yes, he often played as a hero every time they had school plays, you know."

"Well, I don't care," I said flatly. Or, why did Shojin know about it?


I glanced at him while thinking about that.

"Fvck, bro! Don't look at me like that!"


He noticed.

Before Frank could leave, the Chief Commander handed him a rectangular device that looked like a smartphone.

"That's a Status Device. That device will be your partner from now on. You can monitor your improvement through that. Take good care of it because you can't buy it for cheap even if you pawn your mom off to loan sharks you can't afford it."

After Frank, another person was called. Then it was followed by another.

Suddenly, there was a clamor.


"Rank A?"

"Someone is a Rank A?!"

"Look! Not only her Overall Rank is Rank A, but also her ability!"

The person who attracted everyone's attention was unexpectedly… Melody!

Aside from her Strength, Agility, and Constitution, which Rank D. Her Dexterity was Rank B and her Wisdom was Rank A. Her ability known as Wind and Water Conjurer was also Rank A. Thus, her Overall stats was Rank A.

Not only the Chief Commander but also the manager were complimenting her.

"Fvck! Is outer appearance the reason why they have better stats?" Shojin complained.

I think he was just envious. He also received his appraisal result and it wasn't good compared to most people here.

When I tried to ask Shojin about his result, he showed his result to me without me needing to force him. He let me take a peek at his Status Device.

[Basic Information:]


Name: Shojin Cruz

Gender: Male

Age: 15

[Personal Stats:]


—Strength: 17 (E)

—Agility: 15 (F)

—Dexterity: 12 (F)

—Constitution: 17 (E)

—Wisdom: 11 (G)

[Awakener's Information:]


Realm: Awakened

Race: Uninfected Human

Mental: Normal

Astral Force: 85/85



—Rank (F) Sucker Punch (30%)

[Overall rank: E]

Since most of his stats was rated <E >, thus, his overall rank is <Rank E>.

In front of me, Shojin looked dejected at his ability. It was Rank F only and was second to the lowest.

"Even though your ability is Rank F only, your Overall Stats is Rank E? Isn't that great? Besides, it's better than Rank G, right?" I tried to calm him, but it turned out ineffective as he looked sad even more.

"Alright, next! Come here!"

The appraisal continued, and one after another the Awakened came in front.

The majority received an overall rank of Rank C.

Sometimes later,

"Okay, next! Oh, last one?"

My turn has come, finally. Wait what?! Everyone's eyes are on me. Suddenly, my heart throbs. I feel nervous. I don't know if there was a need for me to join this, but when I glanced at the manager, she signaled me to step forward.

Umu! Even Lena directed her gaze at me!? This is bad! I need to calm down. Can't embarrass myself in her presence. Well, it's too late I guess. With my condition right now, I believed I looked thin and ugly for sure.

Even Melody was looking at me too. That made sense though since I was the last one, so of course everyone would be staring at me in anticipation. I should have stood in front from the beginning. Now I regret being the last one. This makes me more nervous.

I guess I have no choice but to go forward. I tried my best not to glance at Lena as I moved forward. I heard Shojin shout behind me, "Good luck, Dante!"

Hah~ I sighed inwardly. 'Good luck my ass. I'm about to collapse here. I haven't even recovered my strength yet. Just got out of the patient room and already have to suffer this? Maybe the manager has secret anger towards me, after all.'

Arriving in the center, I stopped for a moment and glanced at Manager Sai. "By the way, Manager. Do I really need to join this?" I'm sure she understood what I meant.

Honestly, I don't want to embarrass myself with the result.

"Yes, because I want to know if the result matches that one."

Geez. No pity towards me, huh?

"I see."

Can't help it. Hah~

I sighed secretly.

By the way, I noticed Kyzer creasing his brows.

"He knows you, Manager?" I heard him whispering to Manager Sai.

"It's a long story," Manager Sai responded with just that.

"Oh, is this kid your acquaintance, Manager Grayhams?"

The Chief Commander also asked.

"Not really an acquaintance, but he has little significance to the group."

What the heck did she mean by that?

"I see," said the Chief Commander.

Before the Chief Commander instructed me, I went on to face the mirror without waiting for his instructions.

"Oh, so you already know what to do. That's good."

Of course!

"While I was watching everyone earlier, I was also observing what was the proper way step by step so I would know beforehand."

"I see, I see, that's smart."

Now, I need to calm my breathing and clear my mind. Then stayed standing there in front of the mirror for 15 seconds.

Looking at my face in the mirror, I wanted to jump inside the hole and bury myself. I looked so thin.

"Since you're someone in Manager's group, I have high hopes for your result." As the Chief Commander said that, I noticed him glancing at Kyzer and Lena.
