
Coldest Heart Warmer

A beautiful girl whose name is Angel Moon was hated by everyone, but not mostly hated by those who really knows her. Her heart can be as cold as Ice or atleast it is what she believes, but it can get warmer like the Fire. A tall handsome man named David Green whose wealthy and successful without the help of anyone and was always strict of everything has became more interested of Angel Moon since he saw her that day. Can a Strict Independent man handle a short tempered girl whose heart is as cold as Ice? Will they manage to stay until the end? who knows... Well guess what dear reader, you'll see...

Zheia0016 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Sweet Angel

Someone's P.O.V.

I ran to the elevator before it closed. Unfortunately I didn't made it on time. I sighed "How rude, that man didn't even tried to hold the door" I murmured referring to the man inside the elevator. 'Wait is that? David Green?'

Soon as I realized it was him, my heart started beating so fast... What are the odds that I will meet him at M'sP main building? I mean he's one of our biggest investors after all. I smiled as I wait for the elevator.

I am now here at 8th floor. I entertained myself by looking at the different masterpiece that are hung up the walls while waiting. I was about to meet my friend after a long break from this industry.

The employees here are currently busy arranging everything... The company should thank the workers a lot for doing their job great!

There was a sudden tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Megan smiling at me. "It's good to have you back! I missed you so much!" she then hugged me. I am so happy to see her again!

"Me too!" I hugged back. "How's Italy?" she asked. "It's great! Beautiful as always. I learned a lot of things, from arts to their traditions!" I replied excitedly.

We chatted with laughter as I tell her different stories of my experience. Time flies as we admire the beauty of arts at different art galleries. It feels good to be back!

Even though I only spent months at Italy, it almost felt like years... I wanted to stay there a little more longer but... I can't let her ruin me! I can't let her be the star again! I don't want to be on her shadows again...

David's P.O.V.

The elevator is about to close as I saw a girl running to catch it. I don't care about it anyway so I didn't bother.

Up to 10th floor the elevator goes. I came to M'sP main building with Liam to meet Ronald. I want to go not to see Ronald, but to have a look to the company myself. I must know what he up to, I wanna know if he suspect me for the lost of his men... I'm sure he knows that they're missing.

The door opened to be greeted by seems to be Ronald's secretary. He led us straight to his office as I search the area with my eyes. Seems a little bit suspicious as to why would he want to see me. The event went well and their company is doing great since then.

Perhaps it is about those men. I knew it! But if he think that I'm the one who punished them, does he have a proof? I don't care! They deserved that.He's the one that started the fire, he and his son. And I was there to put more wood.

"Thank you for coming President Green. I'm sorry to summon you here, I couldn't go to G&I because of some complications." Ronald explained sitting on the sofa. I was facing him and I never liked it at all. "What is it now?" I asked with no trace of emotion.

He paused for a second before answering my question "Since the event we haven't spent time to celebrate the succes of our partnership" as he was saying I can see his hesitation. This 57 year old man doesn't even know who he is dealing with. "If you don't mind President Green, I would like to invite you to a party to celebrate our succes" he added.

"Chairman Moon... I assume you've watched the news? How can you celebrate when your niece Angel is facing such an issue?" I questioned. Did he not know how broken that girl was.

Surely I never had a perfect family. I was a tool for my dad to be on top. I always tried to avoid and do the opposite of what he planned, but he was there when I needed him. I made all my decisions my own and made a lot to put my self on top.

This kind of relatives are the worst. I can say that he's only onto their business and that's all. He never cared about her... His own family.

All of a sudden Ronald smiled. "Angel is still mourning to her assistant's lost, but to be honest she never created a bond with her. All she can do is to thank her for what she have done" his statement doesn't please me at all.

"I won't go. Host a party if you like." I walked out of the room, Liam immediately followed. "Sir are you sure you won't come? That is a good opportunity to know more about he enemies" Liam stated. "I have made my decision" I replied.

To think of it, what Liam said has a point. It may work for me if that's the case. I can easily spectate, but I feel like I must not! Whatever it is I shouldn't let my guard down.

Time run fast... I was here at the balcony of my mansion watching the sunset while drinking alcohol. Not much has happened today but it's tiring as usual.

Third Person's P.O.V.

The Amorevole Mansion is peaceful. You could hear birds chirping almost like singing with those beautiful noises. The garden is now full of flowers that are freshly bloomed.

Angel is currently sat on the swin. Forward and backwards she swing slowly appreciating the nature's beauty, hoping the day won't come to an end. But of course it did.

She can now watch again the beautiful sunsetfrom her mother's lovely guarden, where every single plants has been planted every month. She took good care of it, she can tell.

She felt the grass with her barefoot gliding softly as she move the swing. How lovely the world is, but not all the time. The world is so cruel to her from all those tragedy.

A lot has happened to her life but here she is starting to adjust. She looked at the invitation on her hand, she was holding it for a very long time.

It is an invitation from the M'sP Corp. It states that Chairman Ronald Moon will be hosting a party to celebrate the succes of the event three months ago. She didn't manage to attend that event but she's invited of course.

She's having a second thought of it. Clearly she never wanted all of the drama. People are talking about her, hating her, scolding her because of that certain issue.

Feeling a bit lonely, this feeling isn't new to her, she is so used to it. But the fact that Melisa has always been there by her side to take care of her no matter what she does... No matter how hard she pushed her away, she will stay no matter what. But this time she can't. She can no longer stay with her anymore.

For days she cried. The sadness she felt was endless. She can no longer cry anymore. "If Melisa was here, I know she would force me to go" she murmured. Indeed she's right, if only Melisa was there to convince her every time she could, she will.

A bitter smile can be seen. She walk slowly inside the house that is now so empty. No maids inside, just guards to keep her safe. But despite having them, she has this feeling that she's been threatened. Of course she doesn't want to die. She never did...

Of all those many reason to give up, she chose to survive... Being blind for 16 years is so long but still she managed to survive. She never imagined to be cured... Atleast not because of Melisa.


Everyone is busy left and right, trying to make the venue perfect. Just like that 2 days had passed and it's almost time for the celebration. Important people are invited from both parties, M'sP and G&I's Corporation. All are coming and so as Angel Moon.

Its clear that people had forgotten about the issue. People who are not involved can forget that easily, but for those who are emotionally damaged by it can last for their lifetime.

The time had come and everyone arrived one by one, from staff, employees to managers and directors, and to the share holders, both from M'sP and G&I's Corporation.

The room was filled with chatter and promotions. Seems like everyone is getting along so well. The celling of the venue was high, with a chandelier place in the four corner and a grand one in the middle.

In the middle edge of the room was a large staircase leading to the second floor of the venue. There can be found Ronald and his son Calvin.

"Do you think he will come?" asked Calvin. "I know he will. If he won't come then so be it." he then took a sip of the wine he was holding. 'David Green, I know it's you.' Ronald said to himself.

"Well he wouldn't want to miss the surprise I've prepared for him..." Calvin said with a grin. Ronald looked at him confused. "Oh by the way dad, is she coming? I heard she's back from her vacation on Italy" said Calvin completely changing the topic. "I send her the invitation. She will come" Ronald replied.

Meanwhile at the central room where the party is just about to start. Reporters that has a name on their industry was also invited. Drinking wine waiting for a good scope.

People began to look at the entrance, each of them became quiet. Captivated by her beauty, everyone was stunned. Angel Moon the heir of the Moon's Pride, the real owner.

Walked slowly through the crowd, wearing a red stunning dress that fits her perfectly. It showed her curve perfect body. Ladies gathered around her trying to get her attention.

Angel knows deep down that all of them are just faking it, wanting to be close to her, after all who wouldn't want to be an Angel Moon friend for tonight. Right?

She showed her perfect smile to them, greeting them back. "Nice to finally meet all of you, I appreciate your support and love for Moon's Pride and now that we're partnered with the great Green's and their Inventions... I would like to express my gratitude for the success of the said event" she stated with her sweetest smile.

She then looked at the upper part of the room where Calvin was standing at the top of the staircase. Angel gave him a grin that immediately turned into sweet smile when she face the crowd again.

"Finally you can now face us, we've been supporting the Moon's Pride since your late father." said Kel Heinz, one of their director. "Thankyou for your hard work" Angel replied.

A lady came to her, seems like one of the G&I's employee. "Are you planning to work again your passion to continue the Moon's legacy?" she asked.

"That part I cannot tell really" Angel replied with a smile. What a sweet Angel everyone is seeing.

Perhaps she learned how to embrace and take the opportunity. All of it belongs to her, and she's finally ready to claim it.

No one can actually say what's going in her mind right now. They are blinded by her smiles and words. Some despise her, and some praise her appearance.

She's satisfied being the center of attention. After all she's the real one. No one imitates her.

Hello dear readers! Once again I apologize. But hey here's a new chapter!

More of Angel's life will unfold as well as David.

Thankyou for all your support!!

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