
Coldest Heart Warmer

A beautiful girl whose name is Angel Moon was hated by everyone, but not mostly hated by those who really knows her. Her heart can be as cold as Ice or atleast it is what she believes, but it can get warmer like the Fire. A tall handsome man named David Green whose wealthy and successful without the help of anyone and was always strict of everything has became more interested of Angel Moon since he saw her that day. Can a Strict Independent man handle a short tempered girl whose heart is as cold as Ice? Will they manage to stay until the end? who knows... Well guess what dear reader, you'll see...

Zheia0016 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Eventful Night

David's P.O.V.

I was busy the whole day trying to get rid of this paper monstrosity on my table. So many works to be done, and its good that nothing seems to go wrong.

Maybe I can escape this for a minute, or an hour? I sighed. I walk to the door but just as I was about to open it, the door opened.

"What are you doing here?" I asked coldly. "I wanted to see my fiance" Jenna answered but didn't look at me. She never looked at me, she's always looking down at the floor.

If she's that shy then why go here? "Who's fiance? Surely that wasn't me." I walked pass her not wanting another word. "But David we're together!" she managed to catch up to me. I stopped and turned to face her "We were never together, you know that!"

My blood is starting to boil so I continued walking, but she's not giving up! Still following me! I turn around to her again. "Are you that desperate!" I clenched my jaw. "You know I want you... But I'll never be good as her right?"

What is she saying? I looked at her completely confused by what she said. "I saw you with that famous Angel Moon... That night, she cried in your arms on the road. You didn't even push her away!" she added.

I was stunned there for a few second. I remember how broken Angel was that night. "I'm so in love with you since the day your parents introduced me to you. And you never seem to like me." tears started rolling down to her cheeks. "But that girl... I know she's rather special..." she continued to sob.

"You even drove her back to her house... If I was in that situation, you wouldn't waste your time. You would've let one of your men to bring her back" she was talking nonstop, and also nonsense. "Almost everyday I hope for you to notice me. For 2 years now we've been engaged... But it didn't took you 2 years to fall for her" Jenna said drowning in tears.

"Stop crying. Even if you shed a bucket of tears, nothing will change. No one can control ones emotion." I stated.

Surely she don't deserve all of this treatment but I know to myself that I don't like her. I don't know how to treat her. She must find someone that will cherish and love her. And that someone will never be me.

Looking at her crying makes me feel uncomfortable. She's always smiling no matter what I say before... Or maybe faking it. I'm not used to this kind of drama, so I walked my way to the elevator.

While on the elevator I can't stop thinking... I've fallen for Angel? I just felt sorry for her, nothing more than that.

I stumbled across Liam on the parking lot, waiting for me actually. "Sir you're going?" he asked. "I want to escape all my work... So what?" I raised my eyebrow. "No sir. What I mean is, are you going to the party?"

I completely forgot about that stupid party. Now I've chnged my mind. I decided to go now that I don't want to spend my night at the bar. I want some show and actions from the other side. "Hmmm... let's go then."

Angel's P.O.V.

The room was crowded and it has been tough for me since I arrived. I need to keep the smile, be kind as I can. You can really tell that pretending is not my thing... But seing Calvin's irritated face makes me feel better, I mean why not?

Clearly he should be happy that it seems like our so called family was ok and no issues are going around between us. To my surprise he's acting like a child again... That suit fits him well, quite look so decent but who knows. Any girl who's not known him could fall for him so easily. Well that's funny...

I smiled to the thought. "Looks like you have the mood" Before I realize Calvin was there behind me. "I had a good sleep earlier that's why" I smiled at him. "Well you're learning" Calvin took a sip of his wine, looking at me more likely staring into my soul.

"Calvin... I might need to show my regards to uncle Ronald for taking full control of his puppet " I slowly walk closer to him, mocking him to the bone. "You know what Angel... This puppet right here managed to set up a good show for you, by himself. Take time to enjoy" he said and then walked away.

I definitely need time to process what he just said. What show? I looked around looking for anything suspicious. I looked at the wine I was just holding earlier. There's no way this could be poisoned right? Is this a trap?!

Panicked, I ran to the comfort room. There are some girls in there, they greeted me before going out. What a plastic... I closed the door and immediately tried to throw up. 'No! This is no use!' I stopped it as soon as I thought it was kinda stupid. But its better than do nothing!!

That bastard! What is he up to? Is he planning on dropping the chandelier on my face or what?! I hate this feeling! I feel threatened, I'm being paranoid again!

I then looked my self at the mirror... No this is not happening! I look terrified. I'm sure this is what Calvin is up to. HE WANT ME GO CRAZY!

Fixed my self up and got out of the comfort room like nothing happened. I immediately looked at Calvin who's now flirting with a random girl. I rolled my eyes and looked at the chandelier after.

It is so big in the center of the celling. It might be heavy. I know I'm being paranoid but I'm not standing under that one...

The host started to speak starting the celebration officially. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests. I am your host for tonight from the Moon's Pride Corporation. We are thankful for your existence tonight!" and so it goes...

These parties are so boring and so uncomfortable right from the start. A lot of people are watching and some news casters are invited, so I need to do my best roleplay.

But suddenly once again the crowd was distracted of the flashing lights from outside... reporters gathered taking pictures right at the entrance. My eyes instantly looked at the entrance...

A tall man wearing a black formal attire, breathtaking face and a masculine posture walking his way in. I stood there dumbfounded. He somehow took a glance at my direction for a second but completely ignored.

'Who is he?' I asked myself. For sure I never seen anyone before except now, I just recovered! He shook hands with Calvin and Ronald was there too greeting him.

"This is my first time seeing him in person! He's so handsome!"

"Yes I know! He's always perfect!"

"That's David Green my ultimate crush!"

I heard girls talking about him behind me, it gave me a hint... 'So that was David Green huh' I scanned him from head to toe. That's a perfect creation if I've ever seen one.

He looked at my direction again so I quickly looked away focusing my attention at the stage where the host wanted to summon Ronald and David Green up the stage for some speech.

The two walk their way to the stage at the lectern to give their speeches. "Good evening, I am the currently sat Chairman of Moon's Pride. Thank you so much for coming, and most importantly thankyou so much for supporting us for long. The partnership with Green's & Inventions had paid of thanks to all the hard works from all of you..." Ronald started and I'm clearly getting bored of his speech.

I sat on a sofa near me hoping the time to run faster while I force myself to watch them speech. Boring "A lot of you might actually know me. I am David Green, C.E.O. and President of the Green's & Inventions Corporation. I would like to express my gratitude for all of you. Enjoy the evening"

David Green's speech is the shortest. No one can even read what's going on through his mind. His eyes are blank completely no emotion can be seen.

And in a blink of an eye there was Calvin on stage, great... I wanna go home and sleep. I didn't listen to what Calvin said, like I ever cared. Now I'm just battling myself about the food. I can't do this!

"Now that we have Chairman Moon, President Moon and also C.E.O. and President Green on the stage... The audience request Ms. Angel Moon on the stage" my mind went blank as I heard what the host just said.

I sighed. I should've known this is coming but no! I was busy staring at the foods!... I made my way up the stage. I walk pass Mr. Green. I froze while standing behind the lectern, I looked at David Green who's now looking at me blankly.

What is this?? I looked at the crowd again not knowing what to say. "First of all I would like to congratulate all of you for doing a great job. This success won't be as it is now if it wasn't for all of you. You all know me, but I will introduce my self. I am Angel Moon the Majority shareholder of Moon's Pride. The heir of the late Chairman Moon. I will say that this is your night, enjoy and have the greatest time!"

Everyone started clapping but I don't care. Four of us get off the stage receiving all the applause. Once again I looked at David Green who's right next to me after we got down being congratulated by a lot.

He looked at me too "Nice meeting you here Ms. Moon." he greeted coldly. All I can do was nod and then made my way back to the corner.

Strange... That scent. Vanilla... It might not be him, but why do I get this feeling? The feeling of familiarity, comfort and strength. It feels right when I'm next to him. I feel strong, I feel like I'm something...

'What are you thinking Angel! You don't need anyone to be strong and powerful! You have your own power.' I tried denying every feeling I had. This is kind of my first time socializing trying to be something else. But who am I fooling? If this continues, I might not trust myself as well.

I'm turning myself into something I am not! I am not the sweetest, I am not the friendliest. No... The Angel before all of this. Is that the real me or this? I don't even know.

"You're looking so serious Ms. Moon" I look up to see a man standing infront of me. "You again?" I asked in a serious tone. "I'm an employee too" he replied immediately. "If as my assistant, not anymore" looking at him in the eyes with no trace of emotion.

This man is simillar to a mushroom, he's popping out literally everywhere and anytime. "No but I would gladly take the job back if you insist" he then sat beside me. This mushroom man is annoying! "Whatever... mushroom" I immediately looked at him when I realized what I just said.

"Have you forgotten my name Ms. Moon? I am Darren Alvis" he's still staring at me like I'm crazy. "I will call you whatever I want. No right to complain" I said looking away kinda embarrassed. I clearly forgotten who he was because I don't even care.

My tummy started to make a sound. Right I'm hungry... I haven't eaten a decent food for the past few weeks now. Suddenly I heard giggles beside me. I look at mushroom irritated.

"You should try the food Ms. Moon, they taste so good!" he started talking but didn't convince me at all. Out of all the people the make me wanna eat is this guy? He's one of Ronald's dog!!.. I stared at the food, they look delicious though. I'm hungry, I'm empty.

"Are you afraid?" Darren asked. I shook my head in denial. "Why would I? That's just a food" I replied completely lying. He eventually got up to get some food then gave it to me. I dare not to eat even a bite of it made me terrified.

What he did next surprised me... He took a spoonful of food and ate it. "Its good, you should try" he then smiled at me. I looked at him for a moment. Maybe I can trust him this time? If he dare to trick me, I will hunt him beyond the grave.

I got another spoon, I smelled the food before taking a bite. He's not lying, it is indeed delicious... I enjoyed the food for my self while Darren is busy talking nonsense, which I completely ignored.