
Coldest Heart Warmer

A beautiful girl whose name is Angel Moon was hated by everyone, but not mostly hated by those who really knows her. Her heart can be as cold as Ice or atleast it is what she believes, but it can get warmer like the Fire. A tall handsome man named David Green whose wealthy and successful without the help of anyone and was always strict of everything has became more interested of Angel Moon since he saw her that day. Can a Strict Independent man handle a short tempered girl whose heart is as cold as Ice? Will they manage to stay until the end? who knows... Well guess what dear reader, you'll see...

Zheia0016 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


Third Person's P.O.V.

Ronald Moon is walking back and forth in his office while Darren Alvis is sitting on the couch. "You should earn her trust. You should've lied to her about me hiring you as her assistant! Are you that dumb!" Ronald scolded Darren for letting Angel fire him.

"I shouldn't do that Chairman Moon, otherwise she won't trust me if I lie straight at first" Darren defended himself. "What are you trying to say? Now she won't trust you anymore because she thinks that I'm the one who cause that accident 16 years ago!" he screamed.

Darren looked straight into Ronald's eyes. "If you were on her shoes, you will blame everyone" Ronald stopped for a second when suddenly the door opened. And then Calvin Moon entered the room.

"We're not done yet." Ronald replied to Darren as he signaled him to get out. Darren bowed to him before leaving the father and son alone.

Calvin sat on the couch intensely "We have much bigger problem than Angel dad" he sighed as he speak. "What's more important than owning the company ourselves?" his dad replied looking at him confused.

"Well nothing's more important than the company, that's why we need to deal with this problem." said Calvin "Spit it out" Ronald said running out of patience. "It is only this morning that a news came to me that the three of your pets were gone missing..."

"WHAT!" Ronald hit the table hard soon as he heard what happened. "I let them leave to have a brand new normal life to forget whatever they've done for me. But seems like that's not the right thing to be done" he added clenching his teeth. "I'm so soft to them!"

"I told my men to follow them since that day but they failed to track them after a week. That's how I got this info" Calvin stated "Maybe they knew that they're being followed and one wrong move will kill them." he added.

Ronald sat weakly at his chair swinging around to calm. "Or it can be David Green's doing" he said closing his eyes. "I doubt it. I investigated all of his movements. And nothing seems suspicious, he's just sitting arround all day to his office" his son immediately came to comfort.

"Are you sure?" Ronald asked "Yes dad. That is more likely a David Green would do all day. I mean with all the succes what else he will do? Let's just find that rats and make sure they kept silent, and then we can continue to our plans"

The two settled for that idea they've put in their mind. Little did they know that the game they believed to had started is just about to begin.

Angel's P.O.V.

The trees are dancing through the wind perfectly as the sun shine onto them, feeding them with love and hope to live. The grass were so green and pure, the view of the people walking by, and the view of Amorevole Mansion from this crowded park is breath taking.

Every color, every detail I wanted to paint... Had become so impossible to make. I threw the paintbrush hard to the grass as I sighed deeply. A day had passed but seems like there's no improvement in my vision. I rubbed my eyes as I tried to clear my vision. The feeling that something is on my eyes is so irritating.

A hand grabbed mine stopping me from rubbing my eyes "It won't help Ms. Moon. You need to drop this in your eyes" that man from yesterday who claimed to be my new assistant was there handing an antibiotic eye drop.

"I already told you I don't need your assistance" I said taking away my hand from his. I cannot trust anyone, specially Ronald.

He sat beside me on the grass looking at the view of my mansion. "She will be upset if you don't take care of her eyes" he said out of the blue. "Who are you to speak? Did I say you can speak!?" I looked at him while frowning. But he smiled at me.

"I am no longer your employee right? So I can speak as an individual" what's up with this man? I don't like his presence. I rolled my eyes and continued to look at the lovely view. But I can't enjoy it anymore.

With all my arts materials packed up, I stand slowly ready to leave. I walked as fast as I can but I can't walk that fast enough because he caught up to me. "You don't need to trust me Ms. Moon, but I can be useful for you"

What he said made me turn arround to face him. "In what way?" I asked. "In any way... Yes Chairman Moon hired me, but that doesn't mean I work for him. 'Cause I work for you" he stated. I turned to walk again as I don't believe a single word he said. 'Tsk why did I even bother to ask.'

Soon as I got home, I was filled with sadness which wasn't new to me at all. It was like a normal thing for me to feel everytime.

I looked at the handkerchief I carry with me all the time. It has a blue orchid design that symbolize wealth, power, beauty, peace and uniqueness. My mom used to always say that to me. She loves blue orchid, it was the kind of flower dad gave her on their first date.

My tears started to fall as I remembered. How she died in my arms that night. How she smiled to me asking me to be strong... Did she knew that this will happen to me?


I woke up at the sound of thunder in the middle of the night. The whole room lit up for a second as the thunder strike outside the window. I got up from my bed and started walking to my parent's room.

"Mom! I'm scared!" my little voice can't be heard because of the loud noise of thunderstorm. I walk through the hallway, it wasn't scary at all because the lights are always on.

I know my dad weren't at home because he's currently on a business trip. So I ran to my mom. But as I enter their room, she was nowhere to be found... I searched for her everywhere in the master's bedroom.

The thunder striked again so loud that it made me scream. "Mom where are you!" I started to cry as expected for a 7 year old girl. I sat on the floor covering my ears.

After a few seconds I manage to look out of the window. The rain don't have a plan to stop and that's for sure. I looked down from the window and what I saw made me scream...

"MOOOMMM!" I screamed running down stairs that woke up the maids in the house. I ran straight outside while a bunch of them followed me.

She was laying there lifelessly. Everyone started to panic and started calling for an ambulance but It's too late. I sat there hugging my mother drowning in my own tears. She held my hand for the last time murmuring her last words.

"Be s-strong an-nd brave o-kay? What ev-er hap-pen..." she didn't even finish her words when her hand lose its grip. I sat there crying asking for help but no one can save her...

After that incident, voices can be heard out of nowhere. All of them wanting me to end my life and be with my mom. My dad started to be alcoholic.

A lot of things happend. There was the time when I almost followed the voices, but my dad did stop me. It made him realize that he's not the only one who's hurting. And that he has a daughter to take care of.

My dad brought me to different psychiatrist just to cure my condition. I was traumatized by what happened to mom, seing her in that state and not having the chance to save her, made me blame myself. Wanting to be the one dead.


I cried silently going back through the bad memories... It hurts so bad. Sometimes it hurts a lot that I can't even feel it. Sometimes I'll get numb from all the pain that I felt. But I know it wasn't over yet.

"Ms. Moon, lunch is ready" I wiped my tears as one of the maids speak through my bedroom door. I got up as I realized I was sitting on the floor.

Slowly, I walked through the massive hallway again. This time ignoring all the flashbacks. Once realization hit me, I decided to make Mom, Dad, and Melisa proud of the person they've protected all their lives.

That death of my mom that is proved to be accident, will remain unsolved for me. And the car accident that killed my dad and made me lose my eyesight. Everyone involved there, will pay the price of their crimes.

I looked at the food that is on my table, somehow I can't manage to take a bite. I then looked at the maids lined up at my right side, ten in total. At this point I cannot trust anymore. What if someone poinson me!? Am I getting paranoid?

"I'm not eating. You can all eat everything if you like" I walked out the dining area to the living room. I looked at the painting that is hung at the wall, the one Ronald was talking about. I painted it so perfectly when I was 12 years old. It was my first and last Masterpiece before I lost my eye sight.

It was a small house surrounded by blue orchid. The greenery filled the garden that highlights the blue orchids, with trees and bushes. The sky is pure and no sign of storm can be seen.

I draw it as a perfect place for my family. A perfect place where we can live happily without any danger.

What if we live a normal life? Not owning a big company but can have a meal three times a day. Would it be better? Would they live up untill now? I smiled bitterly to the thought.

Third Person's P.O.V.

Every day was the same in Angel's life, she won't eat anything that is served for her. She tried to cook so many times but she failed to do so. She forced herself to eat whatever she cooked by herself even if it taste pretty bad.

The workers at Amorevole Mansion is now immune to all Angel's shouting. In each day it is imposible that she won't lose her temper. Every small mistake she can see is equal to them losing their jobs.

All of those events leads to Angel in Amorevole Mansion alone. She chose to adjust and live by herself not wanting to trust anyone.

Hey dear readers!

I hope you enjoy the story. I promise that there is more to see at Angel and David's life. I can tell that the story is just about to begin.

Please let me know if I should continue or not...

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