
Coldest Heart Warmer

A beautiful girl whose name is Angel Moon was hated by everyone, but not mostly hated by those who really knows her. Her heart can be as cold as Ice or atleast it is what she believes, but it can get warmer like the Fire. A tall handsome man named David Green whose wealthy and successful without the help of anyone and was always strict of everything has became more interested of Angel Moon since he saw her that day. Can a Strict Independent man handle a short tempered girl whose heart is as cold as Ice? Will they manage to stay until the end? who knows... Well guess what dear reader, you'll see...

Zheia0016 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Accidental Incident

A lot of stuff is happening and the night doesn't seem to end. I never calmed my self down, not even a second. Looking nervously at any direction cautiously observing, any possibility of something. I never felt safe, not even a bit.

Some started dancing elegantly through the music. Some are still chatting around the corner. I never enjoyed this kind of events, I'm not used to it. I hate being surrounded by so many people. All I can do is hope for the night to end.

So many things are running through my head. A sudden tap on my shoulder brought me back to reality. "Ms. Angel? What can you say?" I looked at Darren with zero clue. "You're not listening are you?" he asked. "So what if I'm not?" I rolled my eyes and turned my head to the other side.

His trying to hold his laughter, what's up with this guy? "What I'm saying is, you can enjoy the night better outside. It's quiet there, I know you don't like being in here" he cleared his throat before speaking.

I looked at him for a second trying to process his intentions. There's no way I'm going out with this man. What is he up to? Whatever it is I'm sure he's up to no good. "Don't ever try to trick me, I won't fall for it." I said looking at him straight. "I'm not trying to trick you Ms. Angel, I'm just suggesting. You're hurting me..." he replied.

What? This man... "Hey. Do you like me?" I asked. "What if I say yes?" he asked back. "You shouldn't, 'cause I don't like you" I don't have interest on him or what so ever. He shouldn't like me. Tsk

After that conversation I left him dumbfounded trying to process my answer. I smiled, 'You should stay away from me from now on.' I said to myself.

I made my way to the other corner, away from Darren. I looked at the center of the room and there was David Green standing with Calvin and Ronald and... Who's that girl? She's talking to them like they know her before. Almost seemed like they're close. Her presence is familiar though. Who is she?

That question doesn't have an answer right now. For a person like me who just regained her eye sight, it's hard to recognize people you already know unless you heard their voice.

I decided to watch them for a moment. I can't hear what they're talking about because of the loud music in the room, and I'm not close enough to hear even a single word. Suddenly Calvin started to walk away with Ronald leaving David and the girl. They talk for a while before the girl started to walk away as well when Calvin called her to introduce to one of our talent manager.

Curious about the girl I tried to follow her, but I was distracted when I noticed David looking at my direction. I looked at him confused... I want to approach him to ask why he keeps staring at me. I think he thought I never notice but I do. He kept staring even when I ate.

I took a step forward but I realized that he was standing under the chandelier I was worried earlier. I hesitated and looked at it for a second. I noticed something strange.

David started to walk slowly to me. I look up once more... Before I can think I ran to David. I pushed him aside so strong that he bumped to the other guests.

It happened so fast. I found myself laying on the floor, my feet are covered with blood. The fallen chandelier took a lot of space on the floor. I can hear everyone screaming.I looked at David who's frozen, standing in the corner. I saw Darren on my peripheral vision running towards me.

I closed my eyes not sure of what's gonna happen next... Angel you're crazy!

David's P.O.V

After what happened Angel was still unconscious laying on a hospital bed in her V.I.P. room. That is the trap that is set up for me. Did she know about this? She keeps looking at me and then looking away when I look at her... And then she came running towards me, saving me.

At this point I thought that it's imposible that she don't know about it. All her actions at the event shows how worried she was. Maybe she hesitated on doing the trap so she ended up saving her uncle's target.

I walked out of the room leaving Angel alone with her new secretary, I guess... Her family is nowhere to be found. They left soon as the doctor said that she will be ok.

That kind of action proves to me that they didn't even care. Or perhaps they want her worst because she ruined it. For them she's no use, she can't even stop herself from saving me.

Good people like her won't survive in this kind of situation. She look so brave and has a personality that doesn't have time of thinking about the others. But yet she's in there laying unconscious.

Such a good girl but yet so stubborn...

Angel's P.O.V.

I woke up looking at the white celling... "Who turned the lights on? I'm still sleepy" I raised my hand to cover my self with blanket but I noticed that there's a needle in my wrist.

'Oh great now I remembered.' I'm in a hospital, that's right. The chandelier fall onto me. 'Darn it Angel so stupid!!!' I closed my eyes hard. Why did I end up pushing David to safety. I don't care about him! But my feet started to move by itself, I cannot control it that time...

"Should I turn off the lights?" I looked at where the voice was coming. "I hate mushrooms like you, poisonous" rolled my eyes at Darren, tired of seeing him. Enough of his face! He have looks but no!

Suddenly I heard him laughing. "Look at you, after all that happened you're still like that" he continues to laugh. "You should leave" I ordered him calmly. He then crossed his arms and looked at me. "Your legs are swollen and your feet are completely injured by the incident. The doctor said you can't walk for now" he explained.

I don't know to react, so I stayed silent looking straight. There's nothing I can do about it, all it is now is to wait for my recovery. I don't even know how i ended up saving his life... But I know that's the right thing to do.

"What now. I can't even walk. The last time I can't see, and now I can't walk... What's the point of living, I can die anytime now" I murmured trying to recall the 16 years of suffering, being blind for that long. And now what? is it 16 years of being unable to walk now?

"Don't say that... The doctor said it's only for a couple of weeks, all we need to do is wait for the wound to be cured." I sighed deeply to what he just said. I can't even believe doctors now.

I looked at Darren for a second. "I told you to leave right?"

"Pushing me away... again"

"You're right, I should atleast thankyou for rushing to me soon as the thing dropped... What do you want"

"You're so cruel... Don't you know that?"

"Of course I know it."

"I should go then."

Darren walked out of the room but I didn't bother to look. I know I'm cruel, but that's the only reason I'm still alive right now, to this point. If I'm not to be cruel, I will die in stupidity. I can't trust anyone because I know someone is after me, after my parent's death, I know I will never be safe.

Is the deity punishing me? I feel like I'm not even welcome in my own life. "Hey you!!!! Stop messing with my life!! Go mess with someone else's! I had enough!!" I point up like I can see the deity.

It may look like I'm losing my mind, but trust me I'm not. I don't believe in deities... After all my sufferings, I cannot believe anymore.

I can't also believe myself for saying that, but that's just how I feel. Mom and Dad said I should believe, but I just couldn't...

This day had a lot to show, I can't even remember what I was doing this morning. I wanna rest for a little bit, besides, I don't want to over use Melisa's eyes. I should cherish this like my life.

As I lay down on the hospital bed again I remembered something. Who's that girl? Is she a relative? I didn't hear her voice so I couldn't recognize her...

Minutes had gone, I closed my eyes as I started to get tired of thinking who she was. 'I hope to see atleast Melisa in my dreams...'


As I expected, I woke up still on a hospital bed. I can't remember my dream, I hope I could, who knows what I dreamt. I attempted to take a step. One, two, three, more than five attempts but I couldn't make it. My feet are injured, it hurts whenever I try, but atleast I can still feel it.

"The weather is good today." I murmured as I look at the window close to the bed. It is indeed good, I can't even see a single clouds, and the sun is perfectly revealed.

Door opened, I glanced at it to see who is at the door, so rude to barge into my room. The door was now widely open revealing a Calvin standing, looking straight to me.

"How are you feeling?" he asked as he place a basket of blue orchids on the small table between the sofas. "What do you think?" I answered. "Honestly it's very hard to tell, you always seems like you're ok because of your stubborness" he's acting like boss to me again.

"What do you want" I asked without looking at him. He sat down the chair next to me, he sighed deeply before he speak

"Remember the times when we're kids... We're playing endlessly in the yard. You told me you like blue orchids so much, so I planted one at my mother's garden for you" He's staring at the wall as he speak, more likely avoiding my gaze.

"I cherished that blue orchid since then. And until now, it's still alive...", "What now? Why are you telling me this?" I looked at him confused, he looked back. "I'm 2 years older than you, back then you address me address me as your brother... I just want to tell you that you can always be my little sister"

"That was before. Just leave, you're too sentimental" I tried to push him away. I don't know how to answer... Back then he was indeed an older sibling to me. But that was before Ronald took over his mind.

"Said someone who fired everyone at Amorevole Mansion when she didn't find her handkerchief" he said trying to tease me, but I won't buy it. "Go now" I said coldly.

I hear his footsteps fade as he close the door behind him. Now, I'm all alone... And I like it.

Third Person's P.O.V.

She thought she was liking the feeling of loneliness, but the truth is, she's lying to herself. She can fool others, but she can't fool her own heart.

While looking at the window, a tear started to fall down to her cheeks. She touched it then smiled bitterly. 'Why are you like this Angel' she whispered to herself.

She is now longing for her family's care. She doesn't know when she will feel that again. A mother's love and a father's concern, and someone to call a family.

Her attention goes to a basket of fruits on the beside table. She took an apple and then a bite. This moment, she wished to be snowhite. She wished to sleep forever. What a painless death she can imagine.

But deep inside she knows, that she never wanted to die. She wanted justice! For her love ones she would do anything!! 'I'm not that easy to defeat watch and see' she whispered in the thin air, smiled as she bite the apple then throwing it away.


Day passed like nothing even happened. Angel lived her life at Amorevole Mansion without even a visit from her uncle or her cousin. It's not like she wanted to see them. Even feeling their presence make her want to vomit.

Every step she's made feels like walking to a sharp crystals with bear foot. It hurts... But she's already numb.

She wondered around the house with the help of Darren who stayed by her side even if pushed away. She decided to lean on him for awhile but not trust him for her lifetime. Just this time, she'll have someone to rely on... Once again...