
Code Geass: New Life

Kaushik_15 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

The time has come.

As Lucas drove through the bustling streets of Tokyo, the year 2017 etched itself into the fabric of the city. The sounds of honking cars and murmurs of people filled the air as he navigated his way to his destination. As he approached Ashford Academy, an esteemed institution known for its academic excellence, his mind buzzed with anticipation.

The grand entrance of Ashford Academy welcomed Lucas, its towering gates opening to reveal a world of possibilities. Stepping out of his car, Lucas straightened his shirt and adjusted his tie, ready to embark on this new chapter of his life. With a determined stride, he made his way toward the registration office, the air of excitement building within him.

A friendly receptionist greeted Lucas in the registration office with a warm smile. "Welcome to Ashford Academy! How may I assist you today?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine hospitality.

Lucas returned the smile and said, "Thank you. I'm here to register as a new transfer student. My name is Lucas."

The receptionist quickly retrieved the necessary paperwork and guided Lucas through the registration process. As he filled out the forms, he couldn't help but notice the vibrant atmosphere around him. Students hurriedly passed by, engaged in lively conversations, while teachers bustled about, exuding an air of knowledge and authority.

"That concludes your paperwork. You can start coming from tomorrow. And also Welcome to Ashford Academy."

As Lucas drove through the streets of Tokyo, his gaze fell upon the stark contrast between the old wrecked Shinjuku and the new one that had been built over it. The sight filled him with a sense of bitterness, a reminder of the scars left behind by past devastation.

The memories flooded back to Lucas, taking him back to a time when the city had been ravaged by a catastrophic event. He remembered the chaos and destruction, the pain and suffering that had engulfed the once-vibrant neighborhood. It was a haunting reminder of the fragility of human existence and the indelible marks that tragedy could leave behind.

The old Shinjuku stood as a testament to the resilience of its people. The dilapidated buildings and shattered infrastructure were remnants of a time when hope had seemed distant, and the future uncertain. It was a symbol of the countless lives that had been uprooted and forever changed by the calamity that had befallen the city.

And yet, as Lucas looked at the new Shinjuku rising from the ashes, he couldn't shake off his bitter feelings. The gleaming skyscrapers, modern architecture, and bustling streets stood in stark contrast to the wreckage that lay beneath. It was a testament to human ingenuity and the ability to rebuild, but it also served as a painful reminder of the inequalities that existed in society.

Lucas couldn't help but think about the people who had been displaced, their lives forever disrupted. He wondered about the stories hidden within the ruins, the dreams shattered, and the hardships endured. The new Shinjuku seemed to overshadow their struggles, creating a stark divide between those who had the means to rebuild and those left behind.

As he continued to drive through the city, Lucas's bitterness grew. He couldn't help but question the priorities of society, the way resources were allocated, and the uneven distribution of progress. It felt as though the wounds of the past had been bandaged, but the underlying issues remained unresolved.

However, amidst his bitterness, Lucas also acknowledged the resilience of the human spirit. He saw glimpses of hope and unity, the efforts of individuals and organizations working to bridge the gap and uplift those who had been left behind. It was in these small acts of compassion and solidarity that he found solace.

Lucas made a promise to himself as he navigated the streets of the new Shinjuku. He would not allow bitterness to consume him, but rather, he would channel his emotions into action. He would become an advocate for change, striving to create a more equitable society where the scars of the past were not forgotten, and the lessons learned shaped a brighter future.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Lucas began to explore ways to contribute to the betterment of his community. He connected with local organizations, volunteered his time, and engaged in conversations that challenged the status quo. He realized that true progress required collective effort and a commitment to empathy and understanding.

As he continued his drive through the city, Lucas's bitterness slowly transformed into a resolute determination. He understood that change would not come overnight, but he was willing to put in the work. He would honor the memories of the old Shinjuku by striving for a society where no one would be left behind, where the scars of the past served as reminders of the resilience and strength of the human spirit.

And so, with each passing day, Lucas moved forward, holding onto the bitter memories as a reminder of the challenges that lay ahead. In the pursuit of a more just and compassionate society, he would continue to drive through the streets of Tokyo, ready to confront the disparities and champion the cause of a better tomorrow.


"Master we found it."

"Good. It's time we make our move."


As Lucas entered the ancient temple on the island, he felt a sense of anticipation mixed with trepidation. The Geass symbol he had stumbled upon had piqued his curiosity, and he couldn't help but wonder about the mysteries that awaited him within.

The interior of the temple was bathed in an ethereal glow, the light filtering through the cracks and crevices in the ancient structure. As Lucas ventured deeper, he marveled at the intricate carvings and symbols adorning the walls, their meanings lost to time.

Suddenly, without warning, a force struck Lucas, sending him sprawling to the ground. Stunned and disoriented, he slowly picked himself up, his eyes scanning the surroundings for the source of the attack. But to his surprise, there was no one in sight.

Confusion swirled within Lucas as he tried to make sense of what had just happened. Had he stumbled into a trap? Or was there some other force at play, one beyond his comprehension? Gathering his wits, he cautiously continued his exploration of the temple, his senses heightened and his guard up.

As Lucas walked deeper into the temple, he noticed a change in the atmosphere. The air grew heavier, and a sense of foreboding filled the space around him. It was as if an invisible presence was watching his every move, testing his resolve.

But Lucas was not one to be easily deterred. His curiosity and determination pushed him forward, propelling him deeper into the heart of the ancient sanctuary. He knew that he had come too far to turn back now.

As he reached the innermost chamber of the temple, Lucas found himself standing beneath a clear blue sky. It was a surreal sight, a stark contrast to the confines of the temple. The warm sunlight washed over him, filling him with a sense of tranquility amidst the uncertainty.

Just as Lucas began to relax, a bolt of energy surged towards him, narrowly missing his shoulder. Instinctively, he dodged to the side, his heart pounding in his chest. It was clear now that he was not alone, that there was something or someone within the temple who sought to challenge him.

Steel determination filled Lucas as he prepared himself for whatever lay ahead. He knew that this encounter was no coincidence, that he had been chosen for a reason. Drawing upon his inner strength, he braced himself for the unknown adversary and readied himself for battle.

The air crackled with anticipation as Lucas scanned his surroundings, searching for any sign of movement. And then, emerging from the shadows, a figure appeared before him. Clad in ancient armor, with eyes glowing an intense shade of crimson, it was a sight that sent a chill down Lucas's spine.

The figure spoke, its voice echoing through the chamber. "You have come seeking the power of the Geass. But first, you must prove your worth. Prepare yourself, Lucas, for the ultimate test."

Lucas felt a surge of determination and resolve. He knew that he had to face this challenge head-on, to prove himself worthy of the power he sought. With every fiber of his being, he focused his mind and steeled his heart, ready to confront whatever trials awaited him.

As the figure advanced, Lucas summoned every ounce of his courage, his mind honed by the battles he had faced before. He would not back down, for he understood that this encounter was not just about acquiring power but about self-discovery and growth.

The battle commenced, a clash of wills and strength. Lucas fought with a relentless spirit, his determination fueled by his belief in his own potential. Blow after blow, he dodged and countered, drawing upon his skills and instincts.

Time seemed to blur as the battle raged on. Lucas's heart pounded with adrenaline, his

body moving in sync with his unwavering resolve. Each strike he landed and every hit he endured only served to fuel his determination further.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Lucas's adversary faltered. With one final surge of strength, he delivered a decisive blow, and the figure before him crumbled to the ground. The battle was won.

As the dust settled, Lucas stood amidst the aftermath of the clash, his breathing heavy but his spirit unyielding. He had emerged victorious, proving his worth and earning the right to harness the power of the Geass.

But Lucas understood that the true test was not in the battle itself, but in how he would wield the power he had acquired. With humility and a deep sense of responsibility, he vowed to use the Geass for the greater good, to bring about positive change in the world.

Leaving the ancient temple behind, Lucas stepped out into the world, forever transformed by the challenges he had faced and the power he now possessed. He knew that his journey was far from over, but with newfound strength and purpose, he was ready to embrace the path that lay ahead, carrying the weight of the Geass symbol on his shoulders and the determination to shape his own destiny.


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