
Code Geass: New Life

Kaushik_15 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Powers and First encounter with Geass order

As Lucas stepped out into the bustling streets of Tokyo, his newfound powers humming within him, he couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and trepidation. The ability to distort time and the gift of immortality bestowed upon him by the Geass symbol held immense potential, but he knew that with great power came great responsibility.

A wave of pedestrians flowed around Lucas as he walked, completely unaware of the extraordinary abilities he possessed. It was time for him to test his powers, to understand their limits and how they could be used for the betterment of society.

Drawing upon his newfound abilities, Lucas decided to begin with a simple demonstration. He focused his attention on a nearby street performer, a talented violinist whose melodies enchanted those who passed by. With a subtle command, Lucas manipulated time, slowing it down around the musician. The surrounding crowd froze in mid-motion, their expressions frozen in awe.

As the violinist continued to play, Lucas marveled at the beauty of the moment. He observed each note, every stroke of the bow, with heightened clarity. Time seemed to stand still, allowing him to appreciate the sheer talent and dedication that went into the musician's craft.

With a gentle release of his power, Lucas allowed time to resume its normal flow. The crowd, oblivious to the temporal manipulation that had just occurred, erupted into applause as the musician finished their performance. Lucas smiled, pleased to have given people a unique experience, even if they couldn't comprehend its true nature.

Eager to explore the extent of his abilities further, Lucas turned his attention to canceling the Geass of others. He had heard tales of individuals who had been controlled by the power of Geass, their actions dictated by a force beyond their control. It was his duty to liberate them from this influence and restore their free will.

Walking through the bustling streets, Lucas carefully observed the faces of those he passed, searching for any signs of a suppressed Geass. And then he saw it—a young woman, her eyes displaying the telltale crimson glow. She seemed lost, her actions mechanical and devoid of emotion.

With a deep breath, Lucas focused his power, reaching out to the woman's mind. He willed the cancellation of her Geass, seeking to release her from its control. For a moment, her eyes flickered with confusion, as if awakening from a deep slumber. Gradually, her movements became more fluid, her expression shifting from emptiness to a mix of surprise and relief.

The woman turned to Lucas, gratitude shining in her eyes. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice tinged with emotion. "I don't know what came over me, but I feel like I'm myself again."

Lucas nodded, understanding the weight of the Geass's influence. He reassured her that she was now free, able to make her own choices and shape her destiny. It was a small victory, but one that affirmed Lucas's commitment to using his powers for the greater good.

As he continued his walk through the streets of Tokyo, Lucas encountered various individuals affected by Geass. Each time, he intervened, utilizing his ability to cancel their control and restore their autonomy. The gratitude he received from those he helped fueled his determination to continue his mission.

But Lucas knew that his powers came with limitations. Immortality, while a gift, was a double-edged sword. He could live for eternity, but the world around him would continue to change. He would witness countless lives come and go, leaving an indelible mark on his soul.

With this realization, Lucas made a solemn vow to use his immortality wisely. He would become a guardian of humanity, guiding and protecting those in need. He would use his powers to prevent conflicts, promote understanding, and build bridges between people.

As Lucas followed the trail of Geass-affected individuals, his mind raced with questions. Why were so many people under the influence of Geass, and who was behind it all? Determined to uncover the truth, he found himself in a small alley where a group of individuals, dressed in peculiar attire, were testing their newfound Geass powers.

With a sense of urgency, Lucas tapped into his time-distorting abilities. He moved with incredible speed, swiftly incapacitating each member of the Geass Order, leaving only one alive for interrogation. He bound the individual, ensuring they couldn't escape, and prepared himself for a conversation that could potentially unveil the mysteries behind this organized group.

Approaching the captive, Lucas's eyes bore into the frightened individuals, searching for answers. "Who are you, and why are you using Geass on innocent people?" he demanded, his voice laced with a mix of authority and determination.

The captive, visibly shaken, stammered out a response. "We are the Geass Order or some of us were, tasked with establishing a new world order under the guidance of our leader. Our Geass powers are a means to bring about a grand revolution, where the strong reign supreme and the weak submit."

Lucas's brow furrowed, his grip tightening slightly. "And who is this leader you speak of? Why do you target innocent civilians?"

The captive hesitated before answering, fear evident in their eyes. "Our leader's identity remains concealed even from us. We are but pawns in their grand scheme. As for the civilians, they are seen as expendable in our pursuit of a perfect world."

Lucas's eyes narrowed as a mix of anger and determination surged within him. He knew that this leader and their misguided ideology had to be stopped. But he also recognized the significance of their connection to Lelouch, the infamous mastermind behind the original Geass rebellion.

"I have no intention of allowing your leader's plan to come to fruition," Lucas declared, his voice resolute. "Tell me everything you know about their plans, their whereabouts, and their intentions. And know that your cooperation will determine your fate."

The captive, sensing Lucas's unwavering resolve, began to divulge the information he possessed. He spoke of a hidden base of operations, located on a remote island in the Pacific, where their leader resided. Their ultimate goal was to overthrow the Britannian Empire, establishing a new world order under their control.

Listening intently, Lucas formulated a plan. He knew that Lelouch, the to-be leader of the Black Knights and the mastermind behind the original rebellion against Britannia, would be the key to dismantling this new Geass Order. With their combined abilities, they could stand a chance against the oppressive forces that sought to reshape the world.

"Once I have dealt with the remaining threats here, I will seek out Lelouch," Lucas stated, his voice brimming with determination. "Together, we will bring an end to this tyranny and restore peace to the world."

The captive nodded, a mix of relief and apprehension evident on their face. They knew that Lucas's resolve was unyielding and that he would stop at nothing to achieve his goal.

As Lucas left the alley, he contemplated the path ahead. He would need to find Lelouch and establish a plan of action. The fate of the world hung in the balance, and he was determined to ensure that justice prevailed.

He then called Jacob.

"Uncle summon Shikamaru I will give him his first mission."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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